Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club Annual General Meeting

12th February at Westgate Leisure Chichester

Committee members present: David Dillon-Thiselton,Shaun Dowling, Jason Davis, Trycha Darling, Brian Gowdy, Nicky McCullock, Steve Long, Stuart Wilson, Emily Riley andMike Pillans.

Club members present: Jan West, Steve O’Grady, Dave Cunningham, Jan Hendrik-Hoffmann, John King, Paul Reynolds, Mike Cooper, Steve Hasler and Lizzie Gerard.

No comments from last year’s AGM minuets, they have been signed off byDavid Dillon-Thiselton and Jason Davis.

  1. Acting Chairman Report – David

As Acting Chair David welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.

(Copy and past Dave doc)

  1. Treasurer’s reports from Trycha:

(Copy and past Trycha doc)

  1. Swim Coordinators Report from Jason:

For most of the year we have been looking for a swim coordinator, Steve and Lizzie have said they are happy to joint run the coordinators role. Both Lizzie and Steve have been coaching on a Tuesday night for a long time and the member will know them. Steve and Lizzie both asked if the club could fund them to go on a Swim Smooth course which links in with the BTF coaching style. This will aid and benefit the members that swim on a Tuesday night.

Once Westgate has been taken over and managed under a new company we will know more on pool cost and moving forward.

  1. Cycle Co-ordinator report from Brian:

The Sunday ride are manly a small number of regulars each week which get more popular in the summer and can split it to 2/3 groups for different abilities. Well done to the early morning group on a Sunday riding, out every week rain of shine. We will be looking to link up with the early morning group for a ride as a one off. Links with Bognor Cycle Club has been made and their members can come and ride with us to help boost numbers.

  1. Run Co-ordinator report – Mike:

We have now stopped the run session on a Wednesday, number where low. However, we will still look to organise some social run over the year, which will be posted on face book. We have link with Chichester Runner which our members can go and take part in there session, David will look into this more and see what is wanted from the members.

  1. Junior Coordinator Report from Niki:

We have about 120 members and 35 Youths there is no waiting list for the moment which we try and keep it down. New tri kit has been sorted out which is more cost effective for the juniors. We still have a number of bikes that can be hired out for the year. 4 new coaches have trained or training up at the moment, the parents are helping out with session, which is a big help. We have around £14,000 in the bank and are looking for new venue to try out, if anyone knows of any to let me know. Dave Cunningham offered to help out.

Shaun updated us on what the Youths have been doing; Amber and Luke have both been racing at European youth races and have done fantastically well. Normally have around 18 per session and need more swim session pool time.

  1. Events report from Emily:

I will be stepping down at the end, so if anyone would like to take over! Over the last year we have done a monthly social get together, summer bbq event and the end of session awards do, which made a small profit.

  1. Election of committee members:

Chairman – One contender


Propose – Jason Second – Shaun

Members vote - Passed.

Vice Chairman – no contender Mike happy to stand again


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Secretary – One contender


Propose – David Second – Shaun

Members vote - Passed.

Head Coach - One contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Treasurer - One contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Membership engagement officer – One contender

Steve Long

Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Web Officer – Stuart Stepping down, No contenders David will email all club members informing of this position.

Marketing officer – David Stepping down, No contenders David will email all club members informing of this position.

Welfare officer – One contender

Linda Roberts

Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Race Coordinator – One contender

Paul Reynolds

Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote - Passed.

Events Officer – Emily steeping down, No contenders David will email all club members informing of this position.

Kit Officer - One contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote – Passed.

Swim Coordinator – Lizzie & Steve to joint run

Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote – Passed.

Bike Coordinator – One contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote – Passed.

Youth Coordinator – one contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote – Passed.

Junior Coordinator - One contender


Propose – Jason Second – David

Members vote – Passed.

Any members that would like to know more about helping or taking on one of the roles above, please contact David.

  1. CWTC Charity for 2016:

David will send out an email asking members to nominate a Charity.

  1. Online membership – Jason:

From the 1st of April we will be launching our online membership, which all members will have to use when joining the club. This will help with membership administration and better reporting on active members and increase income. More information will be emailed out in March.


Steve – for new members the Sunday cycle ride can be intimidating. Brian reply the more mixed ability that come we can split into group. If you ride for 6 weeks in a row you will be able to stay in the group 2/3. But you do need to be regular to help build the groups. Jan offered to take a 1hour group out on a Sunday morning for beginners, which Brian and Jan will communicate.

Steve – looking at swimming the Solent with the club for charity, he will looking into it more and let David know.

Shaun - Will book in some coaching session in the year that members can turn up to on a number of different triathlon techniques and advice.

Paul – I will organise some mounting bike ride if members are up for it and the corporate challenge is starting soon, which we will put some teams in if anyone is interested to contact him.

Dave Cunningham – would like to go on a coaching course to help coach the juniors. Nicky will look into put him on to a course.

Meeting Closed 20:30 - date for next meeting, February 2016.