


Please reply to:

81 Alwyn Road,



SL6 5EJ.

 01628 -788757

07803 - 741488

Association founded

*** 1977 ***

Patron: / The Lord Bishop of Chichester.
President: / The Dean of Chichester.
Vice Presidents: / Richard Cock Esq..
Dr. Alan J. Thurlow
Jeremy L. Suter Esq.
Hon. Chaplain: / Rev’d David Burton Evans

Thank you for asking for an Association membership pack. In essence this is a standing order mandate to enable you to pay the annual subscription of £12 per year.

With this mandate is included some information about the Scholarship Trust fund that is managed by the Association, and a suggestion as to how you may combine both a donation and your CCCA subscription if you so wish.

If you do contribute to the Scholarship fund and are a UK taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid declaration if it is appropriate. This gives us an extra 28p for every pound donated.

Some employers run a Give As You Earn scheme. This is even more beneficial as the employer often matches your own contribution. If you opt for this scheme please use the following information.

Charity Name: CCCA Scholarship Trust

Registered Address: 81 Alwyn Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 5EJ.

Charity No. 1090178

Bank details:CAF Bank Ltd

25 Kings Hill Ave

Kings Hill

West Malling, ME19 4JQ

Sort Code:40-52-40

Account No.00013174

Please return your standing order mandate and gift aid declaration to me at the reply address.

Many thanks for supporting us,

Your sincerely,

Andrew Porter, Hon. Treasurer.

CCCA Subscription payment & Gift Aid declarationTick relevant box

I pay more than the minimum £12 and wish the excess to go to the Scholarship Fund under the

Gift Aid scheme. (Complete the declaration below.)......

I have already notified my Bank of the amended subscription. The above is for information only......

Please send the above mandate to my bank to initiate the amended / new subscription......

My subscription and Scholarship Trust donation are enclosed or included in the Reunion ticket payment.


I would like all future donations and payments in excess of the £12 subscription to be paid to the CCCA Scholarship Trust Fund under the Gift Aid scheme.

I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that the amount of income tax or capital gains tax that I pay has to be at least equal to the tax that CCCA reclaims on my gift.




...... Postcode......

Signature...... Date......

Send completed page to Andrew Porter, 81 Alwyn Road, Maidenhead, Berks. SL6 5EJ.


CCCA Scholarship Trust Fundraisers.

The Scholarship Trust fund is now well established and currently contributes to the bursaries of 3 choristers / probationers. Apart from appealing to you directly to subscribe to the fund, we are always looking for ways to introduce fresh funds from elsewhere. Three such schemes are outlined below.

  • Everyclick Search Engine

You can raise money for Chichester Cathedral Choristers Association Scholarship Trust just by searching the web!

is an internet search engine with a big difference - it donates half its revenues to charity!
Just make your home page and be sure to use it whenever you search the web!
It does not cost us, or you, a penny so please use it to support Chichester Cathedral Choristers Association Scholarship Trust.

I have been using it for a couple of months, and on my own have raised £2 with no effort whatsoever. Imagine if we all used it what we could do!

So remember, raise money for Chichester Cathedral Choristers Association Scholarship Trust just by searching the web! Our Association is listed on the search engine that helps charity. Please go to and set everyclick as your home page, so you can search the web and help Chichester Cathedral Choristers Association Scholarship Trust.

  • Give As You Earn

Many employers have signed up to Give As You Earn. This is an alternative way to give to charity whereby your employer agrees to deduct the sum you request from your gross (pre-tax) salary and pass it on to the charity of your choice. In itself this is no better than your donating to us directly via Gift-Aid. However there are some employers who comit to matching your giving with a sum of their own. This would thus give an even greater income to our Scholarship Trust. If you wish to sign up to this scheme please use the following information.

Charity Name:CCCA Scholarship Trust

Address:81 Alwyn Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5EJ

Charity No.1090178

Bank:CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Ave., Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4JQ

Sort code:40-52-40

Account No.00013174

  • Self Assessment Tax Returns

Since April 2004 people who complete a Self Assessment tax return can nominate a charity to receive all or part of any repayment due. If anyone is in this situation our unique charity code is DAD85LG. Please consider entering our code as the beneficiary of any repayments you are due.

Andrew Porter, Hon. Treasurer.