CHESFIMS 2002 May Shoal Survey Report

Survey Dates: 6 May 2002 – 29 May 2002

Boat Used: 19.5’ Privateer with 115 HP engine

MD DNR Co-Principal Investigator: Alexei Sharov

Chief Scientist: Brandon Muffley

Phone Number: (410) 260-8284


Participating Scientists:

1. B. Muffley MD-DNR 8. R. Sadzinski MD-DNR

2. A. Sharov MD-DNR 9. K. Whiteford MD-DNR

3. N. Herman UMD-College Park 10. J. Mowrer MD-DNR

4. P. Piavis MD-DNR 11. R. Lukacovic MD-DNR

5. B. Pyle MD-DNR 12. M. Topolski MD-DNR

6. H. Rickabaugh MD-DNR 13. B. Webb MD-DNR

7. A. Jarzynski MD-DNR

Objectives: Obtain data on relative abundance and biological characteristics of the bentho-pelagic fish community in the extensive shoal habitats (< 5m depth) in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay. Collect and preserve a sub-sample of the catch for dietary analysis.

Area of Operation: From the MD line (approximately 37.5N) to just south of the Aberdeen Proving Grounds (39.15N).

Type of Operations: Conducted 6-minute bottom-water trawls and recorded a number of environmental and water quality variables at 118 stations in 9 different strata in Chesapeake Bay (Table 1, Figure 1).

Data / Specimens Collected: Collected 1,837 fish (29 kg) from 23 different taxonomic categories (Table 1). Preserved (EtOH) samples from approximately 35 stations where targeted species were present in the catch. Environmental and water quality data recorded from each station.

Damage to Gear: None. One door was replaced on 23 May 2002 due to a stretched ring that was causing the one side of the net to twist.

Figure 1. ChesFIMS 2002 May shoal survey station locations.

Cruise Summary:

We started the shoal portion of the survey on Monday, May 6 and finished on Wednesday, May 29, 2002. This time period included 17 working days, 12 of which were spent sampling. The Pocomoke Sound and Tangier Sound strata, the areas with the furthest travel time, were sampled first. The remaining strata were sampled in no systematic order but were determined based upon weather conditions (i.e., wind direction) and crew availability. There was no predetermined order to sampling individual stations within particular strata.

Overall, the May survey was successful and all objectives were met or exceeded. Based upon survey design (random with allocation proportional to strata size), it was determined that 112 stations were required to be sampled and we were able to sample 118 stations (Figure 1). We collected fish at 101 of 118 stations sampled. Accounting for all species and all strata, the overall catch tow-1 was 15.635.8 in 2002 (mean  SD, range 0 – 313), a decline from 2001 with a catch tow-1 of 22.9112.7. The Severn/South and Patapsco strata had the highest catch tow-1 (mean 50.496.65 SD, 49.8672.70, respectively), while the Choptank had the lowest catch tow-1 (mean 1.671.97 SD). In total, 1,837 fish were caught from 23 different taxonomic categories with a total catch weight of about 29 kg. Bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) was the most common fish encountered throughout the bay, followed by the Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus) were collected throughout the bay, but were most abundant in the lower bay or Tangier and Pocomoke Sound strata. Catches in the more northern areas of the bay (i.e., north of Tilghman Island) were mostly comprised of white perch (Morone americana). There were 25 individuals or less caught of the remaining 18 species. A summary of the characteristics of the more common species is provided in Table 2. We also compared the May mean catch tow-1 indices for a few common species between the 2001 and 2002 surveys to provide some connection to last years results (Figure 2).

We did not have a YSI available for the first week of sampling, consequently there is no water quality data available for the Pocomoke and Tangier strata. Surface salinity ranged from 14.9 in the Little Choptank strata to 0.9 in the Patapsco strata. Surface DO readings were relatively uniform over all strata ranging from 7.1 mg L-1 – 8.5 mg L-1. Conversely, bottom DO varied widely over the strata with a minimum of 1.87 mg L-1 in the Chester strata and a maximum of 8.96 mg L-1 in the Choptank strata. Surface temperatures ranged from 15.7 – 23.5C throughout all strata.

Table 1. Summary of May survey sampling intensity and catch results.

Sampling Dates / Stratum / # of Trawls / # of Fish Caught / # of Species
Chester / 8 / 31 / 6
Eastern Bay / 8 / 28 / 10
Choptank / 12 / 20 / 5
Little Choptank / 8 / 56 / 3
5/6/02 - 5/29/02 / Tangier Sound / 35 / 502 / 13
Pocomoke Sound / 20 / 324 / 15
Patapsco / 7 / 349 / 10
Severn/South / 10 / 504 / 8
Calvert Cliffs / 10 / 23 / 7
Total / 118 / 1837 / 23

Table 2. Biological characteristics of the common species collected during May 2002

Species / Total N / Mean TL (mm) / SD / Range (mm)
Bay Anchovy / 707 / 57.0 / 9.6 / 33 - 94
Blue Crab / 297 / 60.3 / 45.1 / 10 - 196
Croaker / 336 / 54.3 / 20.1 / 21 - 102
White Perch / 184 / 159.0 / 46.8 / 72 - 250
Striped Bass / 15 / 137.1 / 19.3 / 110 - 172
Hogchoker / 20 / 86.1 / 24.2 / 36 - 130

Figure 2. Yearly comparison of May catch rates for a few of the most common species found during the two survey years. 2001 – 103 trawls in 4 strata; 2002 – 118 trawls in 9 strata.