Cheryl Cerrato

Cheryl Cerrato

Cheryl Cerrato

Sped 595

Webpedia defines communication,” The transmission of data from one device to another. A communication device is any machine that assists data transmission.”

Description of Gotalk device:

The gotalk is a battery powered augmented alternative communication device that helps a child in the area communicating their wants and needs. The device is pre-recorded by another personto input the messages that child needs in any language. An overlay of pictures, words and symbols is created and the pictures help the user remember where to find their messages. The overlays are slid into the gotalk device to create a variety of messages the child can use. The child ”talks” by simply pressing on the appropriate picture.

Description of what types of physical limitations may be assisted by the device:

The Hierarchy of Experience defines sensation as the activation of sensor neural structures which include smell, touch, hear, vision, fine and gross motor and eye hand coordination. A student who has limited fine motor skills may use the go talk because it has larger pre recorded pictures and overlays to choose from. Also, a student may point with finger or use a pointer to the picture if gross and fine motor skills are more significantly impaired. The device may be used with an assistant as long as the child can differentiate yes I want that or no I don’t and the child can physically move their head. The gotalk benefits are from enlarged or modified pictures and symbols. The gotalk is great because it has a voice output that enables that user to hear as well as see the pictures. It helps in the area of visual spatial because children with speech delays will benefit from the overlays that help produce speech and communicate their wants, needs, and thoughts.

Perceptionis the sensory channels and the brain giving a stimulus meaning. So therefore, a child needs to have some cognitive understanding and memory to be able to recall learned information.The child needs torecognize abstract symbols that will give meaning to another person. The child sees the picture, presses the picture and hears the feedback, then gets a response. Interpersonal intelligence pairs people together and comprehension and learning are accelerated so this helps children socially and cognitively. Imagery uses visual perception to distinguish between the symbols be able to communicate their wants and needs. This device is able to help students express receptive language using adequate comprehension of basic and abstract information. The device benefits children from using tangible, concrete visual input to increase their comprehension.

What skills are needed to learn and use the gotalk device:

Using the gotalk can be the beginning of communication development for a child.

The gotalk communication device is excellent for pre learners that are speech and language impaired. The gotalk needs to set up by an individual to input the voice and to down load the software. The gotalk utilizes overlays that give the device different levels for the child to utilize. The paper overlays do require fine motor skills to be put in and taken out. The student needs to have basic level of vocabulary recognition to be able to push the symbols to get their needs and wants met and their ideas heard. Although, symbols that are included in the device are there because the symbols will be taught in context. The student needs have the ability to represent their experience through language and be able to recognize and express the symbols by accessing or pushing a button. The deviceis designed to give feedback when the child pushes a button so they can receive positive interactions with teacher and classmates, because the student is being understood. Auditory feedback can be very helpful in learning the association of symbols and meaning. The gotalk is a learning tool that compliments and reinforces as educational curriculum which ties into being able to use higher level learning skills. Young children can build from basic skills, even when verbal skills are delayed especially when social interactions occur. The user expresses thoughts, feelings, wishes and cognition by using an appropriate communication device.