Chapter 11.2: ConflictsOverLand

Key Terms:

  • Relocate – to move to another location or place
  • Guerrilla tactics -
  1. Who were the “Five Civilized Tribes,” and where did they live?

Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw lived in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida

  1. Why did most Americans feel that the Indians in the Southeast should live west of the Mississippi River?

Because it was unsuitable for farming

  1. Who agreed with this group of Americans? Why do you think he agreed?

Andrew Jackson – because he was a man of the frontier

  1. Explain terms of theIndian Removal Act.

Allowed the Federal government to pay native Americans to move west.

  1. Why did the Cherokee refuse to give up their land?

Cherokees sued Georgia state government. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right

  1. Explain the Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court case. What did the Supreme Court rule?

Cherokees sued the State of Georgia. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee. Only the Federal government had the authority to get involved.

  1. How did Jackson react to the Supreme Court’s ruling?

He ignored it

  1. Who did Jackson send to remove the Cherokee from their homes?

General Winfield Scott

  1. Describe what military did next and the trip that came to be known as the Trail of Tears.

Scott threatened to use force and the Cherokee were forced to leave their homes and march to the West. Brutal weather and starvation killed thousands of Cherokees.

  1. Who was Black Hawk? What was he trying to do? Was he successful?

Sauk Chieftain – he was trying to recapture their homeland in Illinois. Most of them were slaughtered.

  1. Which tribe successfully resisted the Americans attempt to remove them from their homes? How?

The Seminole of Florida. Guerilla warfare

  1. Who was their leader? Explain how they fought the Americans.

Chief Osceola joined a group of African Americans and attacked white settlements using guerilla warfare.

  1. By what year did most of the Native Americans live west of the Mississippi River?


  1. What were the Native Americans given for the more than 100 million acres they were forced to give to the federal government?

$68 million and 32 million acres of land west of the Mississippi (Oklahoma Territory)

  1. What area was set aside to be home to the various Native American tribes?Area of present day Oklahoma
  1. Inspect the map titled, “Removal of Native Americans, 1820 – 1840,” on page 342. Answer the two questions in the box, using complete sentences that restate the question.


2. Choctaw, Chickasaw

  1. Read,“People in History,” on p. 344. Why was Osceola buried with full military honors?

The public considered him an honorable hero and a victim of trickery.

  1. Inspect and read,“Geography and History,” on pp. 346-347. Answer the questions under, “Learning from Geography,” using complete sentences that restate the question.
  1. Oklahoma2. Decatur, Memphis, Little Rock