JULY 12, 2012

Table of Contents

Oath of Newly Elected Board Member

Call to Order by Clerk of the Board of Education


1.Election of Board of Education President

2.Election of Board of Education Vice President

3.Appointment of Board of Education Clerk

4.Appointment of Deputy Clerk of the Board of Education

5.Appointment of Treasurer of the District

6.Appointment of Deputy Treasurer of the District

7.Appointment of Tax Collector of the District

8.Appointment of Records Access Officer of the District

9.Appointment of Records Management Officer of the District

10.Appointment of Asbestos Designee of the District

11.Appointment of Integrated Pest Management Control Coordinator of the District

12.Appointment of Independent Auditor of the District

13.Appointment of Internal Auditor of the District

14.Appointment of Payroll Certification Officers of the District

15.Designate Banks to be used as Official Depositories of the District

16.Appointment of Student Activities Treasurer of the District

17.Appointment of Attendance Officers of the District

18.Appointment of School Medical Inspector of the District

19.Appointment of School Attorneys of the District

20.Appointment of Bond Counsel of the District

21.Designate Official Newspaper to be used by the District

22.Designate Dates of Regular Board Meetings

23.Appointment of Purchasing Agent of the District

24.Appointment of Deputy Purchasing Agent of the District

25.Appointment of Legislative Committee Member of the District

26.Appointment of Alternate Legislative Committee Member

27.Designate Trustee to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium

28.Designate Alternate Trustee to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium

29.Designate Voting Delegate for the New York State School Boards Association

30.Designate Alternate Voting Delegate for the New York State School Boards Association

31.Appointment of Custodian of Petty Cash of the District

32.Designate Private Schools of the District

33.Approve Standing Authorizations of the District

34.Approve Re-adoption of all Policies and Code of Ethics

35.Approve Mileage Reimbursement Rate

36.Approve Facility Use Charges

37.Authorize Issuance of Obligations to President of the Board – Local Finance Law, Section 30.00

38.Authorize the Safeguarding, Accounting, and Auditing of Extraclassroom Activity Funds

39.Designation of Signatures on Checks of the District

40.Public Officers Law – Save Harmless

41.Designate Annual Budget Vote and Budget Hearing Dates

42.Appoint Census Taker

43.Designate Claims Auditor Function

44.Appoint Members of the Committee on Special Education

45.Appoint Members of the Committee on Preschool Special Education

46.Appoint Manifestation Determination Building Team Members

47.Appoint Building Level Committee on Special Education Members

48.Appoint District Representative to Contact Hearing Officers

49.Approve Procedures for Appointing Impartial Hearing Officer Concerning Special Education Matters

50.Designate Surrogate Parents of the District

51.Appoint Compliance Office and Alternate Compliance Officer

52.Appoint Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer

53.Approve Substitute Teacher Rate

54.Approve Class Size

55.Approve Non-Resident Tuition Rate

56.Appoint District-Wide School Safety Team

57.Appoint District Health Advisory Council

58.Appoint Local Homeless Liaison and Local Education Liaison

59.Appoint Homeless Dispute Coordinator

60.Approve District-Wide Safety Plan

61.Approve Professional Development (PDP) Plan and Teacher Mentoring Program

62.Approve Parent Involvement Plan

63.Approve Technology Plan

64.Approve School District Physical Education Plan (SDPEP)

65.Approve Response to Intervention (RtI) Plan

66.Appoint Audit Committee of the District

67.Review and Approve Policy #5100 Comprehensive Attendance Policy

68.Review and Approve Policy #6240 - Investments

69.Review and Approve Policy #5405 – Health and Safety Wellness Policy

70.Appoint Extra-Classroom Activities and Advisors

71.Appoint Designated Education Official

72.Approve Monthly Allowances for Personal Cell Phones

73.Appoint Board of Education Representative to the Comprehensive District Education Planning Team

74.Approval to Accept Free and Reduced Price Meal or Special Milk Program Policy Statement

75.Appoint Medicaid Compliance Officer

Oath of Newly Elected Board Member

Call to Order by Clerk of the Board of Education


1.Election of Board of Education President

Resolution to elect a Board of Education President.

Nomination: ______

Nomination: ______

Upon motion made by , seconded by :

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated____

RESOLVED, that ______be elected President of the Board of Education of the Chenango Forks Central School District for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.

2.Election of Board of Education Vice President

Resolution to elect a Board of Education Vice President.

Nomination: ______

Nomination: ______

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

RESOLVED, that______be elected Vice-President of the Board of Education of the Chenango Forks Central School District for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.

3.Appointment of Board of Education Clerk

Resolution that Dawn Phoenix, be appointed Clerk of the Board of Education of the Chenango Forks Central School District for the 2012-2013 fiscal year at a salary as determined by the Personal Services Contract, and is directed to procure a Performance Blanket Bond in the amount of $100,000 and file the bond with the Clerk of the Board.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

4.Appointment of Deputy Clerk of the Board of Education

Resolution that Kathy Blackman, School Business Official, be appointed Deputy Clerk of the Board of Education of the Chenango Forks Central School District for the 2012-2013 school year.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by :

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye _____Motion Carried _____


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

5.Appointment of Treasurer of the District

Resolution that Christine Kennicutt be and is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, at a salary as determined in the Personal Services Contract, and is directed to procure a Performance Blanket Bond in the amount of $1,000,000 and file the Bond with the Clerk of the Board.

Upon motion made by , seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

6.Appointment of Deputy Treasurer of the District

Resolution that the School Business Official be and is hereby appointed Deputy Treasurer of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, and is directed to procure a Performance Blanket Bond in the amount of $1,000,000 and file the Bond with the Clerk of the Board.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

7.Appointment of Tax Collector of the District

Resolution that Kelly McDonough be and is hereby appointed Tax Collector of the Chenango Forks Central School District during the school year 2012-2013, at a cost of $2,500.00 payable to NBT Bank.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

8.Appointment of Records Access Officer of the District

Resolution that Kathy Blackman, School Business Official be and is hereby appointed Records Access Officer of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

9.Appointment of Records Management Officer of the District

Resolution that Dawn Phoenix be and is hereby appointed Records Management Officer of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

10.Appointment of Asbestos Designee of the District

Resolution that James Munley, Director of Facilities and Maintenance, be and is hereby appointed Asbestos Designee of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

11.Appointment of Integrated Pest Management Control Coordinator of the District

Resolution that James Munley,Director of Facilities and Maintenance, be and is hereby appointed Integrated Pest Management Control Coordinator of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board

of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

12.Appointment of Independent Auditor of the District

Resolution that Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson & Company, LLP be and is hereby appointed Independent Auditor of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, at an annual payment of $19,600.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

13.Appointment of Internal Auditor of the District

Resolution that Ernest Skiadas, CPA, be and is hereby appointed Internal Auditor of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, at a payment of $90.00 per hour.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

14.Appointment of Payroll Certification Officers of the District

Resolution that the School Business Official and/or Superintendent of Schools be and are hereby appointed Payroll Certification Officers of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

15.Designate Banks to be used as Official Depositories of the District

Resolution that the following Banks be and are hereby designated as the official depositories for the Chenango Forks Central School District’s funds during the school year 2012-2013:

a)Citizens Bank

b)J.P. Morgan Chase

c)National Bank and Trust (NBT)

d)M & T Bank

Attachment A-2012/13

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

16.Appointment of Student Activities Treasurer of the District

Resolution that Janice Darlingbe and is hereby appointed Student Activities Treasurer of the Chenango Forks Central School District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, and is directed to procure a Performance Blanket Bond in the amount of $100,000.00 and file the bond with the Clerk of the Board.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

17.Appointment of Attendance Officers of the District

Resolution that the following be appointed as Attendance Officers:

  1. John Hillis, High School Principal
  2. Nicole Knapp, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 Elementary Principal
  3. Lorraine Pourby, Middle School Principal

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

18.Appointment of School Medical Inspector of the District

Resolution that Dr. Donald Nash be and is hereby appointed School Medical Inspector of this District to serve at

the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013, for a contractual amount of $15,000.00.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

19.Appointment of School Attorneys of the District

Resolution that Hogan, Sarzynski, Lynch, DeWind & Gregory LLP, be and is hereby appointed School

Attorneysof this District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 for

the contractual amount of $22,800.00.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye _____Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

20.Appointment of Bond Counsel of the District

Resolution that Cahill Gambino, LLP be and is hereby appointed Bond Counsel of this District to serve

at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

21.Designate Official Newspaper to be used by the District

Resolution that The Press & Sun-Bulletin be and is hereby designated as theOfficial Newspaper of this District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

22.Designate Dates of Regular Board Meetings

Resolution that the Board hold its regular Board meetings the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the

Middle School Library, with Special Meetings as needed: July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11,

November 8, December 13, 2012, January 10, February 14, March 14, April - Special Meeting - April 22 (corresponds

to BOCES Administrative Budget Vote), May 2 (Budget Hearing and Regular meeting), May 14 (Budget Vote) and

June 13, 2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

23.Appointment of Purchasing Agent of the District

Resolution that the School Business Official be and is hereby appointed Purchasing Agent of this District to

serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

24.Appointment of Deputy Purchasing Agent of the District

Resolution that the Superintendentbe and is hereby appointed Deputy Purchasing Agent of this District to serve

at the pleasure of the Board of Education during the school year 2012-2013.

Continued on next page.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

25.Appointment of Legislative Committee Member of the District

Resolution that ______be and is hereby appointed Legislative Committee Member for the

Broome County School Boards Association of this District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education during

the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

26.Appointment of Alternate Legislative Committee Member

Resolution that ______, be and is hereby appointed Alternate Legislative Committee Member

for the Broome County School Boards Association of this District to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education

during the school year 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

27.Designate Trustee to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium

Resolution that ______, is designated trustee from the Chenango Forks Central School District

to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium for 2012-2013.

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

28.Designate AlternateTrustee to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium

Resolution that all remaining Board Members, are designated as alternate trustees from the Chenango Forks

Central School District to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium for 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

29.Designate Voting Delegate for the New York State School Boards Association

Resolution that , is designated as the Voting Delegate for the New York State School

Boards Association for 2012-2013

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye______Motion Carried______


Nay____Motion Defeated_____

30.Designate Alternate Voting Delegate for the New York State School Boards Association

Resolution that ______, is designated as the Alternate Voting Delegate for the NYS School Boards

Association for 2012-2013.

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye______Motion Carried______


Nay____Motion Defeated____

31.Appointment of Custodian of Petty Cash of the District

Resolution that the following be appointed as custodian of petty cash funds and designated the following amounts

for the 2012-2013 school year.

  1. John Hillis, High School Principal - $100.00
  2. Lorraine Pourby, Middle School Principal - $100.00
  3. Nicole Knapp, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 Elementary Principal - $100.00
  4. Dave Hogan, Director of Physical Education and Athletics and Associate Middle School Principal - $400.00
  5. Ruth Beardsley, Business Office Payroll Clerk - $100.00
  6. Jill LaBar, Site Manager Food Service - $425.00
  7. Janice Darling, Extraclassroom- $100.00

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

32.Designate Private Schools of the District

Resolutionthat the following are designated Private Schools for the purposes of transportation for the 2012-2013

school year:

  1. Central Baptist Christian Academy
  2. Seton Catholic Central High School

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

33.Approve Standing Authorizations of the District

Resolution that the following Standing Authorizations were made for the 2012-2013 school year:

  1. Inter-fund transfer as needed for payroll – Treasurer
  2. Payment of utility bills – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  3. Payment of bonds and interest – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  4. Payment of tax and revenue and bond anticipation notes – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  5. Reimbursements of petty cash – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  6. Payment of health insurance as due – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  7. Payment of Trust and Agency items as due – Accounts Payable/Treasurer
  8. Assistant Superintendent or Superintendent to approve the attendance of staff to conferences
  9. Investment of idle funds available and as provided by law – School Business Official and District Treasurer
  10. To pay mailing costs for Newsletter and any other special district mailings as they occur – Accounts Payable/ Treasurer
  11. Superintendent or School Business Official to make General Fund transfers up to $5,000.00, to be reported monthly

Upon motion made by ______, seconded by ______:

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:

Aye ______Motion Carried ______


Nay _____Motion Defeated _____

34.Approve Re-adoption of all Policies and Code of Ethics