

Chen, Y. L. and H. Y. Chen. 1991. Temperature selections of Anguilla japonica elvers and its implication in migration. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42(6): 743-750.(SCI)

Chen, Y. L. and H. Y. Chen. 1992. Junvenile Penaeus monodon as effective zooplankton predators. Aquaculture 103 : 35-44. (SCI)

Chen, Y. L. 1992. Factors affecting the phytoplankton assemblages in a tropical coastal water influenced by thermal effluent of a power plant. Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan 39(1): 25-40.

Chen, Y. L. 1992. Summer phytoplankton community structure in the Kuroshio Current-related upwelling northeast of Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3: 305-319. (NSC80-0209M-110-03)

Chen, H. Y. and Y. L. Chen. 1992. Quality and quantity of summer surface net zooplankton in the Kuroshio Current-induced upwelling northeast of Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3: 321-334. (NSC79-0209-M110-03, NSC80-0209M-110-002)

Chen, Y. L. 1994. The importance of temperature and nitrate to the distribution of phytoplankton in the Kuroshio-induced upwelling northeast of Taiwan. Proceedings of the NSC-Part B: Life Sciences 18: 44-51. (NSC81-0209M-110-07)

Chen, Y. L. and S. Hara. 1994. Does the water retained in a filter paper affect the chlorophyll a measurement? Journal of Oceanography 50: 165-171. (NSC81-0209M-110-07)

Chen, Y. L. , H. Y. Chen and W. N. Tzeng. 1994. Reapprasial of the importance of rainfall in affecting the catches of Anguilla japonica elvers in Taiwan. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45(2): 185-190. (SCI)

Chen, H. Y. and Y. L. Chen. 1994. Biochemical compositions of wintertime surface zooplankton in the upwelling off northeastern Taiwan. Proceedings of the NSC-Part B: Life Sciences 18: 127-133. (NSC81-0209-M110-02, NSC82-0209-M110-039K)

Parsons, T. R. and Y. L. Chen. 1994. Estimates of trophic efficiency, based on the size distribution of phytoplankton and fish in different environments. Zoological Studies 33(4): 296-301. (NSC83-0209B-110-001)(SCI)

Chen, Y. L. 1995. Phytoplankton composition and productivity in response to the upwelling of northeastern Taiwan. Proceedings of the NSC-Part B: Life Sciences 19: 66-72. (NSC82-0209M-110-04K)

Chen, Y. L. 1995. Temporal and spatial changes of chlorophyll a in the KEEP study waters off northern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 6(4): 607-620. (NSC79-0209M110-03, NSC80-0209-M110-03, NSC82-0209-M110-04K)

Parsons, T. R. and Y. L. Chen. 1995. The comparative ecology of a subarctic and tropical estuarine ecosystem as measured with carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 41: 215-224. (NSC83-0209B-110-001)(SCI)

Hara, S., Y. L. Chen, J. Sheu and E. Takahashi. 1996. Choanoflagellates (Sarcomastigophora, Protozoa) from the coastal waters of Taiwan and Japan. I. Three new species. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 43: 136-143. (NSC82-0211B-110-001)(SCI)

Gong, G., Y. L. Chen and K. Liu. 1996. Chemical hydrography and chlorophyll a distribution in the East China Sea in summer: implications in nutrient dynamics. Continental Shelf Research 16(12): 1561-1590. (NSC84-2611M-110-004K2)(SCI)

Hara, S., J. sheu, Y.L. Chen and E. Takahashi. 1997. Choanoflagellates (Sarcomastigophora, Protozoa) from the coastal waters of Taiwan and Japan II. Species composition and biogeography. Zoological Studies 36: 98-110. (NSC82-0211B-110-001)(SCI)

Chen, Y. L., J. Sheu and S. Hara. 1997. Effects of temperature on the dimensions of the lorica of the marine choanoflagellate Acanthocorbis camarensis. Zoological Studies 36:115-122. (NSC83-0209B-110-002)(SCI)

Chen, Y. L., H. Lu, F. Shiah, G. Gong, K. Liu and J. Kanda. 1999. New production and f-ratio on the continental shelf of the East China Sea: comparisons between nitrate inputs from the subsurface Kuroshio Current and the ChangjiangRiver. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 48: 59-75. (NSC85-2611-M110-009K2, NSC86-2611-M110-008K2)(SCI)

Chen, H. Y. and Y. L. Chen. 1999. Temperature preferendum of postlarval black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Marine and Freshwater Research 50: 67-70(SCI)

Chen, Y. L. 2000. Comparisons of primary productivity and phytoplankton size structure in the marginal regions of southern East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 20: 437-458. (NSC 84-2611-M110-004K2, NSC 85-2611-M110-009K2, NSC 86-2611-M110-008K2) (SCI)

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen, W. H. Lee, C. C. Hung, G. T. F. Wong and J. Kanda. 2001. New production in the East China Sea, comparison between well-mixed winter and stratified summer conditions. Continental Shelf Research 21(6-7): 751-764. (NSC 86-2611-M110-008K2, NSC 87-2611-M110-009K2) (SCI)

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen. 2003. Nitrate-based new production and its relationship to primary production and chemical hydrography in spring and fall in the East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 50 (6-7): 1249-1264.(NSC 87-2611-M110-009K2, NSC 88-2611-M110-009K2) (SCI)

Wu, J., S. W. Chung, L. S. Wen, K. K. Liu, Y. L. Chen, H. Y. Chen and D. M. Karl. 2003. Dissolved inorganic phosphorus, dissolved iron, and Trichodesmium in the oligotrophic South China Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(1): 1008, doi:10.1029/2002GB001924 (SCI, corresponding author)

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen, Y. H. Lin. 2003. Distribution and downward flux of Trichodesmium in the South China Sea as influenced by the transport from the Kuroshio Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series 259: 47-57 (NSC 89-2611-M110-021-OP1, NSC 90-2611-M110-005-OP1, NSC 91-2611-M110-011) (SCI).

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen, D. M. Karl, M. Takahashi. 2004. Nitrogen modulates phytoplankton growth in spring in the South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 24: 527-541. (NSC 89-2611-M110-005-OP1, NSC 89-2611-M110-021-OP1) (SCI).

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen, G. C. Gong, Y. H. Lin,S. Jan and M. Takahashi. 2004.Phytoplankton production during a summer coastal upwelling in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 24: 1321-1338. (NSC 87-2611-M110-009K2, NSC 88-2611-M110-009K2) (SCI).

Chen, Y. L. 2005.Spatial and seasonal variations of nitrate-based new production and primary production in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea ResearchΙ52: 319-340. (NSC 89-2611-M110-005-OP1, NSC 89-2611-M110-021-OP1, NSC 91-2611-M110-011) (SCI).

Chou, W. C., Y. L. Chen, D.D. Sheu, Y. Y. Shih, C. A. Han, C. L. Cho, C. M. Tseng and Y. J. Yang. 2006. Estimated net community production during the summertime at the SEATS time-series study site, northern South China Sea: Implications for nitrogen fixation. Geophysical Research Letters 33: L22610, doi:10.1029/2005GL025365.(SCI)

Chen, Y. L., H. Y. Chen. 2006. Seasonal dynamics of primary and new production in the northern South China Sea: The significance of river discharge and nutrient advection. Deep-Sea ResearchΙ53: 971-986. (NSC 91-2611-M110-011, NSC 92-2611-M110-010, NSC 93-2611-M110-003) (SCI).


Chen, Y. L. and Chen, H. Y. 1992. Temperature preference of Penaeus monodon. 3rd Asian Fisheries Forum, Singapore, October 26-30. (Abstract)

Chen, Y. L. 1993. Primary producer in the upwelling water of the KEEP study area. Abstracts of the 4th KEEP and WOCE Conference, Taichung. 44-47 (in Chinese).

Chen, Y. L. 1994. Temporal and spatial changes of chlorophyll a in the KEEP study waters. Abstracts of the firth KEEP and WOCE Conference, Chai-Yi. 9-17.

Parsons, T. R. and Y. L. Chen. 1994. Estimates of trophic efficiency, based on the size distribution of phytoplankton and fish in different environments. North Pacific Marine Science Organization Third Annual Meeting, October 15-24, 1994, Japan.

Chen, Y. L. 1994. Contribution of phytoplankton of different size spectrums to the primary productivity. Marine Science Conference, Kaohsiung, December 17-18, 1994.






Chen, H. Y., Y. L. Chen. 2000. Pelagic anchovy did not feed on lower the food chain in the upwelling of the East China Sea. October 20-27, North Pacific Marine Science Organization 9th Annual Meeting, Hakodate, Japan.






陳宏遠、李玉玲、吳重坤、許志宏、王維賢。1991。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系。pp. 88+88。

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李玉玲、吳重坤、陳宏遠、王維賢、許志宏。1993。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 95+97。

吳重坤、陳宏遠、王維賢、許志宏、李玉玲。1994。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 96+99。

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吳重坤、陳宏遠、王維賢、許志宏、李玉玲。1996。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 126+130。

許志宏、李玉玲、陳宏遠、王維賢。1997。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 143+146。

李玉玲、許志宏、陳宏遠、王維賢。1997。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流對附近海域環境影響監測十年總合報告。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 29+29。

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王維賢、陳宏遠、許志宏、李玉玲。1999。高雄左營及大林蒲廢水海洋放流海域環境監測與相關研究。國立中山大學海洋資源學系、海洋生物研究所。pp. 141+126。

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