Chemistry in the Community

Mr. Sanders



The purpose of this class is to gain basic understanding of the role chemistry plays in the world around us. Chemistry in the study of the basic elemental forces that control atoms and energy found in all matter.

What is Expected:

Respect will be given to each other and Mr. Sanders at all times. Work in this class will consist of labs, worksheets, projects, presentations, homework, notes and a fair amount of study. Students are responsible for all information from lecture, reading and work assigned. An absence is no excuse. If a prolonged absence occurs, students will be given time to make up assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to get and complete any missing assignments. Tests will be given with notice. Quizzes can and will be given at any time.

What is Unacceptable:

There is a fair amount of “Open Lab” where students will be given time in class to complete labs. At no time will misbehavior be tolerated which may lead to an unsafe environment. Cheating will not be tolerated. Copying homework or labs is considered cheating. If a student is found cheating they will receive a zero for the assignment, parents will be called and a referral will be sent to the SLC administrator. Cell phones or any other electric device will not be allowed. They are to be kept in a bag out of sight and soundless. All devices will be taken for the day to be picked up after school if seen.


Test and Quizzes 60%

Labs 25%

Work 15%

All semester 1 work should be kept to study for the midterm

All semester 2 work should be kept to study for the final

A 90 – 100

B 80 – 89

C 70 – 79

D 60 – 69

F 59 and Below

*** No Extra Credit Will Be Given, You Get What You Earn***

* A semester grade of “A” will relieve you from midterm/final

I have read and understand the above information

Print/Sign ______