Call for Papers – Reply Form
Chemistry in Power Plants 2014
in Linz / Austria, October (28) 29/30, 2014
Contact: Ines MoorsE-mail:
Phone:+49 2 01 81 28-2 74
Fax:+49 2 01 81 28-364
/ VGB PowerTech e.V.
Klinkestraße 27-31
45136 Essen
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Call for Papers – Reply Form
Call to submit Suggestions for Papers!
VGB’s annual Conference “Chemistry in Power Plants” will takeplacein Linz/Austria. The conference is a forum for operators of energy utilities and industrial power plants. Operating experience will be discussed and technical developments will be represented in the field of power plant chemistry.Conference languages are German and English with simultaneous translation.
The following major items will be presented at the conference:
Conditioning of water steam cycles and cooling water cycles
Methods of water preparation and waste water treatment
Chemical aspects of coal-firing and co-firing
Chemical aspects of flue gas cleaning processes and CO2 separation
Analytic and quality assurance
Chemistry in nuclear power plants
The conference will be accompanied by a Foyer Exhibition, which gives exhibitors the opportunity to present their companies and/or products.
The VGB Technical Committee “Chemistry” takes care for the specialized programme. The conference turns to all experts regarding the field of Power Plant Chemistry. The members of the VGB Technical Committee “Chemistry” asks all interestedpersons to participate actively in the organisation of this event in order to create an attractive and interesting programme. Use the opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues, to obtain information about new developments and to visit the Foyer Exhibition.
You are kindly asked to make written proposals for lectures and speakers by fax or e-mail not later than
April 25, 2014
We also ask you to let us know if you are interested in participating as exhibitor:
VGB PowerTech Service GmbHKlinkestraße 27-31
D-45136 Essen / Contact:Angela Langen
Phone:+49 2 01 81 28-3 10
Fax:+49 2 01 81 28-3 50
Please send or fax your reply form byApril 25, 2014!
Chemistry in Power Plants 2014
in Linz / Austria, October 29/30, 2014
Contact:Ines MoorsE-mail:
Phone:+49 2 01 81 28-2 74
Fax:+49 2 01 81 28-3 64
/ VGB PowerTech e.V.
Klinkestraße 27-31
45136 Essen
Suggestions for papers
We would like to offer the following paper:
(Please use copies if you wish to suggest further papers)
Lecturer / author: / 1. Co-author: / 2. Co-author:Name:
First Name:
Academic Title:
Street/Post Box:
Postal Code/City:
An abstract of the lecture (about one page) is enclosed.
Date:...... Signature:......
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