Chemistry I Semester 1 Review: Day 2 Student Name______

Chemistry I Semester 1 Review: Day 2 Student name______

Study previous notes, labs, and assignments from this semester in addition to completing the practice questions on this Exam Review.

Unit 3 – Electrons and the Periodic Table

DIRECTIONS: Use your notes and text to complete the following review sheet.

1.  Write the ground state electron configuration and orbital diagram for the following elements.

a.  Oxygen

b.  Silicon

2.  Write the electron configuration only for the following elements

a.  Technetium, Tc b. Magnesium, Mg

3.  Write the noble gas electron configuration of the following elements

a.  Barium, Ba b. Rubidium, Rb

4.  Write the electron configuration of following elements and determine the number of valence electrons in the atom.

a.  Bromine, Br b. Calcium, Ca

5.  Write the electron configuration of the following ions.

a.  sodium ion, Na+1 b. nitride ion. N3-

6.  Draw an s and a p orbital

7.  a. Describe the rules for writing electron configurations and orbital diagrams (you do not need to know the names of the rules).

b. Next to each rule draw an electron configuration or orbital diagram that is breaking the rule.

8. Describe/define an electron cloud (orbital).

9. a. Which is larger? sodium atom or the sodium ion?

b. Which is larger? fluorine atom or the fluoride ion?

10. State and explain the trend on the periodic table for the following properties

Across the period / Down the group
Atomic radii / Trend: / Trend:
Explanation: / Explanation:
Ionization Energy / Trend: / Trend:
Explanation: / Explanation:
Electronegativity / Trend: / Trend:
Explanation: / Explanation:

11. Explain why elements in the same group have similar chemical and physical properties.

DIRECTIONS: Use your notes and text to complete the following review sheet.

Unit 4 – Intramolecular Bonding

1.  Fill in the chart below.

Name / Formula / Ionic or covalent?
iron (II) hydroxide
tetraphosphorus hexoxide
aluminum oxide
dinitrogen trisulfide
lead (IV) acetate

2.  Which of the above substances contain both ionic and covalent bonds?

3.  When writing a name from a formula, when do you use roman numerals?

4.  When writing a formula from a name, when do you use parentheses?

5.  Fill in the chart below.

Ionic Compounds / Molecular Compounds / Metals
Describe the bond
List of properties