Chemistry Haiku Poetry

Name ______Sci ______

Directions: Research some famous chemists. The more you research, the higher your grade. Explain the discoveries of each scientist. Write some haiku poetry to summarize what you have learned. You must then write at least two haiku poems for each chemist. You may write as much as you like. (Shouldn’t these poems be called “Sciaiku”? I think so.) As you know, the first line of haiku is 5 syllables. The second line consists of 7 syllables. The last line has 5 syllables. See the example below:

Whitecaps on the bay:

A broken signboard banging

In the April wind.

--Richard Wright (collected in Haiku: This Other World, Arcade Publishing, 1998)

1) Neils Bohr

He is famous because:
Haiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

2) James Chadwick

What did he do?
Sciaiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

3) Marie Curie

She is famous because:
Sciaiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

4) John Dalton

He is famous because:
Haiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

5) Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

He is famous because:
Sciaiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

6) Dmitry Mendeleev

He is famous because:
Sciaiku 1 / Sciaiku 2

7) Ernest Rutherford

He is famous because:
Sciaiku 1 / Sciaiku 2