1. Which conversion factor is correct?

a. 1 mL = 1 Lb. 1 mL = 1 cmc. 1 mL = 1 cm2d. 1 mL = 1 cm3

2. Convert 20 in./hr to cm/min. (1 in.= 2.54 cm, 1 hour = 60 minutes)

a. 0.131 cm/min.b.0.847 cm/min.c. 472 cm/min.d. 3048 cm/min.

3. Which has a greater volume: a 1 kg of lead or a 1 kg of feathers?

a. 1 kg of feathersb. 1 kg of lead

4. Which has a greater density: 1 kg of lead or 1 kg of feathers?

a. 1 kg of feathersb. 1 kg of lead

5. A marble is dropped into a graduated cylinder that has 35 mL of water in it. The volume raises to 38 mL. What was the volume of the marble?

a. 3 mLb. 32 mLc. 35 mLd. 38 mL

6. If the mass of the marble from #5 is 30 grams, what is its density?

a. 3 g/mLb. 3 mLc. 10 g/mLd. 10 g

7. The reactants are on the ______of a chemical reaction.

a. left sideb. right side

8. Which of the following indicate an energy releasing process?

a. endothermicb. exothermic

9. Which of the following has a uniform consistency throughout?

a. Solutionb. Colloidc. Suspensiond. Heterogeneous Mixture

10. Which of the following will have particles that settle out?

a. Solutionb. Colloidc. Suspensiond. Homogeneous Mixture

11. Oxygen gas would be considered a(n) ______.

a. elementb. compoundc. Heterogeneous Mixtured. Homogeneous Mixture

12. CuSO4(s) would be considered a(n) ______.

a. elementb. compoundc. Heterogeneous Mixtured. Homogeneous Mixture

13. CuSO4(aq) would be considered a(n) ______.

a. elementb. compoundc. Heterogeneous Mixtured. Homogeneous Mixture

14. What element is the standard of mass for the periodic table?

a. Hydrogenb. Oxygenc. Carbond. Nitrogen

15. What is the correct relationship for the mass of a proton and the mass of an electron?

a. mass of proton > mass of electronc. mass of proton = mass of electron

b. mass of proton < mass of electrond. the relationship cannot be determined

16. Which subatomic particle(s) make up the nucleus of the atom?

a. protons onlyb. protons and neutronsc.. protons and electronsd. neutrons and electrons

17. Which subatomic particle(s) occupy orbitals that surrounding the nucleus of the atom?

a. electrons onlyb. protons and electronsc. protons and neutronsd. neutrons and electrons

18. Atoms of the same element with a different charge are called ______.

a. ionsb. isotopes

19. Atoms of the same element with a different mass are called ______.

a. ionsb. isotopes

20. Ions of the same element have a different number of ______.

a. protonsb. neutronsc. electrons

21. Isotopes of the same element have a different number of ______.

a. protonsb. neutronsc. electrons

22. What is the total number of protons in an atom of potassium with a mass of 39 a.m.u.’s?

a. 9b. 19c. 20d. 39

23. What is the total number of neutrons in an atom of potassium with a mass of 39 a.m.u.’s?

a. 9b. 19c. 20d. 39

24. What is the number of electrons in an atom of boron-11?

a. 5b. 6c. 11d. 12

25. What is the mass number of an atom of boron-11?

a. 5b. 6c. 11d. 12

26. If a carbon atom changed into an oxygen atom in a nuclear reaction, what would happen to the number of protons in this reaction?

a. stay the sameb. increasec. decreased. what is a nuclear reaction?

27. What is the most common charge taken on by oxygen?

a. +1b. +2c. -1d. -2

28. What is the most common charge taken on by aluminum?

a. +1b. +3c. -1d. -3

29. How many valence electrons are in an atom of oxygen?

a. 1b. 2c. 6d. 7

30. How many valence electrons are in an atom of aluminum?

a. 1b. 3c. 5d. 7

31. What is the maximum # of electrons that can be held in any p sublevel?

a. 2b. 6c. 10d. 14

32. What is the maximum # of electrons that can be held in any orbital?

a. 2b. 6c. 10d. 14

33. What sublevel is partially full in the transition metals of the 4th period?

a. s sublevelb. p sublevelc. f subleveld. d sublevel

34. When potassium becomes an + 1 ion, K+1 will have the same electron configuration of what noble gas?

a. Neb. Arc. Krd. Xe

35. Which element has the following electron configurations 1s22s2 ?

a. Lib. Bec. Bd. C

36. Which element has the following electron configurations 1s22s22p5 ?

a. Nb. Oc. Fd. Ne

37. What is the correct formula of the compound made by the elements from questions #35 and #36 above?

a. BeF2b. LiFc. BeOd. Li2O

38. Which of the following has the highest ionization energy: H, Li, Na, or K?

a. Hb. Lic. Nad. K

39. Which of the following has the highest ionization energy: Mg, P, Cl, or Ar?

a. Mgb. Pc. Cld. Ar

40. Which of the following has the larger atomic radius: Al, Si, P, or S?

a. Alb. Sic. Pd. S

41. Which of the following has the larger atomic radius: O, S, Se, or Te?

a. Ob. Sc. Sed. Te

42. If sulfur and oxygen bond, which atom will pull on the bonding electrons more?

a. sulfurb. oxygen

43. Which of the following has a larger electronegativity: Al, Si, P, or S?

a. Alb. Sic. Pd. S

44. Which of the following has a larger electronegativity: O, S, Se, or Te?

a. Ob. Sc. Sed. Te

45. Group 2 is known as the ______.

a. alkali metalsb. noble gasesc. alkaline earth metalsd. halogens

46. Group 17 is known as the ______.

a. alkali metalsb. noble gasesc. alkaline earth metalsd. halogens

47. Where is the most active metal on the periodic table?

a. Csb. Frc. Od. F

48. What is the most active non metal on the periodic table?

a. Csb. Frc. Od. F

49. Which has higher ionization energies: bigger atoms or smaller atoms?

a. bigger atomsb. smaller atoms

50. Which has higher electronegativity: bigger atoms or smaller atoms?

a. bigger atomsb. smaller atoms

51. Covalent compounds contain ______.

a. metals and nonmetalsb. two or more nonmetals.

52. Ionic compounds contain ______.

a. metals and nonmetalsb. two or more nonmetals.

53. Which of the following types of compounds are formed by transferring electrons?

a. ionic compoundsb. covalent compounds

54. Which of the following types of compounds are formed by sharing electrons?

a. ionic compoundsb. covalent compounds

55. Which of the following types of compounds are formed by transferring electrons?

a. metal and nonmetalb. two or more nonmetals.

56. Which of the following types of compounds are formed by sharing electrons?

a. metal and nonmetalb. two or more nonmetals.

57. What is the correct formula of lithium oxide?

a. LiOb. Li2Oc. LiO2d. Li2O2

58. What is the charge of cobalt in Co3(PO4)2?

a. -2b. -3c. +2d. +3

59. What is the correct formula iron(III) oxide?

a. FeOb. Fe2O3c. Fe3O2d. Fe3O3

60. What is the correct formula in lead (IV) acetate?

a. PbC2H3O2b. Pb4C2H3O2c. Pb(C2H3O2)2d. Pb(C2H3O2)4

61. To balance a chemical equation, it is permissible to adjust only the ______.

a. coefficients b. subscriptsc. superscripts d. formulas

62. What coefficients would be used to balance the following reaction?

___Al + ___ O2  ___ Al2O3

a. 2, 3, 2b. 2, 2, 3c. 4, 2, 3d. 4, 3, 2

63. Which reaction type is the equation above?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

64. What coefficients would be used to balance the following reaction?

___C3H8 + ___ O2  ___ H2O + ___ CO2

a. 1, 3, 3, 4b. 1, 5, 3, 4c. 1, 3, 4, 3d. 1, 5, 4, 3

65. Which reaction type is the equation above?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

66. Which reaction type involves a compound reacting with a compound?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

67. Which reaction type involves the formation of a single product?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

68. Which reaction type involves a hydrocarbon reacting with oxygen?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

69. Which reaction type involves the separation of a single reactant?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

70. Which reaction type involves a single element reacting with a compound?

a. synthesisb. decompositionc. single replacementd. double replacemente. combustion

71. Which has the greater molar mass- a mole of copper, a mole of water or a mole of lead?

a. copperb. waterc. leadd. all three have the same molar mass

72. How many moles of NaOH are in 15 grams of NaOH?

a. 0.375 mol NaOHb. 2.67 mol NaOHc. 15 mol NaOHd. 600 mol NaOH

73. How many grams of water are in 2.4 x 1025 molecules of water?

a. 26.0 g H2Ob. 71.76 g H2Oc. 260.0 g H2Od. 717.61 g H2O

74. What is the percentage of iron in iron(III) oxide?

a. 16.0%b. 30.0%c. 70.0%d. 84.0%

75. What is the percentage of carbon in lead (IV) acetate?

a. 18.84%b. 21.67%c. 72.0%d. 96.0%