Checklist: Course Start-Up Activities
The following checklist may be a useful guide for course start-up activities.
As soon as possible before course start:
Brush up on your Learning Technology skills: contact a learning technology trainer for information on services and upcoming sessions; participate in scheduled training opportunities provided by learning technology trainers; request a one on one session, custom tailored to your needs.
Ensure that your computer passes the Brightspace system check.
Access Your Brightspace Courses:
- Go to the new Sask Polytech Portal: You will be automatically signed on if you are using a computer on campus.
- Click the “Faculty” icon
- Click a course name on the following page.
- If you do not see it in your course list, use the ‘Select a Course’ feature to complete a search. If it still does not appear, speak with your Program Head and check with the registrar.
If the live course section is in your course list, check for course content.
- If it is a fully online course, you should have content in your live section. If you see no content, you may want to copy content from anothercourse using the Brightspace Import/Export/Copy Components tool. For courses you do not have access to and want to copy content from, you will need to request Program Head permission and make an email request to Helpdesk with the subject line Attn: LT Support.
- If this is an enhanced course used in your classroom, you may plan to create your own content and/or copy content from other courses you have access to using the Brightspace Import/Export/Copy Components tool.
- See Initial Set-up for a Brightspace for Classrooms Course Section
Check course content to ensure that the correct course has been loaded, that it is complete, and you have the most recent version.
Check the class list (enrollments) to ensure that all registered students appear.
Verify that course links to outside resources function properly (web URL, online resources, program pages). Fix if there are problems.
Create a profile for yourself in Brightspace. Add your photo for a personal touch.
Post a course welcome message in the News widget.
Addinformation to the News widget, as appropriate
Update Course Information, Instructor Information, Required Resources, etc.
Set dates: calendar, assignments, discussions, activities, quizzes, and so on.
Check that quizzes are active/inactive as required, unlocked, passwords entered (if used), submission views/additional views have been set, dates updated as necessary for views if additional views need to be reset, etc.
Check the gradebook to ensure that all columns are present and student view is correct. If formulas are being used, ensure that the Final Calculated Grade column contains the correct formula to show the students a cumulative grade.
If the Brightspace Rubric tool is used, check that rubrics are properly attached to tools.
Reference instructor and developer notes: reviewfor answer keys, helpful hints, passwords, intelligent agent/release conditions, and so on.
Use the Brightspace ‘Role Switch’feature to check your course as a student would see it. Make sure draft pages have been published; restrictions work, if set; and so on.
Send a welcome email to students:
- Ask students to replyto your email on the course start date, confirming that they have received your welcome email, that they have read the information, and are able to access their online course and view course content.
- Inform students that the Saskatchewan Polytechnic email system will be used for course communications. It is important for them to check email daily.
- Remind students to do a system check on the computer they will be using.
- Identify textbooks or supplies required.
- Highlight important course dates and events.
- Identify help resources. Remind students that for questions related to curriculum, the instructor is the main contact. For technical questions, studentsshould contact the Sask Polytech Helpdesk.
- Provide a checklist of critical info: helpdesk contacts; links to Brightspace tutorials/videos; course expectations; policies for late assignments; etc.
Check to see that initial discussion postings for the first few topics are available.
Re-check visibility and dates of all items in student view in your course.
Course Start:
Respond to emails from students who have replied to your welcome email. Thank them, provide your contact information, and let them know your availability (office hours).
Be prepared to respond to emails from students who have questions related to course content or issues with course access.
During the first week after start date:
Send a follow-up email to students who have not yet responded to your welcome email. Remind them that they need to contact you.
Access the Brightspace User Progress feature. Note students who have logged in/started the course materials. Perhaps students who have not replied to the welcome email have started the course but do not know they need to check their Saskatchewan Polytechnic email accounts.
Phone students if necessary. You may request a student class list with phone numbers from your Registration Services Representative.
Maintain regular communications with students. Check F2L User Progress tool and intervene before they are at risk (reinforce performance standards; clearly state expectations; provide policies for late assignments/posts/submissions; and so on).
Have fun with your students!
For more information, contact a learning technology trainer at your campus location.
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