HW # / 1 / Title / Introduction to Industrial hygiene



Checking Your Understanding

PAGE 5: 1

P. 8: 1

P. 11: 2

P. 16: 1,5

Critical Thinking Questions

P. 17: 1,2

A-Checking Your Understanding

P. 5: 1 What was the significance of the De Re Metallica?

P. 8: 1 What are the four Industrial Hygiene professional organizations?

P. 11: 2Name several disciplines or areas of study in which an industrial hygienist must be conversant.

P. 16: 1,5

1-What is the purpose of a medical surveillance program?

5-what aspect of plant operations is most commonly omitted from the review process?

B-Critical Thinking Questions

P. 17: 1,2

1-OSHA regulations for controlling worker exposure to health hazards generally require that employers utilize engineering controls to the extent feasible before other control methods are employed. Why is engineering out the hazard the prefer out the hazards the preferred option?

2-A group of concerned employees stops you outside your office and asks you many questions about a new chemical being used in their work area and the new protective gear they are now required to wear. Based on their concerns you decide to do a follow*up investigation and assess the situation.

Explain how you might conduct your investigation, including any preliminary research and follow-up activities that might be necessary.


Chapter 2

Critical Thinking Questions

P. 46-47: 1-2-3-45

Problem 1-Page 47

Explain the dose-response relationship and the Threshold dose. Illustrate each with an example.


Chapter 3

–Critical Thinking Questions

P. 70: 1, 2, 7

Problem 1-Page 70

A worker is exposed to trichloroethylene during the work day as follows:

3 hours...... 50 ppm

2 hours...... 125 ppm

1 hours...... 110 ppm

1 hours...... 85 ppm

What is the worker’s 8-hour TWA exposure for the day?

How does this level compare to current OSHA, NIOSH, ACGIH exposure levels?

Problem 2-Page 70

How do the OSHA, NIOSH, ACGIH exposure limits for carbon tetrachloride compare? Can you provide some explanation for these differences?

Problem 7-Page 70

What sources would you consult in evaluating worker exposure to a substance not regulated by OSHA?


Chapter 4

Critical Thinking Questions

P. 97: 2, 4, 6

Problem 2-Page 97

What are the major groups of classes of airborne hazardous materials? Give examples of each.

Problem 4-Page 97

Explain how particle size is related to occupational diseases of the respiratory tract

Problem 6-Page 97

Explain How Hydrogen sulfide, a chemical asphyxiant can exert its effect even in the presence of adequate atmospheric oxygen.


Chapter 5

Critical Thinking Questions

P. 146-147: evens


Chapter 6

Critical Thinking Questions

–P. 168: 1-2-3-4


  • The purpose of this assignment is not to turn you into a IH/CIH, although that would be just fine. Instead, you want to learn about what Industrial Hygienists or Certified Industrial Hygienists do. Therefore, you know more about when you might need one or how they can help you or your organization.
  • So watch these four short videos
  • Perform an internet search for masters Industrial Hygiene programs. Pick one that catches your interest and study it a little deeper.
  • Write a paragraph about the one video that caught your attention the most and tell why.
  • On the same page, write a paragraph about the masters IH program that caught your attention and tell why. Be sure to specify the program

This is the Book

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