CHC2D1 Unit 4 Evaluation: Post-War Photo Essay

Due Date:______

Instructions: Canada emerged from World War II with renewed self-confidence. Politically, Canadians were prepared to play an active role in international affairs and socially a growing independence movement in Quebec led to renewed tensions in French and English Canada.

Task: Your task is to create a Post-War photo essay on one (1) of the topics below. Your photo essay is to include the five (5) components outlined below. For examples of photo essays see the websites included.


1) Canada and the United Nations; 2) Canada and the Cold War; 3) Canadians and the Korean War; 4) The Canadian Flag Debate; 5) The Avro Arrow; 6) The Richard Riot; 7) Canada and the Cuban Missile Crisis; 8) Post-War Canadian Immigration; 9) Canadian Counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s; 10) The FLQ Crisis; 11) The Vietnam War; 12) The 1972 Summit Series; 13) The Quebec Separatism Movement; 14) The Oka Crisis; 15) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); 16) Canada and Terrorism.


1) Thesis: Your essay must have a thesis (opinion sentence) about your chosen topic. This should be a single sentence (statement) that you will prove in your photo essay. This must be approved by your teacher before proceeding to the next component.

Thesis Approval Due Date:______

2) Ten (10) Photos: You must include a minimum of ten (10) photos that illustrate your selected topic and prove your thesis (opinion sentence) to be true. For example, if your thesis suggests that Canadians played a key role in the formation of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights include photos depicting the efforts made by Lester B. Pearson and John Humphrey in the drafting the declaration (see figure 1).

3) Explanation/Evidence: You must write two (2) or three (3)sentences per photo that:

a) Explains what the viewer is looking at

b) Explains how the photo helps prove your thesis (argument).

4) Format/Presentation: You are to arrange your photos and explanations together in any form you wish: Bristol board, video form, essay form, booklet format. Regardless of your format be sure to give your title and thesis statement a prominent place in your final product.

5) Works Cited List: You must include a work cited list (following MLA format) that outlines the books, articles, websites etc. you used in preparing your photo essay. In preparing your photo essay you must include at least one (1) book and at least three (3) sources in total. *Failure to do this will result in a deduction of application marks.

Sample Photo Essays

The Following websites include examples of photo essays:

Men of War:

World War II Photo Essay:

A History of American prostration (Submission/Compliance):

CHC2D1 Unit 4 Evaluation: Post-War Photo EssayRubric

Category / Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 4
/20 / Demonstrates a limited amount of historical accuracy.
Presents a limited understanding of purpose of task and of photo essay requirements. / Demonstrates some historical accuracy. Presents some understanding of purpose of task and of photo essay requirements. / Demonstrates a considerablehistorical accuracy.Presents a considerable understanding of purpose of task and of photo essay requirements. / Demonstrates thorough historical accuracy. Presents a thorough understanding of purpose of task and of photo essay requirements.
/20 / Selected photos are poorly linked to the thesis.
Thesis presents a limited understanding of topic. / Selected photos are somewhat linked to the thesis.
Thesis presents someunderstanding of topic. / Selected photos are considerably linked to the thesis.
Thesis presents considerable understanding of topic. / Selected photos are thoroughly linked to the thesis.
Thesis presents thorough understanding of topic.
/20 / Written work demonstrates a limited sense of purpose. Visual is limited in detail. Presentation of images expresses limited clarity and creativity. / Written work demonstrates some sense of purpose. Visual is somewhat detailed. Presentation of images expresses some clarity and creativity. / Written work demonstrates a considerable sense of purpose. Visual is considerably detailed. Presentation of images expresses considerable clarity and creativity. / Written work demonstrates a thorough sense of purpose. Visual is thoroughly detailed. Presentation of images expresses a high degree of clarity and creativity.
/20 / Two or three sentences explain each image with limited effectiveness.
Limited references (Works Cited). / Two or three sentences explain each image with somewhat effectiveness.
Some references (Works Cited). / Two or three sentences explain each image with considerable effectiveness.
Considerable references (Works Cited). / Two or three sentences explain each image with a high degree of effectiveness.
Thorough references (Works Cited).

Total: /80
