- Meetings:Scheduled meeting in December cancelled due to winter break – will meet again in January.
- Gear: Only 17 out of 57 ( ish) girls have purchased gear through the site. This is the only time orders will be placed. John Walker will send out a reminder that all girls need to order a Pennie and Socks. He will do this through the Website and personally in case there are Spam issues.
Breakaway sports offers a discount on Pennies if 100 are purchased. Booster will order 100 reversible ( counts as 200) to make sure all girls are covered and to have some extras. A price increase will be implemented if girls order after the deadline of this Friday 11/18/11.
If girls are late joining the team they can have access to the optionalclothing options from Breakaway, but the cost, since they are ordering individually, will be high and there is the risk of not getting their order until season completion. They may get “alternate” clothing options on their own.
The Pennie should not be a function of the Booster club or the Coach – it needs to be the girls responsibility to bring/have in their possession. For winter II it is important for the girls to have them to help with statistician training. Beth Sale will check them out and keep a record of who has been issued what number.
Booster club will offset cost of Pennie for girls who cannot afford.
Fundraising:John Walker is looking into Chipotle fundraiser. Funds raised will go into the Travel fund/General fund. He is also exploring discounts at Chipotle if the team comes after a game.
King Soopers cards that have been ordered are in. Laura Mellberg has them in her possession and parents/players need to arrange a time with her to get them if they haven’t been picked up yet. Balances that are acquired from these accounts will be emailed out to parents by Laura Mellberg.
Volunteers: Beth Sale indicated that she has many volunteers, but will need more. Feb 21st will be another opportunity for parents to sign up for volunteer duties. Volunteers will be set after Try-outs.
Conditioning: Looking into offering another set of conditioning opportunities. Ken Lanuza is looking into available dates for Pieffer Elementary. Neil Mellberg will talk with conditioning coaches to check on their availability.
Winter League: 26 girls are registered. Need 16 to show up to game. Parents have not been very responsive to RSVP for games off the website. This is important as this allows the coaches to know who can attend and how they need to adjust based on attendance. Parents need to be encouraged to pay attention to emails
Open house: Is this Thursday 11/17/11 for current 8th graders. Lacrosse needs 5-6 girls to host a booth from 6:15-8 ish. This will be announced at the end of Practice on 11/16/11 by John Walker. Beth Sale will provide signup sheets for the girls.
Teams:Try outs are 2/27-2/29. March 2ndwill be uniform distribution. March 5th will be the team dinner where teams will be introduced.
Need 47 girls at least to run 3 teams. Adam Evert will set up an interest meeting for after Thanksgiving break to try and recruit more girls, esp. Freshman. Discussion of declining numbers of girls, Juniors esp. and policy for Seniors.