INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: Complete this form and provide a brief personal statement, to include goals, and ambitions, a high school transcript, a photograph, and recommendation letter from your teacher and/or guidance counselor.
Attach a 500 word essay on the history of Charlotte Hall Military Academy see page 3
Mail the completed application form and all required documents to the address listed below. Must be received before March 31.
If additional space is needed to complete the information requested, please attach a separate sheet to the application form.
Full Name:______Nickname:______
First Middle Last
Permanent Home Address:______
Street or Route
______Telephone: Home & Cell______
City State Zip Email:______
Date of Birth:______
Name of Father/Guardian:______
Name of Mother/Guardian:______
List siblings, number and ages: Sisters:______Brothers:______
Name of High School Attending:______
City County
Graduation Date:______Senior Awards:______
Date Time
Have you participated in any work-study or co-op program at your high school? If so, please indicate the information below:
Participating Employer:______
Duties Performed:______
List any high school clubs, sports teams and organizations of which you are or have been a member and any offices held:______
Have you applied for other scholarships?______If so, please list names and amounts:
Have you been awarded any scholarships to date?______If so, please list:______
List the name (s) of the college in which you have been accepted and plan to attend:
Have you selected a major?______, If so, what will be your major?______
What is your GPA?______Do you take AP classes?
List any co-curricular activities in which you participate:______
List any member of your family who is or have served in the United States Military:
List any previous work experience including dates employed, company or firm, and immediate supervisor beginning with the most recent place of employment:
DatesEmployer SupervisorTelephone Number
Address Duties & Responsibilities
DatesEmployerSupervisorTelephone Number
AddressDuties & Responsibilities
To be considered for scholarship, submit a one page essay NO less than 500 words on the history of Charlotte Hall Military Academy. Include one or more alumni that has made a difference to our country, state and verify how.
Applicant will be notified of time, place and date to appear the Scholarship Committee.
I hereby affirm that all statements are true on this application, and that I have answered the questions to the best of my ability. I understand that any falsification of records on this application or not including essay will result in my exclusion from the scholarship process.
Signature of ApplicantDate
Please mail to:
Charlotte Hall Military School
Board of Trustees Scholarship Committee
c/o Carl Lancaster, President
1206 East Patuxent Drive
La Plata, MD 20646
If you prefer to hand deliver:
Carl Lancaster
1206 East Patuxent Drive
La Plata, MD 20646
If you have any questions you may email or call Dottie Lancaster 301-752-3449