Charleville School of Distance Education

Management Committee

Minutes of Meeting

Date: / 15 June 2017 / Attendees: / Jenny Swadling,Sarah Norquay, Sam Owczarek, Zoe Farrer,Ann-Marie Flynn, Helen Cook, , Alison Todd, Natalie Pampling, Christie Bredhauer, Rickie Itzstein, Tam Jenyns, Katie Allen
Apology: Rebecca Washbrook,Jody Tully
Time: / 3.15 – 5.15pm
Location: / Teleconference Phone: 1800 141 220 PIN 6258787829
Item No. / Agenda Item / Responsible Officer / Discussion / Action / Due Date
1 / Welcome and Apologies
Terms of Reference / Jenny / *
2 / Agenda check / Chair / Approved
4 / Confirmation of Minutes from Previous Meeting (attached) / All / Move: Sam
Seconded: Helen
5 / Business Arising from Previous Minutes / All / PPP: Helen
Can do face to face Aug 17 at this stage, dependent on funding, online course, self-paced $79.95.
Face to Face CHWASTICK or Online. Free until August 17th.
6 / Reports
1.Principal’s report (budget)
2.Deputy Principal’s report
3. H O D Teaching and Learning report
4. Digital Learning
Facilitator’s report
5. PLO report
6. Positive Comments / All / Principal’s Report
Referred to copy. Half-finished sentence in staffing: e do have a multilit experienced T/aide. Erica Anderssen, commences beginning of Term 3. T/aide has requested a transfer to Charleville, but does not have SDE experience. Is coming to us to have a look. Space is still vacant. Replacement Term III for Leonie. Move: Jenny, Seconded: Tam.
DP Report
Move: Sarah:
Seconded: Michelle McInnerney
HOD Report
Move: Zoe
Seconded: Allison
Digital Technology Report
Technologies Committee meeting next week
Move: Sam
Seconded: Michelle
PLO Report
Attended ICPA conference, good to catch up
Next Monday: attending Domestic Violence PD
Move: Helen
Seconded: Ricky
Positive Comments:
Katie Allen - PD – Working with children with Trauma, especially medical trauma and the impact it has on children’s brains.
Jenny – Cluster muster St George and Charleville. Extremely proud of the children who sang for the ICPA State Conference.
Congratulated teachers on their data days and observation days. Very positive, critical thinking conversations, impacting on student learning. Zoe: Thanked teachers for putting the effort in
Natalie Pampling – Katie Allen filling in for Year 6 working really well.
7 / Other Business
  1. Building a Culture of Wellbeing
/ Chair
Jenny / Families are not aware of complaint process in State Schools. There is a process. We have a procedure based on the Department’s template. Last addressed 2015. Now in draft. See handout. Also have a Communications Charter. See Handout. Also have a copy of what parents actually sign in the enrolment process. See Handout. Also have a Resolutions Flow Chart for the best education outcomes for students.
All these documents are to hear what are people’s concerns are heard and needs are addressed. Leads into culture of wellbeing. These were addressed in 2015 Management Meeting, but never distributed to the community and regular communication has not been done to keep people aware of what can be done. Jenny’s proposal is to consider each of these documents and gather information as a Management Committee – is these documents relevant? What else needs to be changed? Please bring to next meeting and we then move that these be disseminated and communicated. This process needs to be decided on how this would occur.
Behaviour management policy currently being reviewed.
Committee reviewed documents.
Resolutions Flow Chart
  • Has been distributed this year
  • Teachers send this out as part of their induction with new students
  • Hyperlinks to be included
Complaints Flow chart
Enrolment agreement
  • Will stay in package, but what needs to be included?
  • Schools Rules need to be included as linked to Responsible Behaviour Plan
  • If parents not taking responsibility what can we do? Gentle reminders, offers of support
Communication charter
  • Now is a surplus document. No long applicable.
Building culture of wellbeing? Any more comments?
What else can we do to lift, include and provide our school community with the opportunity of culture of wellbeing.
  • Add to staff meeting – sharing student success. Newsletter?
  • Build wellbeing amongst students – facilitate mental health, resilience, social skilling, behaviour management process – upper primary wants Go2 sessions. Conversations are being had with Department mental health coach to see how we can facilitate that, as well as secondary students. KickStart conference? Minischools?
  • Zones of regulations – addresses behaviours and emotions.
Next meeting: continue this conversation and bring updated documents for moving and accepting and thinking about what is the best way for every family has easy access. / All committee members to review documents and bring ideas to next meeting
  1. Staffing at Minischools (Natalie)
/ Concern – which teachers should be assigned to Minischools?Eg. Yr 5 class not having a maths or English teacher at a Minischool. Parents have the expectation that students will have at least one teacher at a Minischool. Zoe: looked at staffing across the year, makes sure that students would have access to their teachers. We didn’t notice at the time, when brought to our attention, did fix. We look at who is going, who their teachers are. May not be for both Minischools, may be one or the other at some point in the year, also consider impact on other students years. Teachers teaching across multiple subjects, multiple year levels. Juggling act to find the best fit across the school. Natalie: main focus in building rapport with teachers/students. Jenny: foreshadow next year, not returning to old model. Very aware of getting the right people to the Minischools.
  1. South West School Sport (Natalie)
/ Website available for district sport. See on notices. Calendar events for the whole year. Can we promote that website, put a link to it somewhere? Jenny: putting that link on our website. Only South-West district, not regional. It is put on notices as soon as we know about it. We will be more aware of that for next year and have a link to it and get that information out as quickly as possible.
  1. Update on Computer Hire Scheme (Jenny)
/ Refer to Principal’s report for information.
As more information comes to hand will be communicating this.
Exciting. Can buy a very good laptop for $500. If you buy your own, responsible for own maintenance etc.
  1. Student Leaders trip to Leadership Day (Anne-Marie)
/ Leadership day – Primary schools and secondary captains.
Question: Could the sports captains join the March conference each year?
Jenny? The schools pay for it, meals, accommodation. Therefore extra cost to parents. It nearly always falls during a Minischool, usually a Monday. Children come back, usually Roma Minischool.
It is aimed at upper primary students.
Questions? Michelle McInnerney – would be fantastic for House Captains, can P&C provide money to support these children?
Travel: Traditionally DP pickup captains with one parent. Michelle McInnerney– sure that parents would support – car pooling and driving students to Brisbane.
We use RREAP money to help subsidise.
Parents may as a community all of the Year 6s and Year 10s. Survey – explanation, what it entails and what it looks like next year and then cost it.
Offer to all years 6 students, or Junior & Senior Captains.
Anne-Marie - Budget will be difficult. Keep it to Captains.
Michelle - Make it captains, but open to any want to go.
Jenny - Equity issue. Parents can’t afford to send. Therefore children will miss out.
Anne-Marie - Parent helper wise. How do you choose?
Jenny - Usually take a parent helper to help supervise.
4 sports, 4 captains = 2 vehicles, or a mini bus.
Anne-Marie - Consistency involved, forward planning.
Zoe: suggested Online
Alison: agreed
Halogen Leadership development online course may be available.
ChSDE Leadership program running from Years 5 – 9 Term 3 – Mary & Sarah / Michelle McInnerney to take to P & C prior to 2017. Sarah to book Early bird tickets…can add more when decision is made.
Sarah & Mary to investigate
Sarah & Mary to deliver the ChSDE Leadership Program
  1. Allied Health Services to Field events (Anne-Marie)
  1. Daily Notices (Anne-Marie)
/ Field Services – access to dental nurses
Up to parents in individual clusters to do it. In the past complaints from parents at students being pulled out of field events. Various field events have been tried.
If student have been having difficulty the first thing learning support does is to talk to parents and have their child tested. If referral needed, allied health professionals as well as our own will be brought in. First Minischool all preps are screened. Speech or guidance officer have attended various Minischools. If parents are concerned and think child would benefit, talk to teacher or learning support. We pick up kids right from that first Minischool and start support straight away e.g. Support a talker.
Zoe: Support happens for other students as well. If parents are concerned, have eyes, hearing tested. Relate back to learning.
Jenny: We can’t recommend private people – not allowed. Not allowed to make recommendations abouthealth and professional services.
Anne-Marie. Perception in a main stream that kids have regular checks. This is not so in every community.
Helen has work with groups like CWAATSICH, we are difficult to service. In the past we have had professionals there on the day and then they pull out. Dental van – few and far between, find it difficult to find dental therapist to work in them. Hard for us to know when the van is going to be for you to take your child.
Helen: Every child under 16 get a voucher for dental care per child $1000 per calendar year, but doesn’t cover orthodontist
Not a problem anymore.
8 / Next Meeting
16th August 2017 8.30am – 4.00pm / 8 / Next Meeting
16th August 2017 8.30am – 4.00pm