Charleston Town Board Meeting Page 1

July 2, 2015

Meeting Minutes

Town Board Members Present: Mayor Bob Kowallis; Presiding; Brent Broadhead, Dennis McKenzie,Brenda Kozlowski, & Wayne Winterton.

Staff: Ramie Winterton, Town Recorder; Brian Preece, Town Planner; David Henricksen, Public Works.

Public:Shawn and Bronx Warren, Neal Burton, Deputy Lazenby, Wes Johnson, Paul Winterton

Meeting called to order at 7:00p.m.

Opening Prayer: Brent Broadhead

Pledge of Allegiance: Wayne Winterton

Meeting Minutes : The Meeting Minutes from Junewere reviewed by the Board. A motion to accept the Minutes as presented was made by Kozlowski, seconded by Broadhead. Voting was unanimous except for Mayor Kowallis who abstained due to his absence at the last meeting.

Financial Documents:June’s financial reports were approved with a motion made by Winterton, seconded by Kozlowski and voting was unanimous. Broadhead asked several questions regarding attorney expenses related to the Elsa Knight case and weed abatement bills. It was mentioned that because an executive session for possible litigation was not listed on the agenda the item regarding the Elsa Knight case could not be discussed. The Recorder was instructed to advertise an executive session on the agenda for a few months in case discussion was needed.

Public Comment: None.

Eagle Scout Project Presentation: Bronx Warren- Bronx Warren requested that he be allowed to renew the baseball diamond in the park for his Eagle Scout Project. The Board said that they liked his proposal and advised Bronx to stay in touch with Hendricksen of the public works department.

Health Department Report-Dr. Neal Burton, who sits on the county Health Department Board representing Charleston Town, reported on the many duties and services provided there. He mentioned that Wasatch County is the third healthiest in the State of Utah. Dr. Burton also spoke about the fine job Randall Probst, the new Director, was doing and how most of the morale issues have been rectified.

Stop Sign and Traffic Control Study Results: Brian Preece, Wes Johnson, Deputy Lazenby - The stop sign and traffic control item has been a heated issue for many months now. Preece was asked by the Mayor to reiterate that the Town Board does have the authority to place stop signs where they feel it is needed. Wes Johnson of Horrock’s Engineering explained the summary of the study he did on 2400, 3000, and 3600 South. The Board had voted to only study 2400, and 3000 South but Johnson unknowingly included 3600 South. The results shows a significant increase in traffic and speed on 2400 South. Especially on school days. Johnson also commented that the

placement of the current signs on 2400 South was skewed and not properly aligned. It would be a better alignment if the signs were moved to the East entrance of Winterton circle. Deputy Lazenby then spoke and commented that drivers usually speed nine miles an hour over the speed limit and on a rural road that can be more hazardous and excessive than on a highway. Mayor Kowallis and Winterton both commented that they feel that drivers need to be reminded that these roads are a community trail system that is used by pedestrians and children.

A motion to move the 2400 South stop signs to the East end of Winterton Circle to better control the turning conflict and help control pedestrian and vehicle interaction, to better support sight distancing on 2400 South and circulation of traffic in roadway, was made by Winterton, which was seconded by Kozlowski. Voting was unanimous except for McKenzie.

A second motion was made by Winterton to remove the stop signs from 3000 South based upon the engineering survey. This was seconded by Broadhead. Voting was unanimous.

Resolution 2015-10: Final Tax Rate Adoption- The Recorder explained to the Town Board that this resolution is a formality required by the State of Utah. Every year the Board must approved the tax rate as calculated according to the amount of property tax an entity receives.


Board Member Brent BroadheadX

Board Member Dennis McKenzieX

Board Member Brenda KozlowskiX

Board Member Wayne WintertonX

Mayor Bob Kowallis X

Personnel Reviews- Mayor Kowallis- Mayor Kowallis stated that Hendrickson had come to the end of his probation period and complimented him for his many talents and abilities. Kowallis asked the Board to approve the end of his probation and a wage increase for Hendricksen to $19.00 per hour. There was some debate as to whether an executive session should be held to discuss the matter but the Board felt they could do so publicly and all were in favor of the raise and end of probation period. Mayor Kowallis also said that he would like to give “both of the Board and employees outside of the Board a 5% wage increase.” This rasie was mentioned when he presented the budget for the 2016 FY. This would begin with the next pay period.

Final Plans for the 24th of July Celebration - Kozlowski went over the plans she and Winterton had finalized regarding the breakfast food and fun run for July 24th. No significant changes were mentioned in relation to last year.

Staff & Board Reports:

Broadhead- It was mentioned by Broadhead that he discovered that the Mayor had sent out letters to six or seven residents encouraging them to run for one of the Town Board positions up for election this Fall. Broadhead said he felt it was improper for the Mayor to do so. The Mayor defended his actions by saying that his intention was to help fill the vacancies with people who he felt would work well with the current Board. Kozlowski added that she felt that the Mayor’s actions could be interpreted as showing bias and that it was not a good idea to do so. Winterton said that he saw nothing wrong with the Mayor writing letters.

Winterton-Said he would be out of town 13th through the 20th.

Kozlowski-Mentioned that she would be out of town the 8th to 19th.

Hendricksen-He mentioned that the slurry sealing was deterred by the Ragnar Race which was held the same weekend.

Recorder -Nothing

Preece -Nothing

Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.Submitted by Ramie Winterton
