Charleston Soccer League Minutes-Nov 24th, 2014 City Hall Basement

Call to Order:5:45 Austin Cheney

Present:Austin Cheney, Denise Thain, Lori Bumpus, Carol Hjort, Amy Caltry, Maureen Smith, Dirk Bennett, Dave Dunlap

Absent:Karen Gaines, Ron Potsch, Stephanie Woodley, Brian Jones

Others:Richard Sandefur

Minutes:Minutes reviewed andcorrection made on spelling of Amy Caltry’s last name. L Bumpus motioned to approve minutes and A Caltry seconded. Motion passed.

Financial Report

The high school account was reviewed and no discussion followed. The club account was reviewed and discussion followed in regards to the board having more knowledge of the city’s line item budget for club and recreational soccer. L Bumpus will follow up on that request. Motion to approve both reports was made by A Caltry and seconded by D Thain. Motion passed.

Special Presentation

Presenters from European Sports Company explained company policies and deadline dates for ordering uniforms for the 2015 season.

New Board Members

A motion to approve Richard Sandefur as aboard member was made by A Caltry and seconded by D Thain. Motion passed. Welcome Richard.

DOC Report

To simplify the minutes due to the length of the report, a copy of the Doc report has been emailed to each board member and will also be attached to the official copy of the minutes. Dirk presented a PowerPoint on the cost analysis of each club team. Based on the cost analysis, adjustments could be made on the fees for each team. Included in the new fee structure will be off-season training and coaches salaries. A final vote needs to be taken at the next board meeting. Dates were set for the spring season Pre K and Rec leagues Pre K-4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 at 5:30. Rec -4/12, 4/19th, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17 .

A Code of Conduct is to be included in coach contracts as required by the city. Each coach must sign a code of conduct. Dirk has examples of codes to be approved by the board and B Jones.

Marketing and Fundraising

A Caltry and D Bennett have met to discuss marketing strategies. A Full presentation on fundraising was tabled due to S Woodley’s absence. L Bumpus reported that only four test drives had been completed with Diepoltz Chevy.

Old Business

Discussion occurred concerning the need for an intern. It was majority consensus that an intern was not needed at this time.

A Cheney presented bylaws with proposed changes. They will be reviewed and voted upon next meeting. Consultation with B Jones and other DOC’s was suggested concerning certain aspects of the proposed changes

Next meeting set for Thursday, Dec.11 at 6pm.

Motion to adjourn made by C Hjort and seconded by R Sandefur. Motion passes.