LUGER Collection
Updated 02/12/04
1900 DWM Swiss, cross in star on chamber, .30 cal sn 2988 99% blue and straw. All matching numbered parts. Mint bore.$4000
1900 DWM American Eagle, .30 cal sn 8977. Swiss proofed barrel 100% original blue and straw. Very deep eagle. All matching numbered parts.Mint bore$4000
1906 DWM Swiss, cross in shield on chamber, .30 cal sn 12125, Bluing along left side of frame between plate and safety seems to have been removed chemically , other than that 98%. Great bore.$2300
1906 DWM American Eagle .30 cal sn 63158 extractor marked loaded. 99% blue and straw. All matching parts.$1700
1906 DWM Bulgarian 9mm sn 1091 no number on barrel, takedown or sideplate. Extractor marked Geladen safety marked in Cyrillic. Bought Silver Spring Md on 1/29/73. Gun in 100% condition appears never to have been fired. I did not bother to test this one with Simichrome.$3500.
DWM Commercial with stock lug .30 cal sn 27272. Safety marked Gesichert and extractor Geladen. 95% straw and blue. This actual pistol is shown on page 103 of Kenyon. Bought Silver Springs Md on 1/29/73.Price pending
1906 DWM Portugese military M2 marked chamber. 30 cal sn 3269. All parts match, strong bore 95% straw and blue. Probably the best I have seen.$2500
1906 DWM Brazilian .30 cal sn 3747 extractor marked Carregada. 50% straw 90% blue, fair bore. All parts match.-$1650
1906 Vickers Dutch 9mm sn 7120 rework date of 1928 on top of barrel. Coarse grips, Rust safe. Extractor marked Geladen on both sides. Left side proofed crown W, barrel, etc BP. Brass plate marked 3-Inf.V over 7. Nice Dutch magazine, bore shot out, mismatched sideplate. 80% plus overall condition.$3000
1917 DWM Navy 9mm sn 5691 good bore, 90% original bluing 60% straw. Excellent matching birch grips. All parts match except the firing pin which is an unnumbered imperial period pin. Un matched navy magazine numbered 4066+. $2500
1917 DWM Artillery 9mm sn 6360 l Red Nine grips with the left grip a non matching replacement. The branded nine on the left grip is a poor match to that on the original grip on the right. The pistol was acquired by me in the “white” but not buffed or polished. I sent it to Ted Green to reblue which he did. An excellent restoration! All matching except the left grip. $2000
1918 DWM Artillery 9mm sn 6014 98% bluing, 75% straw. Un numbered birch grips all other parts match and are original. The magazine is numbered 3501. $2300
1923 DWM Commercial .30 cal sn 91531 “Loaded and Safe” marked. Professional (factory?) reblue 100%. $1200
1923 DWM Commercial .30cal sn 83044 . Good for parts only.$485
1921 DWM Military 9mm sn 4527a. Military proofs 1921 dated, 100% original condition for the rework. Exquisitely ground chamber under the new 1921 date; no apprentice workmanship here. Mint bore. Bought in Silver Spring, MD on 12/7/72.$1800
1939 Banner 9mm sn 8154v. Left receiver proof Crown over U, bore good, bluing thinning. Perhaps 75% Very Rare $2500
S/42 K date 9mm sn 7090 gothic S , Numerous gothic S on parts, to include plate, sear, takedown, mag release trigger guard. Right frame proofed with B90 and other. All numbers match including the magazine. The magazine is proofed B90 also. Bore is very good, gun retains straw but has been reblued. Bought in Silver Spring MD 12/7/72. $3000
41 Banner 9mm sn 831y eagle N proof only unnumbered barrel. Black bakelite grips and mag. Spotting on left side and plate. Excellent bore. 85%.-$2500 +/-
42 byf 9mm sn 4639c Walnut grips 95% condition all matching parts.-$1100
Artillery Stock Sn 6713i. No leather $700