Charles County Department of Health
Lending Library
As an HMB member, you are welcome to borrow any of the following materials. The list is categorized by the sections in the ScoreCard. We are currently adding new items.
Tobacco Control
- Display Item-A Year’s Worth of Tar Jar
- Demonstration-Simulated Smoker’s Lung comparison (these are real lungs and come with a demonstrator)
- Easel Display- Death of a Lung
- Tri-Fold Display-Smoking-It’s Effects and Hazards
- Tri-Fold Display-Second-Hand Smoke
- Tri-Fold Display-Smoking and Your Baby
- Tri-Fold Display-COPD
- Flip chart-ABCs of Smoking
- Display Item-Life or Death Lungs
- Model-Tar Jar
- Demonstration-Smokealyzer-Detects how much Carbon Monoxide a person is breathing (This device will come with a staff to perform the test)
- Game-Nutrition Clever Catch Ball
- Poster-Rethink Your Drink
- Display-Milk Fat Comparison
- Tri-Fold Display-What You Should Know About Nutrition (My Plate)
- Tri-Fold Display-Eating with Common Sense
- Display-Fizzics of Soda
- Test Tube Display-Sugar Facts
- Test Tube Display-Fiber
- Food Model Display-Amounts of Hidden Sugar
- Easel Display-Amounts of Hidden Sugar
- Easel Display-Amounts of Hidden Fat
- Poster-Rethink the Drink
- Model-Blubber Busters (Shows how extra calories leads to fat gain from certain snacks)
- Tri-Fold Display-Eating Disorders
- Tri-Fold Display-Overweight and Obesity
- Tri-Fold Display-Food Safety
- Model-Blubber Busters
Lactation Support
Physical Activity
- Easel Display-Loss of a Bone (Osteoporosis)
- Game-Exercise Clever Catch Ball
- Model-Osteoporosis vs Healthy Bone
- Measuring Wheel (Measure your walking routes)
Weight Management
- Fat Loss Monitor-Monitors progress in losing fat, measures BMI (Could be used in fat loss competitions)
- Globs of fat and muscle sets
- Poster-Overeating & Overweight
- Display-Visualize Your Portion Size
- Tri-Fold Display-Obesity
- Flip chart-Nutrition
- Demonstration-Body Fat Analyzer (this will come with a staff person to perform the test)
Stress Management
- Tri-Fold Display-What is Stress?
- Flip chart-Stress
High Blood Pressure
- Easel Display-Amounts of Hidden Salt
- Tri-Fold Display-Dangers of High Blood Pressure
- Flip chart-High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
- Model- Artery
- Test Tube Display-Saturated/Unsaturated Fat
- Model- Occluded artery
- Flip chart-Cholesterol
- Model -A1C Levels: An Inside Look
- 3D-Display-The Consequences of Diabetes
- Model-Diabetic Foot
- Flip chart-Diabetes
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack and Stroke
- Tri-Fold Display-What is Cardiovascular Disease?
Emergency Response to Heart Attack and Stroke
Occupational Health and Safety
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Other Health Materials
- Model-Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
- Model-4-piece Bronchus
- Display Easel-Asthma
- Tri-Fold Display-Caution Signs of Cancer
- Tri-Fold Display-Sun Safety
- Tri-Fold Display-Skin Cancer
For additional information about worksite wellness or Healthiest Maryland, please contact:
Angela Deal, CHES, CWWS
Charles County Department of Health, 4545 Crain Highway, White Plains, MD
Health and Wellness Programs
Regional Coordinator (Charles, Calvert, St. Mary's) for Healthiest Maryland Businesses
Tel: 301-609-6885, Fax: 301-609-6691,