No …………………………………………….


Charity number: 1110399 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP

U3A stands for ‘University of the
Third Age’ giving university its original
Meaning of a community of members
with shared interests.
The U3A movement is world-wide. In
The UK there are now over 1000 U3As. Each is autonomous and its study/interest
groups and creative and leisure activities are run by the members themselves.
U3As enjoy the support of a National
Office and there are National events
such as summer schools and conferences
The Sussex Region arranges a
programme of Study Days. / Membership of Battle and District U3A is open to all those who are no longer in full-time employment. No qualifications are required, and none are awarded.
The fee for the full year, commencing on 1st October is £10 per member. This includes membership of the National Organisation, The Third Age Trust. Members receive newsletters and a quarterly national magazine. Most study groups meet free of charge in members’ homes but some incur costs which have to be shared.
The fee is reduced for those joining later in the year and for those who belong to another U3A and pay the full subscription there, as follows:
Standard Other U3A
Full year £10:00 £6.50
Joining Apr-Aug £ 5:00 £3.25
Those joining in September will be enrolled for the following year.

To join Battle and District U3A, please complete the details on both sides of this form and return it, with your subscription, to the membership Secretary:

Mrs Jean Aubrey, 6,Highwoods Ave, Bexhill on Sea, TN39 4NN

Please make your cheque payable to: Battle and District U3A

Full name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Mr.Mrs M/s. Other

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………….Post Code …………………………..

Telephone ………………………………………………… E-mail ……………………………………………………………

I understand that these personal details will be kept on a computer and used by Committee members solely for the purposes connected with the running of the U3A. Please NOTIFY the MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY of any changes to the above details.

Signed ………………………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………

Please also answer the questions overleaf>

I wish the Battle and District U3A to treat my annual subscription as a Gift Aid Donation along with any other donations that I may make. This declaration is to remain active until I notify otherwise.
To be eligible to make this declaration, you need to be paying Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax claimed on your donations.
Only a taxpayer may make this declaration and only for himself or herself. You do not need to complete a form every year, but PLEASE LET THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY KNOW IF YOU CEASE TO BE A TAXPAYER.
Signed …………………………..……… Date ……………………..
(e.g. from a friend, a leaflet, poster, web site etc.)
PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR MAIN INTERESTS AND ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE INCLUDED IN OUR STUDY GROUP PROGRAMME. (Please mention any knowledge or experience that could be of interest to other members)
Would you be interested to lead a Study/Interest Group.
YES NO MAYBE (Please delete as appropriate)
Would you be interested to help run our U3A
YES NO MAYBE (Please delete as appropriate)


Members list / Mailing list
Envelopes / Advised

Membership Form 01.08.2017