Community Action Fareham

Charity Annual Report Format

This format may be suitable for small charities and unregistered community groups

Front Page

Name of Charity

Period of Report

For the year 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016

Presented at the Annual General Meeting on 1st October 2016

Registered Charity Number:



Note: while photographs can be included in a trustees annual report; they are usually not. More often a more descriptive report is presented as a review alongside this report.

It is common for the agenda for the AGM and the minutes of the previous AGM to prefix the Annual Report and Accounts. There are many possible formats that will comply with the Charity Commission’s requirements.

Trustees Annual Report for the year 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016

Name of Charity

Other name by which the charity is known

Principle / Contact Address

Names of all trustees (all voting members of the committee)

If appointed or resigned during the financial year being reported or to the date of approval of the report then the dates of appointment and resignation must be given

Number of members of the association (if an association)

Details of any advisers to the committee

Details (names) of bank accounts

Reference to the Governing Document ,Including the form of constitution

Some detail about how the charity / Community group is governed

Include recruitment of trustees (committee members), training for the committee, meetings

Statement about undertaking records for the group- minutes and accounts

How anyone involved does training, safety, safeguarding and management in the group.
Membership and inclusion

Public reputation

The objects (purposes) of the charity / group

The main activities

The achievements – ie about things to celebrate

How the charity has done public good

Including the value to members, general public

The contribution of volunteers

Publicity achieved

Statement about Risk and internal Controls ie about safeguarding the funds, assets, people and reputation of the charity / community group

Creation and updating of policies

Reserves policy

Rational for any designated funds

Details of any restricted funds

Comment about funding

How income was achieved

How the expenditure has achieved the objects

Investment or savings plan

Appointment of scrutineer (usually appointed by the AGM)

Plans for the future

The Trustees (Committee) declare that they have approved the trustees report above

Signed by two trustees on behalf of the Committee

The committee considered and approved this report on ......

Signature Printed name Role / Designation Date of Signature

………….. ……………………... …………………….. ……………………..

………….. ……………………... …………………….. ……………………..

Statement of Accounts for the year 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016


Fund 1 / Fund 2 / Total Funds / Last year
Sufficient detail in here
Asset or investment Sales
Total Receipts


Fund 1 / Fund 2 / Total Funds / Last year
Sufficient detail in here
Asset or investment purchases
Total Payments
Fund 1 / Fund 2 / Total Funds / Last year
Transfers between funds
Cash funds at end of last year
Cash funds at 31st March 2016

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Fund 1 / Fund 2 / Other
Bank 1
Bank 2
Petty Cash
Total Funds

Other tables would include

Other monetary Assets

Investment Assets

Other Assets owned for the charity’s direct use


Detail / Fund to which the liability relates / Amount due / When due

The Trustees (Committee) declare that they have approved the statement of accounts above

Signed by two trustees on behalf of the Committee

The committee considered and approved this statement of accounts on ......

Signature Printed name Role / Designation Date of Signature

………….. ……………………... …………………….. ……………………..

………….. ……………………... …………………….. ……………………..

Scrutineer’s Report to the Trustees of [Name of Charity / Group]

I report on the accounts of for the year ended……………..

Respective responsibilities of Trustees and Scrutineer

As the charity’s trustees you are responsible for the operation of the charity, keeping records and preparation of the accounts; you consider that regulation permits a scrutiny to be undertaken without the requirement of an audit. It is my responsibility, without carrying out an audit, to scrutinise the accounts and to report to you.

Basis of Scrutineer's Statement

In accordance with the directions given in the charity’s constitution, I have scrutinised the records held by the treasurer and the statement of accounts set out on pages n to nn ......

Scrutineer's Statement

In my opinion the accounts are in accordance with the records provided and comply with the constitution.



