University Charges for Technology Committee Meeting

Spring 08 – reporting on 06/07 expenditures

Assistive Technology Update:

Examples of Assistive Technology Accommodations: (July 1, 06– June 30, 07)

1.  Upgrades or initial acquisition of the following AT software applications:

·  Inspiration

·  Zoomtext

·  Wynn

·  Dragon Naturally Speaking

·  Ease Reader

·  One Note

·  Dreamweaver

·  LecShare

2.  Hardware accommodations:

·  Smart Nav – hands free mouse for student with quadriplegia

·  Marble mouse for library AT rooms (5)

·  Headset/Mics for library AT rooms (5)

·  Digital Recorders (5)

·  Neo Notetaker

·  Quick Link Pen Elite

3.  Peripherals/Accessories

·  Miscellaneous cables/adapters

·  Braille and large print keyboard labels

·  Batteries for 20 donated loaner laptops

·  Jaws tutorials

·  Flash Drives