Table A

Characteristics of reviewed randomised controlled trials

Author and year / n / Intervention group / n / Control group / Outcome measures / Time of outcome assessment
Sex M/F
Mean age in years (SD) / Cancer type, (n) % / Types of cancer treatment,
(n) % / Sex M/F
Mean age in years(SD) / Cancer type, (n) % / Types of cancer treatment,
(n) %
Ledderer et al., 2013 / 19 / 1/18
63.9 / Gynecological (15) 78.9%
Lung (4) 21.1% / Surgery (19) 100%
Further treatment (9) 47.4% / 21 / 1/20
61.1 / Gynecological (15) 71.4%
Lung (6) 28.6% / Surgery (21) 100%
Further treatment (12) 57.1% / 1. Ethnographic fieldwork)
2. EORTC QLQ-C30 and WHO-Five Well-Being Index / Baseline
2 months
12 months
Yang et al., 2012 / 14 / 0/14
52.3 (5.2) / Cervical (13)
Endometrial (1) / Surgery only (1) 7.1%
Surgery + radiotherapy (4) 28.6%
Surgery + chemotherapy (6) 42.9%
Surgery + radiotherapy + chemotherapy (3) 21.4% / 14 / 0/14
52.5 (2.9) / Cervical (13)
Endometrial (1) / Surgery only (1) 7.1%
Surgery + radiotherapy (4) 28.6%
Surgery + chemotherapy (5) 35.7%
Surgery + radiotherapy + chemotherapy (4) 28.6% / 1. APFQ
2. Pelvic floor muscle strength
3. Motor evoked potential of the sacral nerve
4. EORTC QLQ-C30 and CX-24 / Baseline
4 weeks
von Gruenigen et al., 2012, McCarroll et al., 2014a / 41 / 0/41
57.0 (8.6) / Endometrial (41) 100% / Surgery (41) 100%
Prior radiation therapy (16) 39.0% / 34 / 0/34
58.9 (10.9) / Endometrial (34) 100% / Surgery (34) 100%
Prior radiation therapy (12) 35.3% / Von Gruenigen 2012:
1. Weight, height and waist and hip circumference
2. Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire
3. Dietary recalls
4. Survey regarding the structure and content of the programme
McCarroll 2014:
1. Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire
3. BMI / Baseline
3 months
6 months
12 months
Donnelly et al., 2011 / 16 / 0/16
53.5 (8.7) / Ovarian (6) 37.5%
Endometrial (6) 37.5%
Uterine (1) 6.3%
Cervical (2) 12.5%
Mixed gynaecological tumour (1) 6.3% / Surgery + chemotherapy (6) 37.5%
Surgery + radiotherapy (4) 25.0%
Surgery + chemotherapy + radiotherapy (6) 37.5% / 17 / 0/17
52.1 (11.8) / Ovarian (6) 35.3%
Endometrial (5) 29.4%
Uterine (3) 17.6
Cervical (2) 11.8%
Mixed gynaecological tumour (1) 5.9% / Surgery + chemotherapy (7) 41.2%
Surgery + radiotherapy (3) 17.6%
Surgery + chemotherapy + radiotherapy (7) 41.2% / 1. MFSI-SF and FACIT-F
5. BMI, waist circumference
6. 12-minute walk test
8. 7-day PAR / Baseline
6 weeks
12 weeks
6 months
von Gruenigen et al., 2009, von Gruenigen et al., 2008a / 23 / 0/23
54.0 (9.6)b / Endometrial (23) 100% / Surgery (23) 100%
Adjuvant radiation therapy (6) 26.1%
Hormone replacement therapy (1) 4.3% / 22 / 0/22
55.5 (7.5)b / Endometrial (22) 100% / Surgery (22) 100%
Adjuvant radiation therapy (10) 45.4%
Hormone replacement therapy (2) 9.1% / von Gruenigen, 2009:
1. FACT-G, fatigue subscale (-F) and an endometrial symptom subscale (-En)
2. SF-36
3. WEL
4. TFEQ (baseline and 12 months)
5. BDI (baseline and 12 months)
6. Weight, waist circumference and BMI
von Gruenigen, 2008:
1. Leisure Score Index
2. 3-day food records
3. Weight, waist circumference and BMI / Baseline
3 months
6 months
12 months

F, female; M, male; n, number of participants; SD, standard deviation; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; EORTC QLQ-C30, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire; WHO, World Health Organization; APFQ, Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire; QLQ CX-24, specific cervical cancer module; FACT-G, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General; BMI, body mass index; MFSI-SF, Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Form; FACIT-F, Functional Assessment in Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue subscale; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PAR,physical activity recall; WEL, weight efficacy lifestyle; TFEQ, Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire; SF, Short Form Health Survey.

aTrial on the same patient cohort with different outcome measures reported across distinct peer-reviewed journal articles.

bValue calculated (not reported in original study).