1.Public Input


As part of the 2012-2013 Master Plan Update process, Presque Isle Township conducted a survey of property owners and residents within the community. The results of the survey were used to guide the planning process and create a shared vision for the community.


The survey was available online from December 1, 2012 to January 1, 2013. All property owners in the Township were sent a postcard with a password allowing access the survey. Residents who did not own property in the Township were also invited to take the survey, and were given the password on a case-by-case basis. For those without computer or internet access, kiosks were available in the library and Township Hall, with assistance provided by the staffs at those facilities.

Characteristics of Respondents

There were 641 responses to the survey. Respondents were generally older, with 89.3% over the age of 45, and living in small households – 73.0% in households of two people or fewer. Relatedly, only 14.7% of respondents lived in households with children. No children under 18 responded to the survey. These trends among the respondents generally mirror the Township as a whole (see Chapter 2)

70.3% of respondents stated that they do not live in Presque Isle year- round, a higher rate than the general population (which is split approximately 50/50 between permanent and seasonal residents – see the Community Profile Chapter). Of these, 96.2% stated that they spend part of the year in Presque Isle. The “permanent” homes of the seasonal residents that responded to the survey can be found on the map in the Community Profile Chapter.

Out-of-town property owners were asked how much time they spend in Presque Isle in a given year. Table 1.1 shows the responses:

Table 1.1: Length of Stay For Seasonal Residents, Based on Survey Results

Response / Percentage
Half the year or more / 20.6%
Most weekends / 14.0%
Periodically / 45.9%
Rarely / 15.7%
Never / 3.8%

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012

Of the respondents to the survey, 49.5% said they own a single-family home in the Township, while 32.0% own an undeveloped parcel. 17.8% reported that they own a cottage for seasonal use. Only 1 respondent stated that they rent their home, and only 3 stated that they own commercial or industrial property. Most respondents (84.5%) stated that the parcel they own is less than 2 acres.

Survey respondents were also asked to state which area of the Township they live or own property in, based on the following map:

Map 1: Areas of the Township, For Purposes of the Survey

Table 1.2 shows the portions of respondents that reported living in each area

Table 1.2: Percentage of Survey Respondents from Each Area of the Township

Area / Area Name / Percentage
1 / Grand Lake Association / 51.8%
2 / Lake Esau/False Presque Isle / 25.7%
3 / Grand Lake West/Besser / 12.0%
4 / Long Lake East / 7.4%
5 / Long Lake West / 3.1%

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012


Respondents were asked a number of questions dealing with the present and future of Presque Isle Township. The full results of the survey can be found in the appendix, but the key takeaways have been included here, first for all survey respondents, and then broken down by geography within the Township, by age, and by seasonal or permanent resident status.


  • In general, survey respondents were happy with the Township’s website, with 77.7% reporting that they were able to find what they were looking for when visiting it.
  • 58.1% said the pace of population growth in Presque Isle is “just right,” while 32.7% said it is “too slow.”
  • 44.0% rated the Township’s efforts to guide and direct growth as “satisfactory,” with 37.9% rating it “fair” or “poor” and 18.1% rating it “good” or “excellent.”
  • Respondents were more pleased with the Township’s efforts in environmental preservation, with 40.8% rating it “good” or “excellent” and 23.4% rating it “fair” or “poor.”
  • 82.8% responded “all of the above” when asked which of lakefront, woodlands, or wetlands was most important to preserve.
  • When asked what form new retail businesses should take, 49.9% said a “Main Street” style district, with 25.3% preferring “corner stores” mixed in with residential areas and 22.9% preferring “stand-alone businesses.” Very few respondents (1.9%) expressed a preference for a large shopping center in the Township. As for the particular type of stores, grocery stores, recreational sports stores and gas stations/convenience storces were popular, with clothing stores, fast food, and car washes unpopular.
  • Respondents did not report frequent use of the library, with 82.1% stating that they do not participate in library programs. They also reported infrequent attendance at events, except for the Wooden Boat Show and the Independence Day Celebration.
  • Almost half of respondents said there is not enough information available about recreational opportunities in the Township.
  • When asked about the quality of various elements of life in Presque Isle, respondents were very positive about the natural character, the lakefronts, recreational amenities, and the ease of getting around. They were negative about employment opportunities and the lack of communications technology infrastructure.
  • Priorities: Respondents were asked to rate potential Township priorities in several categories from 1 (“Not Important at All”) to 5 (“Extremely Important). Table 1.3 shows the most popular and least popular goals in each category.

Table 1.3: Priorities Responses, Overall

Category / Most Popular Priority / Avg. Rating / Least Popular Priority / Avg. Rating
Transportation / Maintain Existing Roads / 4.34 / Providing more paved roads / 2.26
Housing / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / 2.35 / Setting aside land for multiple-family housing/condominiums / 1.70
Community Services / Protecting the natural environment / 4.13 / Installing streetlights / 2.15
Parks and Recreation / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / 3.93 / ATV/4-wheeler/snowmobile trails / 2.46
Economic Development / Encourage additional retail businesses / 3.28 / Attract additional office businesses to the Township / 2.60

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012

By Geographic Area

Table 1.4 shows the most popular response to several survey questions for respondents from each area of the Township. The geographic areas are shown in Map 1. Some categories were consistent across all geographic areas, while in others priorities were different depending on where the respondent lived.

Table 1.4: Priorities by Geographic Area

Category / Grand Lake Association / Lake Esau/False Presque Isle / Grand Lake West/Besser / Long Lake East / Long Lake West
Transportation Priority / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads
Housing Priority / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / Housing for part-time residents / Housing for young families
Community Services Priority / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment / Access to health care facilities
Parks and Recreation Priority / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses
Economic Development Priority / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional vacation lodging / Encourage additional retail businesses
Retail Design Preference / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style / Corner stores / “Main Street” style
Retail Type Preference / Grocery stores / Grocery stores / Grocery stores / Grocery stores / Grocery stores
Favorite Thing about Presque Isle / Rural character / Lakefront / Lakefront / Lakefront / Rural Character

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012

By Age

Table 1.5 shows a similar comparison, but broken down by age. This analysis is particularly important because even though younger people made up a small percentage of respondents, it is still important that their needs be addressed in this Master Plan.

Table 1.5: Priorities by Age Group

Category / 18-24
year olds / 24-44
year olds / 45-64
year olds / 65-84
year olds / 85 or older
Transportation Priority / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads
Housing Priority / Setting aside land for assisted living facilities / Housing for part-time residents / Housing for part-time residents / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / Setting aside land for assisted living facilities
Community Services Priority / Improving communications technology / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment / Improving communications technology
Parks and Recreation Priority / Walking/biking trails / Walking/biking trails / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses
Economic Development Priority / Increase the number of jobs / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses
Retail Design Preference / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style / Stand-alone businesses
Retail Type Preference / Recreational sporting goods / Grocery stores / Grocery stores / Grocery stores / Recreational sporting goods
Favorite Thing about Presque Isle / Sense of Community / Lakefront / Lakefront / Rural Character / Rural Character

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012

By Seasonal versus Year-Round Resident

Table 1.6also compares the top priorities of different groups, this time by whether the respondent lives in Presque Isle year round or only on a seasonal or occasional basis.

Table 1.6: Priorities by Seasonal/Year Round Status

Category / Year-Round / Seasonal
Transportation Priority / Maintain Existing Roads / Maintain Existing Roads
Housing Priority / Setting aside land for retirement complexes / Housing for part-time residents
Community Services Priority / Protecting the natural environment / Protecting the natural environment
Parks and Recreation Priority / Historical properties, including the lighthouses / Historical properties, including the lighthouses
Economic Development Priority / Encourage additional retail businesses / Encourage additional retail businesses
Retail Design Preference / “Main Street” style / “Main Street” style
Retail Type Preference / Grocery stores / Grocery stores
Favorite Thing about Presque Isle / Lakefront / Lakefront

Source: Presque Isle Master Plan Survey 2012