Character Generation Guide


Several major features define characters in Cold Iron:

·  Attributes
·  Race
·  Meta Skills / ·  Languages
·  Skills
·  Gifts and Flaws

The following sections will outline how a character is generated for a Tékumel campaign.


Characters in Cold Iron have several Attributes. Most Attributes may be improved as the character gains experience. Almost all Attributes that have a maximum value, or potential, that may be reached.

Strength (STR)

Strength is the most important attribute for combat. It affects to hit with melee weapons, limits the size weapons that a character may use. It affects shield parry, and with moderate skill levels, weapon parries.

Dexterity (DEX)

Dexterity is the second most important attribute for combat. It affects all defenses, and all attacks.

Constitution (CON)

Constitution is the third most important attribute for combat. It is used to calculate hit points, which also affect saving throws against poisons, spells that affect the body, and other physical type things.

Intelligence (INT)

Intelligence is used for a variety of non-combat skills. Spell casters also use Intelligence for determining how many spells they may memorize.

Psyche (PSY)

Psyche is the most important attribute for spell casters. It determines how easily a spell is cast, and how hard it is to resist. Psyche is also used to defend against mind affecting spells.

Alertness (ALT)

Alertness is used whenever a character must notice something. It is important in avoiding surprise, and is important for non-combat skills that are based on observation.

Charisma (CHA)

Charisma represents the character's personality and ease of functioning in social and interpersonal situations.

Size (SIZ)

Size represents how massive a character is. Character weight is SIZ*10 pounds.

Magic Points (MP)

Magic Points are also sometimes known as Manna Points. They are especially important for spell casters, but are important to all characters since most common magic items require the user to supply the power. An MP score below 16 is extremely limiting.

Attribute Chart

The following table shows the various modifiers that apply to the attributes. These modifiers will be called out for various secondary attributes and skills.

Attribute Value /
Adj. /
WAdj. /
Pt/L /
Damage /
SzD /
SzHtH /
SzC /
StD / 1-H
STR / 2-H
STR / Nat
SIZ / Magic
1 / -8 / 0 / 1 / 0 / +5 / -3 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 1
2 / -6 / 0 / 1 / 1d2-1 / +4 / -2 / 0 / -1 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2
3 / -4 / 0 / 1 / 1d2-1 / +3 / -1 / 0 / -2 / 3 / 7 / 3 / 3
4-5 / -3 / 0 / 2 / 1d4-1 / +2 / -1 / 0 / -3 / 7 / 11 / 4 / 4
6-7 / -2 / 0 / 3 / 1d4-1 / +2 / -1 / 0 / -3 / 7 / 11 / 6 / 6
8-9 / -1 / 0 / 4 / 1d4-1 / +1 / 0 / 0 / -4 / 11 / 19 / 8 / 8
10-11 / 0 / 0 / 5 / 1d3 / +1 / 0 / 0 / -4 / 11 / 19 / 10 / 10
12-13 / +1 / +1 / 6 / 1d4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -5 / 19 / 25 / 12 / 12
14-15 / +2 / +2 / 7 / 1d5 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -5 / 19 / 25 / 14 / 14
16-17 / +3 / +3 / 8 / 1d6 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -5 / 19 / 25 / 16 / 16
18-19 / +4 / +4 / 9 / 2d4-1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / -5 / 19 / 25 / 18 / 18
20-22 / +5 / +5 / 10 / 1d8 / -1 / 0 / 0 / -6 / 25 / 34 / 20 / 20
23-25 / +6 / +6 / 11 / 2d4 / -1 / 0 / 0 / -6 / 25 / 34 / 24 / 23
26-29 / +7 / +6 / 12 / 1d10 / -2 / +1 / +1 / -7 / 34 / 47 / 29 / 26
30-34 / +8 / +6 / 13 / 1d12 / -2 / +1 / +1 / -7 / 34 / 47 / 36 / 30
35-40 / +9 / +6 / 14 / 2d6 / -3 / +1 / +1 / -8 / 47 / 64 / 46 / 35
Adj. Base modifier or adjustment (example: DEXadj is the adjustment due to Dexterity)
WAdj. Weak Adjustment, used in weak defenses instead of the primary adjustment
Pt/L Points per level (this is used with CON for hit points for example)
Damage Usually used with STR for punching damage
SzD Modifier to Defense for size
SzHtH Modifier to Hand to Hand for size
SzC Size Crit Pro
StD Stationary defense for characters of this size
1-H STR Maximum weapon strength useable in one hand for characters of this size
2-H STR Maximum weapon strength useable in two hands for characters of this size
Nat SIZ Typical SIZ of a natural creature with this STR (and CON)
Mag SIZ Typical SIZ of a magical creature with this STR (and CON)
Point Based Attribute Generation

All player characters are created using a point buy system. The player receives a number of points that are used to "buy" the Attributes and their Potentials. Potentials allow room for the Attributes to grow with the character.

Each of the first seven Attributes starts at 12 with a potential of +3 or 15. For humans, Attributes may not be reduced below 8, or increased above 18.

Potential must range from +1 to +6 for each attribute. The player has 4 additional points to spend on Potential.

MP starts at 22 and may be reduced as low as 6 (for a human) and increased as high as 36. MP has no Potential.

SIZ is calculated as (STR potential + CON potential) / 2, rounding up or down as desired. The player may choose to increase or decrease SIZ one or two points for no cost.

Points may be traded off between the Attributes and Potentials on a one for one basis (except MP, which is traded 2 MP for 1 point).

The player will then apply 6 points to increase attributes towards Potential before play.

A spreadsheet is provided to help calculate the costs of Attributes. The spreadsheet also contains the rules for races with exceptionally high Attribute maximums.


Players are strongly advised to play a human character from Tsolyánu to start with. A player must have GM permission to run any non-Tsolyánu character. Some non-humans may have a Development Point cost to play. Some non-humans also gain extra points to purchase Primary Attributes.


Humans make up the largest population on Tékumel.


N´luss are humans from a neighboring country. They are somewhat taller than Tsolyáni.



Pachi Lei

Pé Choi

Pygmy Folk


Swamp Folk



The following table lists the attribute ranges for all races. The ranges are specified as min-max/max potential. The DP Cost is the Development Point cost to play the race. The AP column indicates how many extra Attribute Points are available.

Race / DP Cost / STR / DEX / CON / INT / PSY / ALT / CHA / MP / AP
Human / 0 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 6-36 / 0
N'lüss / 0 / 11-21/26 / 6-16/20 / 11-21/26 / 6-16/20 / 6-16/20 / 8-18/23 / 8-18/23 / 6-36 / 0
Ahoggyá / 20 / 12-30/35 / 6-14/18 / 12-30/35 / 6-16/20 / 6-14/18 / 10-20/26 / 4-14/18 / 4-28 / +9
Páchi Léi
Pé Choi
Pygmy Folk
Swamp Folk


In Cold Iron, a character's abilities and skills are broadly described by Meta Skills. These skills bundle a set of abilities and skills together. Sometimes Meta Skills might be referred to as Character Classes. Combat and magic abilities are always described by Meta Skills. Almost all characters will have at least one level of the Warrior Meta Skill. A Meta Skill represents a great amount of initial training, so usually a character may not acquire additional Meta Skills after initial creation. Generally, a character may not have more than three Meta Skills. An abbreviation is provided for each Meta Skill. When a formula uses this abbreviation, substitute the appropriate Meta Skill level.

Development Points

Development Points (DP) govern character development. Development Points may be spent on Meta Skills and certain Skills. There may be a Development Point cost to a character's race. Players will be granted a number of Development Points to start their character depending on the campaign (generally, campaigns start at 30 DP). Once a campaign is well under way, the DP used to start a new character will be increased so that new characters are not overly disadvantaged. The GM will generally assign DP to particular skills when awarding it. Most Meta Skills follow the same chart for cost. The chart also lists the usual cost for individual skills.

Skill Level / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / +1
Development Points / 10 / 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 / 320 / 640 / 1,280 / 2,560 / 5,120 / 10,240 / 20,480 / x2
Passive Magic / 0 / 10 / 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 / 320 / 640 / 1,280 / 2,560 / 5,120 / 10,240 / x2
Individual Skill / 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 / 512 / 1,024 / 2,048 / 4,096 / x2

For each level above first in a Meta Skill, the character may increase one Primary Attribute towards its Potential. This increase is called an Augment. Each Meta Skill will indicate the Attributes that may be increased. Some Meta Skills may allow augmenting Hit Points or Mental Hit Points. Remember that a starting character gets six free augments.

A character that has numerous Meta Skills may not earn augments with all skills. The GM may require the character to combine DP from several skills to determine a pseudo-level to determine when augments may be taken. Note that two first level Meta Skills combine for 20 DP which is enough for 2nd level so an augment would be gained, but two 3rd level Meta-Skills would only be 80 DP, enough for 4th level and only three augments, not four. Generally, characters are allowed one track for physical augments and one for mental. Alertness is considered a mental attribute.

If a player desires to augment an Attribute beyond its Potential, the player must roll 1d6. If the die comes up a six, the Attribute is increased one (without increasing Potential), and the player may roll the die a second time. Each subsequent six adds one to the Attribute. The player stops rolling when the die comes up any value other than a six.

Zero Level

Generally, if a character has any skill at all in a Meta Skill, they have first level. Characters without any skill at all simply don't have the Meta Skill. There are some exceptions. Everyone in the world has at least a level zero Warrior and level zero Passive Magic. Other Meta Skills may also be available at level zero, as indicated below.

Aristocrat (Ars)

Tsolyánu has a large bureaucracy and Aristocrats are the people skilled in navigating that bureaucracy. Levels in Aristocrat are required to qualify for various positions in the bureaucracy. Aristocrats may augment INT or CHA. Aristocrats may also have administrative positions in the temples. Diplomats are a specialization of Aristocrat.

Artisan (Art)

Artisans specialize in a particular craft. Players will want to consider the amount of time available to pursue their craft in addition to an adventuring life before indulging in this Meta Skill. Artisans may augment Attributes depending on their craft. Some crafts might even allow some overlap with Warrior skill (for example, a smith).

Any craft skill may be chosen as an individual skill. When chosen this way, the character has some practical knowledge (better than that gained as a Hobby skill) but could not make much of a living at the craft.

Passive Magic (PM)

Any character who is not a Sorcerer or Shaman will have at least one level of Passive Magic. Passive Magic levels cost 1/2 the normal DP and first level costs 0 DP. Characters may augment PSY, MP, or Mental Hit Points (Mpt) with Passive Magic Levels. Additionally, for each level, including the first, the character gains a free augment for MP. Passive Magic is a very basic skill, and primarily is used to compute saves and Mental Hit Points (Mpt).

Sorcerers and Shamans may be awarded DP in Passive Magic. To determine if the spell caster gets additional benefits from Passive Magic, divide the Sorcerer or Shaman DP by two and add the Passive Magic DP. For example, a 3rd level Sorcerer (40 DP / 2 = 20) with 20 DP in Passive Magic is 4th level Passive Magic. This grants an extra Augment (the character may choose not to take the augment now if the character desires to augment INT or CHA when they gain their next Sorcerer level). They also gain 1 additional MP augment. When the spell caster attains the next spell casting level, they do not gain the augment (unless it was held) and only gain 1 additional MP augment. Of course, the character might have earned enough Passive Magic DP to gain yet another Passive Magic level. If the Sorcerer above gains 40 DP in Sorcerer, she is now 4th level Sorcerer, but with 20 more Passive Magic DP (for a total of 40), the character would then be 5th level Passive Magic.

Mental Hit Points (Mpt) are computed from Passive Magic Level as the better of: Level * PSY Pt/L or PSY.

Sailor (Sai)

The crew and officers aboard ship are Sailors. Levels in Sailor are required to hold officer positions on a ship. Sailors may augment INT, ALT, or CHA. A Sailing skill exists that allows characters to be useful on a ship. The Sailing skill will never allow the character to hold a command position on board a ship. Sailors gain skills as Soldiers. Note that many of the crew on a ship are less trained, and just have the Sailing skill and perhaps a level or two of Drills.

Scholar (Sch)

Scholars are usually associated with one of the temples. Scholars delve into the mysteries of the world, and often lead expeditions to ruins and the underworld. Scholars may augment INT or CHA.

Scout (Sct)

Scouts are knowledgeable about the lands of Tékumel and how to navigate them. Scouts tend to be looked down upon by the higher clans, but a good scout might earn favor with his employers and companions. Scouts may augment INT or ALT.

Shaman (Sha or CL)

Shamans are spell-casters who learned their craft in more primitive situations. In most ways, they are treated the same as a Sorcerer but they will have a different spell list.