Character Dress-Up Day!

On October 30th, we are going to become our favorite book characters, and share our characters’ lives with the class!

What is my assignment?


You are going to pretend that your character is visiting Discovery for a day. Your character is allowed to bring one small suitcase with items that represent him/herself to share with the class.

You will need to use a cereal box, shoe box, or other small box, to create a suitcase for your character. Think of the characteristics of a suitcase (handle, luggage tag, possibly wheels, etc.) Make sure you add some of these characteristics to your box to make it look like a suitcase. You must decorate the outside of the suitcase with pictures and/or stickers that represent your character. You must write your character’s name on the suitcase and the title of the book they are in.

Inside the suitcase you need to put the following items:

  1. Either the book your character came from, or a picture of the book.
  2. A self-portrait that your character would have made.
  3. A 5 sentence paragraph that describes why people should read the book that your character is in. Remember, YOU are the character, so your writing should use words like “I” and “me”.
  4. 3 items of your choosing that show us some facts about your character.


You will dress up as your character on October 30th. Your costume should not be worn to school, but brought in a bag so you can change into it. Your costume should show us something about the looks of your character. If you want, you can bring a prop or two to help.


Part of your grade will be how you present your information to the class. You will need to prepare a 1-2 minute report to give to the class. You should tell us your name, what story you’ve come from, and an interesting thing that happened to you from your story. You are trying to convince all of us that your book is the best in the world and that we definitely need to read it! It is very important to practice your speech a little each night so you will be prepared to share it with the class.

How will I be graded?

Suitcase Expectations:

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Outside is appropriately decorated. Character name and book title are included. An effort has been made to make it look like a suitcase. / Outside is appropriately decorated. Character name and book title are included. An effort has been made to make it look like a suitcase. / Outside has been partially decorated. Character name and/or book title may be missing. It may not look as though you tried to turn the box into a suitcase. / Outside has not been decorated. It does not look like a suitcase. Character name and/or book title are missing. / Suitcase not completed.
Contains all four items listed above. / Contains 3 items listed above. / Contains 2 items listed above. / Contains 1 item listed above. / Contains 0 items.
There is evidence of much thought and effort. Your suitcase is creative and looks as though you have worked very hard on it. It is very neat. / There is evidence that you worked hard on your suitcase. There is some creativity. It is fairly neat. / You have done an average job. Your suitcase is done, but it does not show your very best effort. It may be sloppy and does not show creativity. / You turned in a suitcase, but it is definitely not your best work. It looks rushed, thrown together, and sloppy. It does not appear that you put a lot of effort into your project. / Suitcase is not completed.

Oral Report: Oral Communications Grade

A / B / C / D / F
You talk clearly. You pretend to be your character. You show enthusiasm. Your speech sounds prepared. You do not rely on a written speech. / You talk clearly. You pretend to be your character. You have some enthusiasm. Your speech has been practiced, but you still use a written speech. / You are sometimes hard to understand. You don’t pretend to be your character. You sound bored. Your speech has not been practiced. You rely on reading your whole speech. / You mumble and the audience can’t hear you. You don’t pretend to be your character. You have not practiced your speech at all, and stumble while reading the paper your speech is on. / You did not prepare a speech.
You are dressed up. Your costume looks as though you put a lot of thought into it. / You are dressed up. Your costume looks as though you put some thought into it. / You are dressed up. Your costume looks as though you put little thought into it. / You are not dressed up. / You are not dressed up.

When is my project due?

Suitcases due: Monday, October 27th

Costumes due: Thursday, October 30th

Oral Presentation: Monday, October 27th

*You will not dress up for your oral presentation.

**At 1:30, we willhave a grade level living library outside to share our books and characters. (weather permitting)

Parents are welcome to come!