4 characteristics of a state are:





Type of government that divides power between a national and local governments is called a ______government.

Government where the Prime Minister is elected from Parliament is called ______government.

Government where there is only one party/ruler is called a ______.

Government that is responsible to the people is called a ______.

Basic concepts of Democracy:






______was the English ruler who came to power and started taxing and implementing tougher restrictions on the colonists.

The colonists’ first attempt at a government was ______.

______was the father of the Declaration of Independence.

After the war, the ______was the states attempt at governing themselves.


STRENGTHS: (3 of them)






Shay’s Rebellion:

1787, in ______, the states sent representatives to revise the ______. They ditched it and created the Constitution. It is called a bundle of ______. All of the states that were there (except Rhode Island), were worried about themselves.

The father of the Constitution is ______.


New Jersey Plan

Virginia Plan

3/5 Compromise

Connecticut Compromise


Anti Federalists

The first government began in ______in ______with ______as the unanimously elected President.

Define the following:

  • Rule of Law
  • Amendment
  • Formal Amendment
  • Bill of Rights
  • Executive Agreement
  • Judicial Review
  • Checks and Balance
  • Popular Sovereignty
  • Informal Amendment
  • Federalism

Be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What does the Bill of Rights guarantee?
  2. What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he wrote that “the Constitution belongs to the living and not to the dead?”
  3. Which amendment process keeps the Constitution responsive to the people?
  4. The Constitution establishes its authority on what basis (“We the people”)?
  5. The framers compromised on the need for an effective central government and the need for state’s rights by creating what system of government?
  6. The president’s power to veto an act of Congress is an example of what?
  7. Which group of people was responsible for seeing that the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution?
  8. What articles of the Constitution can you find the powers of these branches – Judicial, Legislative, and Executive?
  9. What year was the Constitution ratified in?
  10. The Framers allowed for amending the government in which article of the Constitution?
  11. Who was the only president to violate the 2-term tradition set by George Washington?
  12. The only court created by the Constitution is the?
  13. What is the subject of each of the following articles? Article IV, Article V, Article VI, Article VII

Be able to write knowledgably on the following prompts:

When and why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

Why was the Constitution called a “bundle of compromises?”