President, Dru Woodward, called the conference call meeting to order at 9:12am PST.
Margie BordnerRichard DinionLinda Dinion
Helen CastanedaAprille JohnsonDru Woodward
Marge Quick
4/15/2017 Minutes: Approved as corrected approved by Margie and Marge.
Financial Report: No activity. Balance as of 5/16/17 is $789.96
Old Business:
2018 Convention-Logo was approved by members on Cyberflyers Facebook page.
Fresno Regional- Tabled the themes of the Fresno Regional for the next meeting: already proposed themes of “Together with Duncan”, “Flying Together with Duncan” or “IADCCT and Duncan Together”, could be “Flying High with Duncan”, “Cyberflyers & Duncan Together”. Read email below for “Make and Take” project that volunteers will be needed.
We will need Volunteers for Regional classes and they are three hours each.
Margie and Marge volunteer
Dru posted a picture of the fund raiser T shirts the Cyberflyer Facebook page. There also is an invoice with pricing and sizes, if anyone would like to order.
Don’t forget about the Skype retreat in September meeting. Hope everyone is working on a project.
New Business:
Due to the passing of our Vice President Carol Benner Dru appointed and placed Margie Bordner has the Vice President of Cyberflyers.
Dru will be posting on Facebook or email to accept a new member named Mark Sundie so keep an eye out to vote on this person.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 am PST
Helen Castaneda, Secretary
President, Dru Woodward, called the conference call meeting to order at 9:05 am PST.
Margie BordnerDavid HoffmanArlene Smith
Helen CastanedaAprille JohnsonDru Woodward
3/4/2017 Minutes: Approved as corrected.
Corrections Regional classes are 3 hours not 90 minutes
And other suggestion for Regional was Cyberflyers & Duncan Together
Financial reported $789.86 incorrect S/b $789.96
Financial Report: No activity. Balance as of today $789.96
Old Business:
Fresno Regional- Regular classes are to be three hours each. Arlene suggested an alternative to already proposed themes of “Together with Duncan”, “Flying Together with Duncan” or “IADCCT and Duncan Together”, could be “Flying High with Duncan”, “Cyberflyers & Duncan Together”..
2018 Convention- Since Cyberflyers is the Hosting Chapter for the 2018 Convention, Dru would like us to combine the Make N Takes with Shareware The Pink Flamingos will pair with Southern Stars to oversee the procedure. A vote was taken by Aprille of the Southern Stars members in attendance and the motion approved.
The Plan is per Email:
The Make N Take time is from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm. We expect to have 100 members participating in total, each project chosen will be taught to 20 with 10 at a table. A teacher will be needed for each table therefore two teachers will be needed for each project. There will only be time for participants TO DO 3 of the 5 projects offered. Participants will sign up for the projects they want to do PRIOR to doors opening; on a first come first serve basis and will present instructor with some type of project/class ticket.
-ALL Members of both Chapters are invited to participate in this venture. You do not have to commit to attend convention to participate.
-Any/All Chapter Member/s will submit a finished project piece/s to be taught during the Make N Take session at the IADCCT Convention.
-Teaching the Chosen Project/s at convention will be shared with at lease one other member of IADCCT or more depending upon convention attendance.
-ALL submissions will/may be utilized as Shareware at convention and will be featured in/on the IADCCT Website/Newsletter.
"Make N Take Project" requirements for Convention 2018:
Projects must be completed with Duncan products and on Duncan Oh4 Bisque-from one of the following choices:
#37473 Honeycomb salad plate
#37206 Small egg plate
#37470 Small squrve bowl
#37468 Squrve salad plate
#37203 Martini glass
Submission/s must include a detailed written technique with all supplies needed along with instructions to complete the piece. Include an additional paint supply list that will advise paint needed for 20 participants. You may enlist help from your local Duncan Ambassador to help you with this if needed.
The chosen Project/s will be taught and taken to convention with 1st preference given to the originator. Depending upon convention attendance situation the originator may need to instruct another member/s on his/her technique.
Deadline for submission is AUGUST 1, 2017 TO YOUR CHAPTER PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT. Submission must include written Technique and finished piece - a picture of the completed piece may be substituted for the finished ware if distance is a issue. These will then be submitted to IADCCT for selection. The selections will be completed and advised to your Chapter Officer on or before October 1st.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please contact me.
Dru Woodward
Ph 863-873-0683
New Business:
Dru has pictures of the T-Shirts she came up with and will post them on the Cyberflyers Facebook page. They will be $15 to $20 each with printing on the front and back.
Meeting adjourned at 9:28 am PST
Helen Castaneda, Secretary
Next meeting May 6th
Conference Call Number: United States (515) 604-9300, Access Code 814337#; Canada has the same number as the US; United Kingdom, 443309981256, Access Code 814337# (Dru will be checking to see why access does not work).
President, Dru Woodward, called the conference call meeting to order at 9:03 am PST.
Helen CastanedaMargie Bordner Arlene Smith
Aprille JohnsonDru Woodward David Hoffman
Linda DinionRichard Dinion
01-04-2017 and 2/25/2017 Minutes: Approved as submitted, Roster corrections have been made, please see Cyberflyers Facebook "files" link to print a copy.
Financial Report: No activity since last meetingBalance as of today $789.86 with all expenditures from Convention paid except $50.00 Shareware Award won by Pert Fuller.
Old Business:
Cyberflyer to host a Regional 2018 at Duncan Facility on May 4th, 5th, & 6th 2018, we will need 3 to 4 teachers for 3-4 hour classes, so far Margie Bordner and Dru Woodward have volunteered. Arlene or Dru will ask Dean if one of his staff can help us come up with a logo design after we have theme. We our still working on a theme for the regional and there has been a few suggestions: “Together with Duncan”, “Flying together with Duncan”, “Cyberflyers and Duncan Together”
We have a Cyberflyer Skype Retreat, scheduled for our Sept. meeting 2017. Members need to do a test/dry run with Skype a week or so before retreat. More info closer to event on the dry run.
Conference Call Number:United Stated 515-604-9300 Access Code 814337#
Canada has the same number as the US; United Kingdom 443309981256 Access Code 814337# (Dru will be checking to see why it does not work)
New Business:
Since there has been no contact with Carol Benner, Margie Border was asked to replace her as Cyberflyers' Vice President; she accepted the position.
The Cyberflyer members approved the 2018 convention theme of "Motivate and Educate Together" via our Facebook group "chat" as the previous one decided upon was too repetitious of the 2007 Convention theme.
Arleen and Dru will be checking on pricing, size, and availability of Tee shirts for convention 2018 and will report back to us on their findings.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40am PST
Helen Castaneda, Secretary
President called the conference call meeting to order at 9:12 am PST.
Helen CastanedaMargie Bordner Arlene Smith
Aprille JohnsonDru Woodward David Hoffman
Sylvia Clayton (On computer)
11-05-2016 Minutes: Approved as submitted
Financial Report: Balance as of today $789.86 with all expenditures from Convention paid except 2017 $50.00 Shareware Award won by Pert Fuller. Report accepted
Old Business:
Cyberflyer to host a Regional 2018 at Duncan Facility on May 4th, 5th, & 6th 2018, please see if we can come up with a theme for the regional,we will need 3 to 4 teachers for 90 minuet classes, so far Margie Bordner and Dru Woodward have volunteered. Arlene or Dru will ask Dean if someone on his staff can help us come up with a logo design after we have theme.
Fund Raiser: Cyberflyer'ssoldchocolate candy bars at convention as a fund raiser for $1.00 eachfor a total of $130. Thanks to MT, Margie, Dru, Aprille, Helen for candy donations
Cyberflyer Christmas Skype Retreat 2016 will be posted on the Cyberflyer web site.
Shareware: Winner of the Shareware Certificate was Pert Fuller from Desert Spice Coyotes.
Conference Call Number:
United Stated 515-604-9300 Access Code 814337#
Canada has the same number as the US. United Kingdom 443309981256 Access Code 814337# (Dru will be checking to see why it does not work)
New Business:
We are the Hosting Chapter Chair for convention 2018 and theme will be:
With no contact whatsoever from Carol Benner, Margie Bordner has been appointed and has accepted position of Vice President.
Cyberflyer Skype Retreat, we will have one - scheduled for Sept meeting 2017
Meeting adjourned at 9:30am PST
Helen Castaneda, Secretary
President called the conference call meeting to order at 9:10 am PST.
Margie Bordner Arlene Smith
Aprille JohnsonDru Woodward
Sylvia ClaytonDavid Hoffman
11-05-2016 Minutes: Approved as submitted
Financial Report: Aprille advises that the checking balance as of today is $834.69Report accepted
Old Business:
Cyberflyers'to host a Regional 2018 at Duncan Facility on May 4th, 5th, & 6th 2018, theme needed. Dru mentioned "Fun in Fresno". Members are to bring ideas to next meeting.
Website Members only page no is 603. Dru explained how to get to the page and said she would remind everyone via email.
No one still has NOT heard from Carol Benner. If we do not hear from her by convention we will assume that she has given up her position as VP and a new VP will be appointed at our next conference call meeting.
Cyberflyer's will be selling chocolate candy bars at convention for a fundraiser.
Shareware Certificate will be awarded at convention for $50 reimbursement for furthering education to the winner.
New Business:
Alternate Education Program. Arlene explained what this program is and a little on how to use the program. She also advised that we -IADCCT- will be having a help desk at computer for any one having computer issues of any kind.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20am PST
Dru Woodward, President