Chapter Essentials: NSA Chapter Structure at a Glance

During the 2005 Atlanta Convention a new structure for NSA Chapters was adopted.

Included in this document is information that will help you understand what this new structure means to your chapter.

The Position Paper was created first and then used as a tool to develop the policies - this document will help you understand the logic behind the changes.

The FAQs were created from the questions received during the drafting process and Chapter Policies are the end result.

Summary of the new structure:

Definition of a Chapter:

A geographically-based community of NSA members meeting locally to support advanced professional development, camaraderie and networking.

The focus of an NSA chapter is on NSA members and serving their needs and being responsible with the finances of the chapter. With this in mind, the NSA Board approved a revised chapter structure for a chapter to maintain its charter. The requirements (some new, some have always been there) are:

  • A minimum of 7 board members (five of which are officers) - no minimum set on the number of total chapter members;
  • publish and follow appropriate financial policies;
  • reconcile bank statements to accounts monthly and hold an annual review/audit of its books;
  • must have an independent bank account with a minimum two signers; and
  • Follow an anti-trust compliance statement.

Samples of policies and statements can be found on NSA Web site in Chapter One.

NSA acknowledges the positive contribution that chapters make to the NSA member experience. These communities can play a significant role in the development and retention of NSA members. NSA also acknowledges the importance of established parameters for chapters so that the individual NSA member and the organizations (both national and local) can understand what is expected.

Only National NSA members are qualified to join a chapter and carry the title of "member" in that chapter. There are no "candidate" members; instead there may be affiliates who are participants or guests at chapter functions. Thus, the term “member” automatically means national member.

We are standing by to help your chapter take advantage of the opportunities created through this new structure!

Index of Included Documents:

  • Chapter Structure Position Paper
  • Chapter Policies
  • Chapter Structure Frequently Asked Questions
  • Pre-Charter Application
  • Annual Affiliation Agreement

Position Paper on Proposed Structure for NSA Chapters

Definition of a Chapter:

A geographically-based community of NSA members meeting locally to support advanced professional development, camaraderie and networking.

The focus of an NSA chapter is on NSA members and serving their needs.

NSA acknowledges the positive contribution that chapters make to the NSA member experience. These communities can play a significant role in the development and retention of NSA members. NSA also acknowledges the importance of established parameters for chapters so that the individual NSA member and the organizations (both national and local) can understand what is expected.

Only National NSA members are qualified to join a chapter and carry the title of "member" in that chapter. There are no "candidate" members; instead there may be affiliates who are participants or guests at chapter functions. Thus, the term “member” automatically means national member.

Chapters may choose to support affiliate, candidate or passport-type programs—it is up to the chapter’s local leadership to determine their chapter's role in educating the local market's potential and emerging speakers. Chapters are not obligated to provide this service.

An NSA chapter is not formed for the profit of any one person and is designed to serve the needs of the chapter members. All NSA chapters are non-profit entities.

Guidelines, policies, support levels and affiliation processes have been established for chapters. There are minimum functional expectations that chapters must meet to maintain their affiliation with, and be recognized by, National. Beyond the minimums, each chapter is free to conduct their business in the best interest of their regional members.

Chapters are community and professional development entities. Chapters are not “public relations arms” of National, nor are they to be considered “farm teams” for National. Although both chapters and National will share resources and request support from each other for PR and marketing activities, the primary reason chapters exist—community and professional development—will drive all decisions made regarding chapters.

The following table provides the Functional Structure for NSA chapters (chapters may operate beyond these minimums but never below them). Note: As mentioned previously, the term "member” means that the person holding that title has joined both National, or one of the Federation Associations, and the local chapter—there is no other type of member.

Structure Area / Functional Level
Leadership Structure / Annually elected leadership team or Board made up of members. (Elected as prescribed by individual chapter’s bylaws.)
Leadership Positions: Seven total
(Logic: If you can’t get at least seven local NSA national members to lead a chapter, then either your chapter processes are too cumbersome or you really don’t have the local interest needed to be a chapter.) / President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer plus at least two other voting board or leadership-team members. (While titles may vary – the roles these positions represent must be filled.) Board and any committee chair positions are held only by members.
Volunteer Structure / Committee and Board leadership positions are to be held only by members. Non-members may serve in non-leadership/non-board volunteer positions at the chapter’s discretion. Volunteers serving on committees or assisting at meetings may be appointed from the local Community—it is up to the chapter’s local leadership to determine non-member volunteer involvement at this support level.
Membership / Open to all NSA members. The seven board positions constitute the minimum number of members for a chapter.
Affiliate/Candidate/Passport Programs / Optional – chapter determines this.
Educational Meetings / Membership meetings four (or more) times a year.
Leadership Meetings / Board meets a minimum of once a quarter.
Governing Documents / Bylaws and Financial Policies.
Bank Account / Independent of any one member and in the chapter’s name. Minimum of two board members listed on the account. Monthly reconciliation.
Web Site / Yes, either the chapter maintains a site or a generic page is available through National listing contact details and basic information about the chapter.
Directory (print and/or online) / The chapter chooses if it wants to publish a directory. Chapter’s membership roster sent in annually.
Strategic Plan / Yes
Charter Items Required to Apply / Official charter application includes:
  • Name of new chapter
  • Names of board and officer members
  • Bylaws and financial policies documentation
  • Fiscal-year dates
  • Evidence of independent bank account
  • Basic programming calendar
  • Roster of members
  • Antitrust compliance statement
  • Appropriate fee

Maintaining a Charter / Annual Affiliation agreement:
  • Names of board and officer members for current and incoming year
  • Copy of bylaws and policies documentation
  • Evidence of most recent annual financial reconciliation or audit
  • Evidence of independent bank account
  • Basic programming calendar
  • Roster of members
  • Antitrust compliance statement
  • Updates to basic chapter demographic data as requested
  • Appropriate fee

Incorporation Status / Not Required; however, incorporation may provide certain liability protection for the board and officers of the chapter.
Directors and Officers Insurance / Not Required; however, D&O insurance may provide some liability protection for the board and officers of the chapter. (May be more critical if the chapter is not incorporated.)
Leadership Training / Appropriate chapter leaders are invited to attend CAMPNSA; Convention and Workshop programs
List Serve Support From National / Yes, if the chapter requests

In addition to chapters, there is the opportunity to participate in self-forming Mastermind groups. NSA encourages member participation in these types of groups and has no oversight in their formation or processes.

NSA Chapter Policies

(Adopted July 2005)

A. Definition of a Chapter

  1. A geographically-based community of NSA members meeting locally to support advanced professional development, camaraderie and networking.

B. Territory, Jurisdiction and Chapter Name

  1. The following geographical boundaries may be used to determine jurisdiction: State, City, 80 mile radius. There may only be one chapter within any 80 mile radius.
  2. In cases of jurisdiction concerns during a pre-charter application, the NSA Board will determine final jurisdiction.
  3. In cases of name concerns between new and existing chapters during a pre-charter application, the NSA Board will resolve chapter name concerns.

C. Acquiring and Maintaining a Charter

  1. When a local network of no less than seven members determines they have serious intentions of becoming a chartered chapter of NSA, they may submit a pre-charter application to the national headquarters’ office. The seven members must have been members of NSA for a minimum of 12 months.
  2. The pre-charter application will include:
  • Name of new chapter
  • Names of board and officer members (minimum of seven combined total)
  • Bylaws and financial policies documentation – chapter bylaws must be in agreement with current NSA bylaws.
  • Fiscal-year dates
  • Evidence of independent bank account
  • Basic programming calendar
  • Roster of members
  • Antitrust compliance statement
  • A $100 nonrefundable pre-charter deposit
  • The Chapter Leadership Council (CLC) will review the pre-charter application and grant pre-charter status upon verification that the application is complete and that no jurisdiction concerns exist. The CLC will then forward their recommendation to the Board to grant full-charter status. Jurisdiction concerns will delay, or prevent, pre-charter application until the NSA Board may make a determination on jurisdiction.
  • Pre-charter status will remain in effect until a charter is granted by the NSA Board of Directors at their next available Board meeting. The pre-charter status is not to exceed 12 months.
  1. Once a chapter has a charter, they must renew their affiliation on an annual basis. Each NSA Chapter must file an Affiliation Agreement with NSA Headquarters no later than September 1 of each year.
  2. The annual affiliation agreement will be submitted with the following:
  3. Names of board and officer members for current (or most recent) and incoming year
  4. Copy of bylaws and policies documentation
  5. Evidence of most recent annual financial reconciliation or audit and evidence that the chapter bank account has been reconciled monthly
  6. Evidence of independent bank account – account is in the name of the chapter with a minimum of two signers
  7. Basic programming calendar
  8. Roster of members
  9. Antitrust compliance statement
  10. Updates to basic chapter demographic data as requested by National
  11. A $150 annual affiliation fee
  12. Chapters are not required to incorporate; however, incorporation does provide certain liability protection for the board and officers of the chapter. Directors and officers (D&O) insurance is at the discretion of the chapter; however, D&O insurance may provide some liability protection for the board and officers of the chapter. (D&O insurance may be more critical if the chapter is not incorporated.)
  13. Incorporated chapters are responsible for any annual filing and fees required by their states.

D. Membership, Volunteers and Guests

  1. Membership in a chartered chapter is open to all, and only, NSA members or members of one of the Federation Associations. The required seven board/officer positions constitute the minimum number of members necessary to maintain a chapter charter.
  2. Committee and board leadership positions are to be held only by members. Non-members may serve in non-leadership/non-board volunteer positions at the chapter board’s discretion. Volunteers serving on committees or assisting at meetings may be appointed from the local community by the chapter leaders as they feel it is appropriate.
  3. Chapters may determine if they will allow guests or affiliates to attend or participate in chapter functions.
  4. The term "chapter member” means that the person holding that title has joined both national and the local chapter – there is no other type of member in a chapter.
  5. If a chapter chooses to publish a directory either in print or online, only members may be listed in that directory. Chapter affiliates may appear in a listing that is not included in the printed or online directory.
  6. All chapter membership categories must be the same as national.

E. Membership Recruitment

  1. National encourages NSA members to join, participate and support their local chapters. The relationship between chapters and National is that of mutual support for the positive experience of the NSA member.

F. Leadership

  1. The leadership of a chapter will consist of an annually-elected leadership team or board made up of members. Elections will be held as prescribed by the individual chapter’s bylaws.
  2. At a minimum, all chapters will have the following roles fulfilled on their Board: President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, plus at least two other voting board or leadership-team members. (While titles may vary – the roles these positions represent must be filled.)
  3. Chapter boards will meet a minimum of once a quarter.
  4. Chapter leadership positions are to be held by members only.

G. Educational Meetings

  1. Chapters will hold a minimum of four membership meetings per year. Chapters may hold more meetings but not less.
  2. NSA headquarters will reimburse a chapter $175 once a year for the visit of one of the NSA leadership team officers: President, President-Elect or Vice President.
  3. To receive reimbursement, chapters fax or e-mail to National an expense receipt from one of the above mentioned members and request the $175 reimbursement.
  4. Chapter leaders are invited to attend leadership programs held at national meetings.
  5. CampNSA attendance is by invitation only for chapter presidents-elect.

H. Required Documents

  1. Each chapter will have bylaws and financial policies that are open to view by National and the chapter membership.
  2. At a minimum, each chapter should maintain a basic Web site listing contact information, names of chapter board members and the basic programming calendar. If the chapter chooses not to maintain its own Web site, a one-page site may be provided by the national office under the NSA domain.

I. Logos and Symbols

  1. The NSA Chapter Logo: An individualized logo variation has been created for chapters for use at the chapter’s discretion. Chapters are not required to use this logo variation. The NSA design department will provide art with each chapter’s name. There are no color restrictions for the NSA Chapter Logo, as long as the logo remains easily identifiable.
  2. NSA Chapter Logo Elements: The Chapter Logo is an NSA logo inside of an outlined rectangle. The microphone shape is tinted 15% gray and outlined in black. “National Speakers Association” appears on top of the logo justified to the ends of the rectangle and set in Futura Condensed. The name of the chapter—less “NSA/”—is set at the bottom in Futura Extra Bold Condensed. Minimum size will be 1” wide and the logo must appear in its entirety.
  3. Chapter Use of the NSA National Logo: NSA policy requires that chapter use of the NSA National Registered Logo must be approved by NSA headquarters. The NSA logo may not be utilized by any chapter in a manner that would tend to confuse or mislead a recipient into thinking a document bearing the logo is from NSA headquarters.

Exception: NSA chapters may use the NSA National Logo on their Web site. If the NSA National Logo is used, it must link to the NSA Web site. HTML code to link the NSA logo to is available on request.

  1. Guidelines for Chapters Designing Their Own Logos: NSA policy requires that logos and symbols used by NSA chapters must be compatible with and approved by the national association. If a chapter undergoes a new logo design, a draft of the logo must be sent to headquarters prior to finalizing it.
  2. Individuals enrolled in the chapter affiliate or candidate programs are prohibited from using the NSA logo on their personal materials.
  3. Questions About Logo Use: Questions regarding the proper use of the NSA logo should be directed to the headquarters office of the National Speakers Association at 480-968-2552 or . NSA reserves the right to cancel or prohibit the use of its logo to any chapter or member who violates this policy. In the event legal action becomes necessary to enforce its trademark rights, NSA will seek damages and attorney’s fees from anyone who utilized its trademark in an unauthorized manner.

J. Policy Violation