Chapter 8 Test Review

Chapter 8 Test Review


The following terms will be on the Chapter 8 Test. Use your book, notes, and worksheets to know and study them.

  1. Aaron Burr - Thomas Jefferson’s running mate in 1796
  1. Bill of Rights– first 10 amendments to the constitution
  1. caucuses- meetings Federalists and Republicans hold to prepare for an election, political meeting
  1. Democratic-Republicans- political party that believed in strong state got. And rule by the people
  1. Federalists- political party that believed in a strong national govt, a national bank, and admired Britain
  1. Judiciary Act of 1780
  1. Jay’s Treaty- most Americans felt this treaty was dishonorable because it did not deal with impressment
  1. Little Turtle- leader of the Miami people
  1. national debt- amount of $$ the nation’s got. owes
  1. Naturalization Act- made it more difficult for aliens to become U.S. citizens
  1. neutrality- not taking sides
  1. nullify
  1. Pinckney’s Treaty- Us treaty with Spain that gave Americans free navigation of the Mississippi River and use of the port in New Orleans
  1. political parties- Washington considered political parties dangerous
  1. partisan- favoring one side on an issue
  1. Sedition Act- made it illegal to criticize the govt.
  1. StateDepartment- handles relations with other nations
  1. Treaty of Greenville- Wayne forced Native American nations of Great Lakes region to sign treaty to open Ohio to white settlement
  1. Thomas Jefferson- Republican, 3rd president
  1. Treasury Department- one of the three original departments created by congress
  1. VirginiaKentucky Resolutions- theory of state’s rights and that states may nullify federal laws
  1. War Department- third department created by Congress
  1. Whiskey Rebellion- armed protest over the tax on whiskey
  1. 1st President- George Washington
  1. 1st Vice President- John Adams
  1. 1st Secretary of Treasury- Hamilton


  1. What was the Judiciary Act of 1789?
  1. Why is the Bill of Rights important?
  1. How did the administration that took office in 1797 come to have a Federalist president and a Republican vice president?