Chapter 7:The Jeffersonian Era
- The Rise of Cultural Nationalism— How did the cultural life in the early nineteenth century change in America?
- Patterns of Education
- Importance of a Virtuous Citizenry— What did Republicans believe? How did states respond to the public school system?
- Private Schooling— Who was responsible for private schools? Who could attend them?
- New Educational Opportunities for Women—Who was the “republican mother”? What did this mean for women and education? Who was Judith Sargent Murray and what did she believe?
- Indian Education—What did Jefferson hope that schooling the Indians would do? How did white people feel toward educating African Americans in the early nineteenth century?
- Higher Education—Who had access to higher education? Who did not?
- Medicine and Science—How did the public react to the teaching of anatomy?
- Benjamin Rush— What was Benjamin Rush an advocate for?
- Decline of Midwifery—How did opportunities for women narrow in the early nineteenth century?
- Cultural Aspirations in the New Nation
- Establishment of a National Culture—What other form of nationalism did Americans aspire to form? How did they express their nationalism?
- Noah Webster—Who was Noah Webster? What did he create? What were some obstacles faced by American authors? What was the most influential works by Americans in the early republic?
- Religious Skepticism—How did the American Revolution change traditional forms of religion?
- Deism—What ideas were accepted by Deists? What ideas were rejected?
- The Second Great Awakening— What were the origins of the Second Great Awakening? What were some denominations that contributed to the revival?
- Cane Ridge—What happened at Cane Ridge?
- Message of the Great Awakening—What was the new, basic message of the Great Awakening? How did women play an important role in churches?
- African Americans and the Revivals—How did African Americans react to the Awakening?
- Indians and the Second Great Awakening—What happened to the Indians after the Revolution?
- Freethinkers—What happened to the “freethinkers”?
- Stirrings of Industrialism
- Technology in America—How did technology advance in the United States?
- Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin--What did Whitney revolutionize? Why did African American slavery regain its importance?
- The Cotton Gin’s Impact on the North—What wedged the North and the South? How did Whitney change warfare?
- Transportation Innovations—What are three solutions to a small American market?
- Rapid Growth of American Shipping— How did the market change between the states?
- Robert Fulton’s Steamboat—Why was the steamboat important to expanding transportation?
- The Turnpike Era—What are turnpikes and who built them?
- The Rising Cities—What were some signs that cities in the United States were changing? What were the largest U.S. cities during this time?
- Urban Life—How were people living in cities different than American farmers?
- Jefferson the President—What did Jefferson do between the republican and federalist parties during his presidency?
- The Federal City and the “People’s President”—What was the city of Washington like? How did Jefferson appeal to Americans? How did he use his power of appointment? What happened in 1804?
- Banking and Credit—What role did the national bank play in the economy? What was the problem with state banks?
- Dollars and Ships
- Limiting the Federal Government—What did Jefferson reverse from Hamilton’s presidency? How did he change the armed forces?
- Challenging the Barbary Pirates—What was the conflict between the United States and the Barbary pirates?
- Conflict with the Courts—
- Judicial Review— What is judicial review? What happened in 1803?
- Marbury v. Madison—Why was Marbury v. Madison important?
- John Marshall—Who was John Marshall? Why was he a dominant figure?
- Impeachment of Samuel Chase—How was Samuel Chase impeached?
- Doubling the National Domain
- Jefferson and Napoleon—Who did the territory west to the Mississippi belong to? What did Napoleon how for?
- Toussaint L’Ouverture—Who was L’Ouverture and why was he important? How did Spain break the Pinckney Treaty of 1795? What did Jefferson want Robert Livingston to do?
- Napoleon’s Offer—Why did Napoleon accept Livingston’s proposal?
- The Louisiana Purchase—What happened on April 30, 1830? What were the terms of the treaty?
- Jefferson’s Quandary—How did the president react to the treaty?
- Lewis and Clark Explore the West—Who was a part of the expedition west? What did they do?
- Zebulon Pike—Why is Pike important?
- The Burr Conspiracy
- Essex Junto—Who was the Essex Junto and what had they concluded?
- Hamilton and Burr—How did the Federalists turn to? What happened between Hamilton and Burr? What was the outcome? What happened to Burr?
- Expansion and War—What two conflicts took shape at the end of Jefferson’s presidency?
- Conflict on the Seas—What was the Continental System? How did America react?
- Impressment—What was impressment? What did the British claim the right to do?
- Chesapeake- Leopard Incident—What happened to the Leopard?
- “Peaceable Coercion”
- The Embargo—What was the Embargo? Who became president in 1808?
- Non- Intercourse Act—What was the Non-Intercourse Act?
- The “Indian Problem” and the British
- William Henry Harrison—Which two leaders emerged during the Indian and white American conflict? What was the Harrison Land Law?
- Jefferson’s Offer—What were the two choices Jefferson offered to the Native Americans? How did Harrison conclude the treaties? What two factors allowed the Indians to resist white Americans?
- Tecumseh and the Prophet
- The Prophet’s Message—Who was the Prophet and why is he important?
- Tecumseh’s Strategy—Who was Tecumseh and what made him an influential leader?
- Battle of Tippecanoe—What happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe?
- Florida and War Fever—Why was the territory of Spanish Florida a threat to whites Americans in the south? What happened at Baton Rouge?
- War Hawks—Who were the “war hawks”? Who was Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun?
- The War of 1812
- Battles with the Tribes
- Early Defeats—Where did things go well for the Americans against the British?
- Put-In Bay—Why was Put-In-Bay important? Who was Andrew Jackson and what did he do?
- Battles with the British
- The British Invasion—What did the British do after the surrender of Napoleon? What did they do to Washington? What happened through the night of September 13th?
- Battle of New Orleans—Who was waiting for the British in New Orleans? How did the battle end?
- The Revolt of New England—Who was Daniel Webster? What happened to the Federalists?
- Hartford Convention—What was the purpose of the Hartford Convention?
- The Peace Settlement
- Treaty of Ghent—What was the Treaty of Ghent?
- Rush-Bagot Agreement—What did the agreement provide?