
Chapter 7 Simple Animals p. 133- 155

7.1 Animal Classification p. 134

1. Scientists have classified how many living things? _1.5 million______

2. List 3 traits of animals

A _consumers – can’t make own food______

B. _move around______

C. _multi-cell______

3. Vertebrates animal with backbone_______

4. Invertebrates _animals without backbone______

5. Symmetry _balanced arrangement of body parts______

A. Radial _parts are arranged in a circle______

B. Bilateral _body can be divided length-wise equally____

7. 2 Sponges and Stinging cell Animals p. 137

1. Sponges _invertebrates with pores, no definite shape______

2. Three traits of sponges

A. _live attached to rocks______

B. _live in fresh water______

C. _have pores______

3. Describe how sponges reproduce

_sexual__produce sperm and eggs______

_asexual – part of body breaks off and forms new sponge ; forms buds_

4. Stinging-cell animals _stinging cells, hollow body, lacks organs______

5. Examples of stinging – cell animals _hydra, coral, jellyfish______

6. Tentacles _arm-like parts that surround mouth______

7.3 Worms p. 142

1. Flatworms _simplest worms, flattened body, lacks organs______

2. Tapeworm _flatworm that lives in animal intestines and absorbs food_

3. Explain how humans can get tapeworms __a pig eats tapeworm eggs that hatch inside the pig. The worms form cysts in the muscle. If people eat undercooked meat with cysts, the tapeworm enters the body and grows in the intestine______

4. What is the best way to prevent getting tapeworms

__completely cooking meat______

5. Planarian __freshwater flatworm that is not a parasite______

6. Roundworms _long bodies with pointed ends; parasite in people, dogs and cats

7. Hookworms _roundworm that is a parasite of humans; enter body through feet

8. Anus _opening where undigested food leaves the body______

9. Segmented worms _complex worms that are divided into segments___

7.4 Soft-bodied animals p. 149

1. Soft-bodied animals _soft body protected by a shell; ______

2. Mantle _thin fleshy tissue that makes the shell______

3. Three traits of soft-bodied animals

A. __kind of foot______

B. __whether a shell is present______

C. __number of shells______

4. Examples of soft-bodied animals _clam, octopus, snail______