Chapter 7—Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research



1.A marketing decision support system is an interactive, flexible computerized data storage system that bypasses information-processing specialists and gives managers access to useful information from their own desks..

REF:p. 222

2.The only connection between database marketing and decision support systems is that they both operate on computers.

REF:p. 222

3.The three roles of marketing research are persuasive, reminder, and informative.

REF:p. 223

4.A decision support system (DSS) involves the planning, collection, and analysis of data relevant to marketing decision making, and the communication of the results of this analysis to management.

REF:p. 223

5.When the Witchduck Diner, serving Caribbean cuisine, first opened in Virginia Beach, it drew novelty seekers but few of the several hundred business people who worked within five miles of the restaurant.. The owner's recognition that a problem exists is the first step in the marketing research process.

REF:p. 227

6.To save money on marketing research, a marketing manager suggests the company use the results of a survey conducted last year because similar questions were asked then. The manager is suggesting use of secondary data.

REF:p. 227

7. The quality of secondary data should never be questioned.

REF:p. 228

8.Metasearch engines have proven impractical for most marketing research projects.

REF:p. 228

9.Stuart Marketing Research is gathering information on the way people wrap gifts specifically for a large manufacturer of gift wrap paper that is considering introducing reusable wrapping paper with Velcro fasteners. This information gathered would be an example of primary data.

REF:p. 230

10Brett is researching the effects of advertising dessert products during primetime TV programming. The major advantage of using primary data is that this is probably the only way he could get questions about such a specific topic answered.

REF:p. 230

11.Ashanti Dover is considering mall intercept interview techniques for collecting some primary data. She can choose between computer-assisted personal interviewing and computer-assisted self-interviewing.

REF:p. 231

12.Flora Padjan would be engaged in observation research if she asked people in a discount store to show her what they had purchased.

REF:p. 236

13.The best experiments are those in which all factors are held constant except the ones deliberately manipulated.

REF:p. 237

14.A random sample is a carefully developed probability sample set up to ensure that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample.

REF:p. 237

15.Researcher Susan Brandon was interested in how the human resources department at her company might better address some of the issues facing its students. To collect data on this issue, she interviewed the employees in her department. Brandon has used a random sampling procedure.

REF:p. 237

16.Measurement error occur when the sample who was actually interviewed differs from the sample drawn and the target population.

REF:p. 238

17.An example of a good open-ended question would be, “Do you prefer auburn or blonde highlights in your hair?”

REF:p. 234

18.Among the advantages claimed for cyber focus groups are speed, cost effectiveness, broad geographic scope, accessibility, and honesty.

REF:p. 242

19.Advertising Age magazine just conducted an online survey that asks respondents to answer approximately fifty questions. One of the advantages of online surveys is the speed at which respondents can answer questions as opposed to traditional telephone surveys.

REF:p. 242

20.An Internet bookseller is administering a survey among some of its customers. It specifically chose customers who are college-educated professionals. The bookseller using an unrestricted Internet sample.

REF:p. 244

The bookseller is using a screened Internet sample.

21.Scanner-based research is a system of gathering information on respondents by continuously monitoring the promotions panel members are exposed to and their subsequent purchase behavior.

REF:p. 247

22.Los Hermanos Cafe has successfully operated seven restaurants in the same community for twenty years. Management plans to introduce an egg and cheese breakfast burrito to three restaurants after having success with this product in its other four diners. Los Hermanos Cafe doesn't need to conduct research before introducing the new product to its remaining restaurants.

REF:p. 248

23. The two major scanner data suppliers are Information Resources Incorporated (IRI) and the A.C. Nielsen Company; each has about half the market for single-source research.

REF:p. 247

24.Competitive intelligence allows managers to predict changes in business relationships, identify marketplace opportunities, and discover new or potential competitors.

REF:p. 248

25.Government agencies, newspapers, and trade shows are good sources of competitive intelligence.

REF:p. 249

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