Skeletal System


–axial skeleton

•skull , vertebral column , ribs

–appendicular skeleton

•upper extremities , shoulder girdle

•lower extremities , pelvic girdle


•joints , discs

•growth plates


•Fibrous connective tissueligamentsperiosteum

bone markings – bumps

•bumps for muscle attachments=process






•bumps forming joints




holes and dips in bones












•= cranium + facial bones


–protect the brain , ear

–cranial vault= calvarium

–cranial floor

•facial bones

–protect sensory organs : eye, nose, mouth

–attach facial muscles

cranial bones







facial bones








•inferior nasal conchae

temporal bone

•squamous portion

•zygomatic portion

–zygomatic process

–mandibular fossa

•mastoid portion

–mastoid process

–styloid process

–external acoustic meatus

–stylomastoid foramen

•petrous portion

–inner ear ; internal acoustic meatus

–carotid canal

occipital bone

•floor, posterior wall of cranial cavity

•occipital condylesjoint with vertebral column

•foramen magnumpassage for spinal cord

•basilar portion (clivus)

•hypoglossal canal

•external occipital protuberance

•superior , inferior nuchal lines

sphenoid bone

•greater wing

•lesser wing

•pterygoid processes-medial, lateral

•sella turcica

–dorsum sellae ; tuberculum sellae

–hypophyseal fossa

•optic canal

•superior orbital fissure

•foramen ovale

•foramen spinosum

•foramen rotundum

ethmoid bone

•lateral mass ; orbital plate

•perpendicular plate

•superior nasal concha

•middle nasal concha

•cribriform plate

–olfactory foramina

•crista galli



•mandibular condyle

•coronoid process

•mental foramen

•mandibular foramen

features of skull bones

•occiptal bonefloor, posterior wall of cranial cavity articulates with C1

•parietalprotect brain

•frontalforehead ; roof of orbits; anterior floor frontal sinuses

•temporalprotect ear articulate with mandible muscles for jaw , neck mastoid sinus

•sphenoidarticulates with every other cranial bone unites cranial and facial bones houses pituitary gland (sella turcica) optic canal

features of skull bones

•ethmoidmedial wall of orbit foramina for olfactory nerves (cribiform) nasal septum (perpendicular plate) attach dura, stabilize brain (crista galli)

•maxillafloor of orbit ; part of hard palate teeth maxillary sinuses

•zygomaticlateral wall of orbit ; “cheek” bone

•mandibleteeth ; jaw articulate with temporal bone

•conchaeincrease area of nasal cavity


•sagittal betw parietal bones

•coronalparietal – frontal bones

•lambdoidparietal – occipital bones

•squamousparietal – temporal bones

•occipitomastoidocciput - temporal


•frontal bone






•optic canal

•superior orbital fissure

•inferior orbital fissure

compund structures

•zygomatic archzygomatic bone zygomatic process of temporal

•nasal septumperpendicular plate of ethmoid vomer

•palatepalatine bone palatine process of maxilla

•temporal fossa

holes in front


–optic canalsphenoid optic nerve CNII

–superior orbital fissuresphenoid

–inferior orbital fissureseveral bonesCN V


–supraorbital foramenfrontalCN V

–infraorbital foramenmaxillaCN V

–mental foramenmandibleCN V


–olfactory foraminacribriform plateCN I

holes down under

•foramen magnumocciputspinal cord

•carotid canaltemporalint carotid artery

•jugular foramentemporalint. jugular vein ;CN’s

•stylomastoid foramentemporal

•foramen ovalesphenoidCN V

•foramen spinosumsphenoid

•hypoglossal canalocciput

•foramen rotundumocciputCN V

•foramen lacerum

•incisive fossamaxilla


•paranasal sinusesair filled extensions of nasal cavity make skull lighter





•mastoid sinusno connection to nasal

functions of vertebral column

•weight bearing

•support head

•muscles for trunk and head

•protect spinal cord

•passage for spinal nerve

vertebral terms

•vertebra1 bone

•vertebral columnall bones

•spinal column= vertebral column

•spine= vertebral column

•spinal cordnervous system extension from brain

•namingC1-7 ; T1-12 ; L1-5


•vertebral body

•vertebral foramen=vertebral canal

•protects spinal cord

•vertebral arch




•spinous processSP

•transverse processTP

•articular processes=facets

•intervertebral foraminabetween vertebra , laterally spinal nerves

Cervical spine

•C1 – C7

•small vertebral body

•bifid SP

•transverse foramenhole in transverse process vertebral artery and vein



•vertebral prominens=spinous of C7



•no vertebral body

•lateral mass

•anterior and posterior arch

•joint with occipital condyles

•flex and extend head“yes”

•vertebral foramen - foramen magnum



•dens=odontoid process

•atlas rotates around dens

•rotations of head and neck“no”

thoracic vertebra

•T1 – T12

•attach ribs

•attach musclessupport and move spine

•long SP - angled down

lumbar spine

•L1 – L5

•thick vertebral body + straight SP

•support most body weight

•attach muscles of support and movement

sacrum and coccyx


–fused S1 – S5

–sacral promontorytop surface (meets L5)


–sacral foramina

–sacral crest

–sacral canal

–sacral hiatus


Intervertebral disc

•IVD same # as vertebra above

•“cushion” between vertebrae

•nucleus pulposusgel / water hydraulic pressure

•annulus fibrosusfibrocartilage contains NP

•“herniated disc”

vertebral curves

•lordosisanterior curveC/S L/S

•kyphosisposterior curveT/S Sacrum


–hyperlordosisincreased lordosis

–hypolordosisdecreased lordosis

–hyperkyphosisincreased kyphosis (T/S)

–scoliosislateral curvature

thoracic cage




–jugular notch( = sternal notch)

–sternal angle

–xiphoid process


•functions:protect heart and lungs aid in respiration attach upper extremity muscles for trunk, UE, and neck


•7 true ribsattach to sternum

•3 false ribsattach to rib 7

•2 floating ribsdon’t attach anteriorly

•costal cartilageribs are cartilage anteriorly