Chapter 6 / Sections 1-2 Ancient World History Study Guide

Chapter 6 / Sections 1-2 Ancient World History Study Guide

Chapter 6 / Sections 1-2 Ancient World History Study Guide

IMPORTANT!!! Answer all of the questions, even those you already answered on the worksheets.

Section 1: The Rise of Islam

  1. What language did the Arabs speak and where did they live?
  2. How were Arabian tribes ruled and how were the rulers selected?
  3. What accomplishments made it possible for Arabs to begin to take part in the caravan trade?
  4. What object became the principal object of worship among the Arabs?
  5. As Muhammad grew to manhood, what did he find troubling within his culture?
  6. What do Muslims believe was given to Muhammad while he meditated alone in the hills?
  7. What written document resulted from Muhammad’s revelations from Allah?
  8. What actions show that Muhammad was devoutly religious?
  9. What faults in other people made Muhammad angry?
  10. According to his third wife, Ayesha, what kind of a man was Muhammad? Did he behave like a ruler? Explain.
  11. Define the Hijrah.
  12. What are three similarities between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?
  13. What is a difference between Islam and Christianity?
  14. Name the five pillars of Islam.
  15. Why do the followers of Islam believe they are brought closer to God through their long period of fasting (Ramadan)?
  16. How are the body and the soul, and the gates of heaven and hell, thought to mirror each other during the fast?

Section 2: The Arab Empire and Its Successors

  1. What problem did Muhammad’s death cause in expanding Islam?
  2. Who eventually became the leader of Islam after the death of Muhammad?
  3. What was Abu Bakr’s rule famous of?
  4. Define jihad. AND Explain how the concept of jihad justify conquests by Abu Bakr.
  5. Who eventually became the leader of Islam after the death of Abu Bakr?
  6. What were the characteristics of Arab rule over the conquered territories?
  7. Who was General Mu’awiyah AND what did he do?
  8. Describe in detail the split in Islam: what event prompted the split, what two groups Islam split into, what each group believes in, and why it is important for you to know about the split in Islam.
  9. What territories did the Umayyads attempt to expand to AND how were they stopped in their expansion?
  10. Who created the Abbasid dynasty AND what was the capital of the Abbasid dynasty?