Chapter 5: The Struggle to Found Colonies
1. Roanoke Island was the first English colony.
2. The English wanted colonies in North America to find gold and other resources.
3. What events led to the disappearance of the colony at Roanoke Island? (essay 6 lines)
The colony at Roanoke Island was founded. John White returned
to England for more supplies when the colony ran out. England
and Spain when to war. White could not return for three years.
Upon his return, he found that the colonists had all disappeared.
4. What did Francis Drake do that angered the Spanish?
Raided Spanish ships
5.Charter- a document that permitted colonists to settle on land claimed by their ruler.
6.Stock- shares in a company often sold to raise money for the company.
7. Jamestown settlers did what to avoid starvation?
They farmed the land and dug wells for water.
8. Why was tobacco important to Jamestown? (essay 3 lines)
The colony at Jamestown was founded by merchants who wanted
to make money. Tobacco was a cash crop. It was grown for
9.Cash Crop- crop grown for profit.
10. Indentured Servant- a person who agreed to work for someone for a certain amount of time in exchange for the cost of the ocean voyage to North America.
11. House of Burgesses- the first law-making assembly in an English colony.
12. Northwest Passage- waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
13. Quebec and Montreal were found as a result of searching for the Northwest Passage.
14. Quebec’s growth and success can be contributed to what?
Trading beaver fur
15. What was the result of the Europeans’ search for the Northwest Passage? (essay)
The French and Dutch instead discovered rivers and founded
successful colonies.
16. The Dutch took control of what as a result of searching for the Northwest Passage?
Hudson River
17. How did the Dutch plan the growth of New Amsterdam? (essay 3 lines)
They encouraged people from many countries to settle there so
that lots of people would move to the colony.
18. Why did the Pilgrims choose to leave their homeland?
To practice their religious beliefs
19. Pilgrim- person who journeys for religious reasons.
20. Separatist- person who wanted to separate from the Church of England.
21. Persecution- unjust treatment to a person because of his or her beliefs.
22. The Pilgrims ended up going to Plymouth because a storm blew their ship off course.
23. Mayflower Compact- pilgrims’ written plan of government for their colony.
24. What 3 difficulties did the Pilgrims face at Plymouth?
- winter
- disease
- hunger
25. The Pilgrims survived at Plymouth Colony because of who?
The Wampanoags
26. Why did Pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving, and why did they invite the Wampanoag to celebrate with them? (essay 5 lines)
The Wampanoag showed the Pilgrims how to plant and where to
hunt and fish. After the first successful harvest, the Pilgrims
wanted to celebrate their success and show their appreciation for
the Wampanoag’s help the first year.
27. Puritan- group from England who wanted to purify, or reform, the Church of England.
28. Why did the Puritans send a small group of colonists ahead of the others?
To get a colony started for the others.
29. How were the Puritans similar to the Pilgrims? (essay 4 lines)
Both were persecuted for religious reasons in England, wanted to
change the Church of England, sailed to North America, and
started their own colonies.
30. The Southern Colonies had the longest growing season.
31. Dissenter- a person whose views differ from others’.
32. What happened to dissenters of Puritan rules in Massachusetts?
They were forced to leave their colony.
33.The New England colonies were different from one another because of what?
Their different religious beliefs
34. Why were the New England colonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut founded? (essay 4 lines)
They were founded by people looking for greater freedom,
religious in Massachusetts and both religious and political in
35. What did King Charles II do to get many of the Middle and Southern Colonies started?
He gave away large plots of land.
36. Proprietor- owner.
37. Debtor- person who owes money.
38. What was the importance of the location of the Georgia colony? (essay 5 lines)
Georgia was located between the Carolinas and Florida. The
Carolinas were English and Florida was Spanish. Since Spain and
England were rivals, Georgia helped protect English colonies from
possible Spanish attacks.