Chapter 5 Test B
1. Name the upper jaw bone.
2. Name the lower jaw bone
3. The medical name for the collar bone is what?
4. The knee & elbow are examples of what type of joint?
5. The hip & shoulder are examples of what type of joint?
6. What secretes bone matrix?
7. The joints between the bones of the skull are called what?
8. What type of cell are responsible for bone reabsorption?
9. What type of Fx is an incomplete break of the bone.?
10. What kind of Fx occurs when the bone is broken in multiple pieces (sometimes called shattered)?
II. Select the one best response from the right-hand column for each of the following:
Joint Name Bones Connected
______11. Lamboidal A. the temporal & parietal bones
______12. Squamous B. the occipital & the parietal bones
______13. Coronal C. the 2 parietal bones
D, the frontal & the parietal bones
III. Write the letter for the best response(s) in the blank.
14. _____the purpose of the bone marrow is to:
A. produce blood cells B. produce structural support C. distribute nutrients
15. _____The shaft of a long bone is called?
A. epiphysis B. periosteum C. diaphysis D. canaliculi
16. _____The ends of a long bone are called?
A. epiphysis B. periosteum C. diaphysis D. canaliculi
17. _____ What color marrow is found in the medullary canal?
A. red B. yellow C. grey D. no color (transparent)
18_____ What color marrow is found in the epiphysis?
A. red B. yellow C. grey D. no color (transparent)
19. _____Anchors the periosteum to the compact bone tissue.
A. Sharpey’s fibers B. Volkman’s Canal C. lamella D. Havversian Fibers
20. _____The long bones in the midfoot are called…
A. metacarpals B. metatarsals C. calcaneous D. cuboid
21. _____Another name for the shin bone.
A. tibia B. fibula C. radius D. ulna
22. _____Another name for the forearm bone leading to your thumb.
A. tibia B. fibula C. radius D. ulna
23. _____Another name for the knee cap:
A. calcaneous B. cuboid C. xiphoid D. patella
IV. Short Answer: Identify the drawings.
24. #1; 25. #2; 26. #3; 27. #4 28. #4; 29. #6; 30. # 9
31 – 33. Name 3 functions of bones.
Identify the drawing
___34. / bone #1 / A. Sacrum / A. /___35. / bone # 2 / B. Carpals / B.
___36. / bone # 3 / C. Humerus / C.
___37 / bone # 4 / D. Lumbar vertebrae / D.
___38 / bone # 5 / E. Clavicle / E.
___39 / bone #6 / F. Thoracic Vertebrae / F.
___40 / bone # 7 / G. Phalanges / G.
___41 / bone # 8 / H. Ulna / H.
___42 / bone # 9 / I. Cervical vertebrae / I.
___43 / bone #10 / J. Radius
K. Femur
L. Scapula
M. Ribs / J.
Complete the Chart
Bone Type / Example / Tissue Description44. / Femur / 48.
45. / 49. / Mainly spongy
46. / Carpals / Spongy - Compact
47. Flat / 50. / Compact layer / Spongy inbetween
V. True or False:
51. _____Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of certain bones.
52. _____The zygomatic bones are the cheekbones of the face.
53. _____The master gland of the body (pituitary gland) is housed in a saddle like depression in the temporal bone called the sella turcia.
54. _____Ribs numbered 11 & 12 are true ribs because they have no anterior attachments.
55. _____The layman’s name for the scapula is the collarbone.
56. _____ Costal cartilages join ribs to the sternum.
57. _____The “point of the shoulder” is formed by the coracoid process of the scapula.
58. _____In anatomical position, the lateral forearm bone is the radius.
59. _____There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, & 5 lumbar vertebrae.
60. _____Spinal curvatures that are present at birth are called primary curvatures (the cervical & lumbar curvatures) & those that develop later are secondary curvatures (the thoracic & sacral curvatures).