Chapter 5 Jeopardy

Points / French and Indian War / Acts / People / Colonial Responses / Vocabulary / Miscellaneous
100 / Where did the French and Indian War begin? Ohio River Valley / What act forbid colonists to settle to the West of the Appalachian Mountains?
Proclamation of 1763 / Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty? He was a failure at business.
Sam Adams / What was the most common colonial form of protest?
boycotts / People who don’t take sides in a struggle?
neutral / First fighting of the Revolutionary War outside of Boston was at…
Lexington and Concord
200 / What colonist gained valuable military experience in the war?
George Washington / What act taxed paper documents?
Stamp / Who was the Son of Liberty who was also a lawyer? He was from Boston?
John Adams / What was it called when dummies representing British were put in trees?
Hanging in effigy / Volunteer soldiers?
militia / What was the main cause of the Revolutionary War?
“No taxation without representation”
300 / What Native American tribe became allies with the English?
Iroquois / What act made colonists house British soldiers?
Quartering / Who warned Lexington that the British were coming?
Paul Revere / What was the network of people called who wrote letters telling what was going on in the colonies?
Committees of correspondence / Volunteer soldiers from New England were called…
minutemen / What was the reaction after the quartering act?
Boston Massacre
400 / What was the name of the treaty at the end of the French and Indian War?
Treaty of Paris / What act was the British reaction to the Boston Tea Party?
Intolerable Acts / Who was the speechmaker from Virginia who said “Give me liberty or give me death”?
Patrick Henry / What is it called when people secretly bring something into a country so that they don’t have to pay taxes?
smuggling / To cancel
repeal / Who were the British looking for in Lexington?
Sam Adams and John Hancock
500 / What was the last battle of the War?
Quebec / What act taxed glass, lead and tea?
Townshend / Who wrote plays mocking the British?
Mercy Otis Warren / What was it called when merchants agreed to stop importing goods?
Nonimportation agreements / Another name for loyalists
tories / Who was the King of England at this time?
King George III

Final Jeopardy

  1. What was Benjamin Franklin’s plan for the colonies to join together called? Albany Plan of Union
  2. Who was the African American killed at the Boston Massacre? Crispus Attucks
  3. Who was the British general who sent soldiers to Lexington and Concord? Thomas Gage
  4. What was the name of the war with Native Americans after the French and Indian War? Pontiac’s War
  5. What was the nickname for the British redcaoted soldiers? lobsterbacks