American History 9 (Phelps) Name ______Period ______

Chapter 15 Reading Guide

Section 15.1 Pgs. 488-494

1.  In terms of his attitude and personality, how was Franklin Roosevelt different than Hoover? ______

2.  What three things did FDR’s “New Deal” focus on? ______

3.  What did FDR do to banks almost immediately upon taking office? ______

4.  How did FDR communicate his plan for fixing the banks to the American people? ______

5.  The Glass-Steagall Act created the FDIC- what does the FDIC do? ______

6.  What was the goal of the Federal Securities Act? ______

7.  What was so odd about the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)? ______

8.  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): ______

9.  The CCC, NIRA, and the Civil Works Administration were all basically designed to do what? ______

Section 15.1 (Part 2) Pgs. 492-494

10. Deficit Spending: ______

11. What was the main conservative complaint about Roosevelt’s New Deal? ______

12. Which two New Deal organizations did the conservative Supreme Court declare unconstitutional? ______

13. How did President Roosevelt want to change the Supreme Court to better favor his programs? ______

Section 15.2 Pgs. 495-501

14. Name one thing Congress or FDR did to make life better for poor farmers between 1935-1938. ______

15. List at least five projects the Works Progress Administration (WPA) would take on in order to give people jobs: ______

16. What right did the Wagner Act protect? ______

17. What were the three main parts of the Social Security Act?

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

18. What was the main accomplishment of the Rural Electrification Act (REA)? ______

Section 15.3 (see specific page numbers below)

19. (pg. 506) List two things that show FDR didn’t fully support civil rights for African Americans: ______

20. (pg 507) What types of people were part of FDR’s “New Deal Coalition” that supported the Democratic Party? ______

Section 15.5, pg. 515-519

21. What happened to the economy when he scaled back his New Deal programs in 1937? ______

22. Overall, what did the New Deal do to the government’s role in the economy? ______

23. What impact did the New Deal have on employer/labor relations? ______

24. Tennessee Valley Authority: ______