PSY 200
QUIZ #3: CHAPT 4, 5, 6
4.4 Describe how infant sleep changes in the course of the first year and evaluate the risk factors for SIDS, including the research evidence regarding cosleeping.
4.5 Describe how infants’ nutritional needs change during the first year of life and identify the reasons and consequences for malnutrition in infancy.
4.6 List the major causes and preventive methods of infant mortality and describe some cultural approaches to protecting infants.
4.9 Describe the meaning of maturation, schemes, assimilation, and accommodation.
4.10 Explain how object permanence develops over the course of the first year.
4.11 Summarize the major critiques of Piaget’s sensorimotor theory.
4.15 Evaluate the claim that educational media enhance infants’ cognitive development.
4.16 Describe the course of language development over the first year of life.
4.17 Describe how cultures vary in their stimulation of language development.
4.19 Explain how the idea of goodness-of-fit pertains to temperament on both a family level and a cultural level.
4.20 Identify the primary emotions and describe how they develop during infancy.
Key Terms
neurotransmitter p. 131
axon p. 131
dendrite p. 131
myelination p. 131
synaptic pruning p. 131
plasticity p. 132
sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS) p. 134
marasmus p. 137
depth perception p. 145
schemes p. 148
assimilation p. 148
accommodation p. 148
sensorimotor stage p. 148
object permanence p. 149
information processing approach p. 151
habituation p. 152
dishabituation p. 152
goodness-of-fit p. 163
primary emotions p. 164
secondary emotions p. 164
emotional contagion p. 165
social referencing p. 166
trust-versus-mistrust p. 168
attachment theory p. 168
5.7 Outline the cognitive achievements of toddlerhood in Piaget’s theory.
5.8 Explain Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of cognitive development and contrast it with Piaget’s theory.
5.9 Summarize the evidence for the biological and evolutionary bases of language.
5.10 Describe the milestones in language development that take place during the toddler years.
5.11 Identify how parents’ stimulation of toddlers’ language varies across cultures and evaluate how these variations relate to language development.
5.15 Describe the essential features of attachment theory and identify the four classificationsof attachment.
5.16 Identify the key factors influencing the quality of toddlers’ attachment to their mothers, and explain what effect attachment quality has on development.
5.17 Summarize the major critiques of attachment theory, including the cultural critique.
5.18 Compare and contrast the typical patterns of father involvement with infants and toddlers in traditional cultures and developed countries.
5.20 Identify the characteristics of autism and recognize how autism affects prospects for children as they grow to adulthood.
5.21 Identify the typical rates of television use in toddlerhood and explain some consequences of toddlers’ TV watching.
mental representations p. 187
zone of proximal development p. 190
private speech p. 190
scaffolding p. 190
holophrase p. 194
overextension p. 194
underextension p. 194
fast mapping p. 194
telegraphic speech p. 195
language acquisition device (LAD) p. 196
overregularization p. 196
autonomy versus shame and doubt p. 203
stranger anxiety p. 208
secure base p. 208
separation anxiety p. 208
Strange Situation p. 209
secure attachment p. 209
insecure–avoidant attachment p. 209
insecure–resistant attachment p. 209
attachment p. 209
amae p. 215
polygyny p. 216
autism p. 220
6.3 Identify the main nutritional deficiencies and the primary sources of injury, illness, and mortality during early childhood in developed and developing countries.
6.5 Describe the development of handedness and identify the consequences and cultural views of left-handedness.
6.6 Explain the features of Piaget’s preoperational stage of cognitive development.
6.7 Explain what “theory of mind” is and the evidence for how it develops during early childhood.
6.9 Identify the features that are most important in preschool quality.
6.10 Describe the distinctive practices of Japanese preschools and how they reflect cultural values.
6.11 Describe early intervention programs and their outcomes.
6.13 Describe how children learn pragmatics in early childhood and identify to what extent these social rules are culturally based.
6.15 Describe moral development in early childhood, including empathy, modeling, and morality as cultural learning.
6.16 Describe the roles that parents and peers play in gender socialization and explain how gender schemas lead to self-socialization.
6.17 Describe the four types of parenting “styles” and the outcomes associated with each, and explain why those outcomes are complex.
6.18 Describe the major cultural variations in approaches to parenting.
6.19 Describe the main cultural variations in how parents discipline young children, and explain how cultural context influences children’s responses to discipline.
6.22 Identify the rates and consequences of media use in early childhood.
anemia p. 234
handedness p. 237
preoperational stage p. 240
conservation p. 241
centration p. 241
reversibility p. 242
egocentrism p. 242
animism p. 242
classification p. 242
theory of mind p. 243
sensitive period p. 250
externalizing problems p. 254
initiative vs. guilt p. 254
gender constancy p. 257
gender roles p. 257
gender schema p. 257
authoritative parents p. 259
authoritarian parents p. 260
permissive parents p. 260
time out p. 263
psychological control p. 263
corporal punishment p. 264
child maltreatment p. 265