Chapter 35 - VA Student Responsibilities
1. Each quarter you are required to submit an Enrollment Certification Request Form (ECRF) to the VSO listing all classes you wish to have certified with the VA. This form allows the VSO to initiate certification of your eligibility for educational benefits. The VA does not pay for classes that have not been certified.
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2. The VA requires you to declare a program of study (major). The classes that you register for must be related to that program of study. You are strongly encouraged to work with an advisor to assist you in creating a degree plan. The VA will not pay for classes that do not fit into your chosen program of study, or Online or Hybrid classes if they are under 100 level. However, prerequisites for classes required in your program of study will be covered by the VA.
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3. Classes that have been previously taken and were successfully completed will not be approved for benefits, with some exceptions (See Exceptions handout). Some programs may require a certain grade in order to advance to the next level. In this case, you may be able to repeat the class and have it paid for by the VA. Other exceptions may apply.
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4. The VA requires you to follow the school’s academic progress policy towards graduation from your program of study. ‘W’ grades (called “non-punitive” by the VA) do not qualify for VA payments and may cause you to owe money back to the VA.
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5. If there is a change in your schedule (i.e. dropped classes, switched classes, added classes, etc.), you must notify the VSO immediately. Failure to notify the VSO may result in repayment of tuition to the VA.
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6. If you have attended any college prior to coming to Highline, the VA requires you to provide those transcripts to Highline Community College within two academic quarters. Classes taken and passed at another college may not be certified at Highline, with some exceptions (See Exceptions handout). Failure to provide transcripts will result in delay of future benefit payments.
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7. You must pay for any tuition/fees not covered by your VA educational benefits. When classes are not paid for, the College is legally required to pursue collection. For this reason, Highline requests that you check your student email account every 4 or 5 days for information regarding outstanding balances and other important messages.
NOTE: The Veterans Dependent Waiver is intended for students between the ages of 17 and 26 (for dependents) and surviving spouses of any age. The waiver covers fall, winter, and spring quarters only. Please submit a Washington State Waiver form each quarter you want to receive the waiver. Deadlines are January 10, 2014 for Winter 2014 quarter and April 04, 2014 for Spring 2014 quarter.
By signing this document, I acknowledge and accept the applicable responsibilities listed above.
By initialing here I acknowledge I received a copy of this form: ( )
By initialing here I acknowledge I declined receipt of a copy of this form: ( )
DATE: ______VSO Staff Signature: ______