Chapter 23 Reading Guide

  1. What are the two themes that dominate world history between 1750-1914? Why are they obvious to Stearns?
  2. What specifically was changing politically, socially, and economically?
  3. What three forces were “working to shatter Europe’s claim by the mid 18th century”?
  4. How does population revolution lead to an industrial revolution?
  5. What were the causes and effects of the American Revolution? (as seen by both sides)
  6. What were the causes of the French Revolution (FR)? What was the Enlightenment’s role?
  7. What was Louis’ first course of action?
  8. What work stirred a riot? Why? What did this have to do with the AR?
  9. Who were the radicals?
  10. Why was the guillotine a radical invention?
  11. Who is Maximilien Robespierre and why is he important? (Keep in mind how much time Stearns spends on this; your answer should reflect your reading).
  12. How did the revolution “end”?
  13. How did Napoleon gain control? What was his goal?
  14. What finally ended Napoleon’s power?
  15. What were the effects of the Napoleonic campaigns?
  16. When was the Congress of Vienna? What was it? What policies and political parties spurred from the Congress?
  17. What ignited the Greek Revolution? When was it?
  18. There are lots of important ideas in the last paragraph under “A Conservative Settlement and the Revolutionary Legacy”. Know and understand Andrew Jackson, changes in gender rights in the US and W. Europe, changes in the organization of governments.
  19. Who was engaged in the Industrial Revolution? How did this start?
  20. What social class was protesting? Why?
  21. What is the Chartist movement?
  22. Was there a theme to the revolutions breaking out in the late 1840s?
  23. What ended the revolutionary era in Europe?
  24. What did Pasteur do?
  25. Why were things better after the Industrial Revolution?
  26. Identify: Benjamin Disraeli, Count Camillo di Cavour, Otto von Bismarck. What were their legacies on European governments?
  27. How is nationalism changing?
  28. What was the effect of the American Civil War on the global community?
  29. How was Italy changing and with whom did it start?
  30. In your own words, summarize the change in government and political philosophy happening in this time period. This should be a good paragraph or two.
  31. Where did the feminist movement begin? What were its goals?
  32. Who is Emmeline Pankhurst?
  33. What is “mass leisure culture” and what are some examples?
  34. How did Darwin, Einstein, and Freud change science?
  35. What is the difference between romanticism and what had been done artistically before?
  36. What were the crucial events that promoted the United States as an international power?
  37. How were the settlements in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand the same? How did they differ?
  38. What were some of the causes of WWI?
  39. Who was in the Triple Alliance? Triple Entente?
  40. What is Balkan nationalism and how did it add to the fire of upcoming World War?