Chapter 22: The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760–1851 1

Chapter 22

The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760–1851

Use the following to answer questions 1-16:

Key Terms

1.Industrial Revolution

2.agricultural revolution

3.mass production

4.Josiah Wedgwood

5.division of labor


7.Richard Arkwright

8.Crystal Palace

9.steam engine

10.James Watt

11.electric telegraph cycle

13.laissez faire



16.utopian socialism

17.Why did the Industrial Revolution take place first in Britain rather than in another country?

18.Explain the effects of the agricultural revolution and the Industrial Revolution.


19.What five revolutionary innovations made possible the Industrial Revolution? Give one example of each of these innovations, and describe how each was adapted.

20.How do you account for the spread of industrialization outside of England in the nineteenth century?

21.What was the environmental effect of the Industrial Revolution?

22.Describe the working conditions encountered by women and men during the Industrial Revolution.

23.Why was transportation such a critical feature of the Industrial Revolution?

24.How were colonialism and European imperialism related to industrialization?


25.Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the population grew because of


26.Enclosure was

A)closing factory doors at working time and not opening them again until closing.

B)a closed emigration policy.

C)restriction of common agricultural land.

D)maintaining private garden plots for personal use.

E)a process of closing off rivers for waterpower in factories.

27.What new crop contributed to the agricultural revolution?

A)The potato



D)The soybean

E)The tomato

28.The agricultural revolution was a change in farming methods and crops that resulted in

A)the creation of a large class of landless farm laborers.

B)wealthy landowners taking over communal lands.

C)European population growth as a result of new crops such as potatoes and corn.

D)the introduction of better livestock, soil improvement, and crop rotation.

E)all of these.

29.In rural areas manufacture was carried out through cottage industries, where

A)a factory owner “put out” his workers to work in other factories.

B)merchants delivered raw materials to craftspeople and picked up the finished product.

C)merchants and factory owners collaborated to “cottage” a lower wage.

D)silk and cotton textiles were manufactured together.2

E)workers led an idyllic working life.

30.Which of the following is not one of the factors that gave Britain a “head start” on the Industrial Revolution?

A)It recovered from the plague more quickly than the rest of Europe.

B)It had the largest merchant marine.

C)It was highly commercial, and many people were involved in production and trade.

D)It enjoyed a high standard of living and a “fluid” society.

E)It was the world's leading exporter of tools, guns, hardware, and other crafts.

31.Britain's manufacturing depended on the importation of raw goods from its colonies (as well as enforced trade). Which of the following was not an area of colonization for Britain?

A)North America



D)Near East


32.New forms of energy were important for industrialization, such as

A)horse power.

B)wind and water energy.

C)the steam engine and electricity.

D)hydroelectric power.

E)gas turbine engines.

33.Why was industrialization of continental Europe more difficult than in Britain?

A)Ongoing wars slowed the diffusion of British technologies and discouraged investment in industrial production.

B)Nationalism prohibited trade with other countries.

C)Tariffs (taxes on goods between countries) made transportation very expensive.

D)Europe lacked rivers.

E)Continental Europe had no colonies from which to get raw goods.

34.“Division of labor” in manufacturing means

A)dividing the work force into capitalists and communists.

B)dividing work into specialized and repetitive tasks.

C)using “division” as well as other mathematical functions.

D)having the worker make the entire product.

E)dividing the labor unions in order to weaken them.

35.England began importing raw cotton

A)because the English Parliament banned importation of cotton cloth.

B)because there was no other source of cheap clothing.

C)because it badly needed the raw material for its mills.

D)because its export was stopped by other countries.

E)in order to support the southern states during the American Civil War.

36.Among the new inventions developed to weave cotton textiles was (were)

A)the steam engine.

B)the spinning jenny and the water frame.

C)the power loom and the thread “genie.”

D)the fulling press and the iron “foot.”

E)the rotary weaving engine.

37.According to the chapter, what was not one of the five major contributors to industrialization?


B)The steam engine

C)The division of labor

D)Increased production of iron

E)Innovation in biochemistry

38.Iron production was transformed by Abraham Darby's discovery that

A)machines could do the work of hammering iron better than humans.

B)mills operated with hydroelectric power produced stronger iron.

C)coke could be used in the place of charcoal in the smelting process.

D)taconite was a more valuable byproduct than the iron itself.

E)people worked better for higher wages.

39.A significant contribution to the mass manufacture of cheap metal items was the development of

A)interchangeable parts.

B)lost wax casting of iron.

C)individual fitting together of parts by hand.

D)molded metal.

E)amalgamations of metal known as pig iron.

40.The most revolutionary invention of the Industrial Revolution was James Watt's

A)cotton gin.

B)steam engine.



E)light bulb.

41.The United States was the first country to create commercially viable steamships. This was because

A)Europe had insufficient coal to power steamships.

B)steamships were illegal in other parts of the world.

C)the United States was the only nation with steamship technology.

D)the vast size of the United States made river-based steamships necessary and profitable.

E)the British navy had a policy of attacking steamships in Europe.

42.In continental Europe, industries such as iron, construction, and machinery were greatly stimulated by


B)the Crimean War.

C)the use of slave labor.

D)the increase in literacy.

E)American banking advances.

43.What invention revolutionized communication during the Industrial Revolution?

A)The phonograph


C)The electric telegraph

D)The battery

E)The telephone

44.One profound effect that industrialization had on the world was that

A)Europe and North America were empowered at the expense of the rest of the world.

B)the raw material of Africa made it the center of industrialization.

C)the availability of cheap labor in Asia caused its markets to expand rapidly.

D)Europe went into a slow decline due to worldwide competition.

E)workers' wages and quality of living rose quickly.

45.Urbanization had the greatest impact on

A)the elite, who came to the cities to attend fashionable events.

B)the bourgeoisie, who developed a professional class.

C)the factory owners, who came to the cities to keep an eye on their businesses.

D)the poor, who came to the city from rural areas for work.

E)children, who attended schools in cities.

46.Which of the following was not true of poor urban neighborhoods?

A)They were often filled with overcrowded tenements.

B)There was an atmosphere of filth, pollution, and sewage.

C)The danger of typhus, smallpox, dysentery, and tuberculosis was very high.

D)Most poor urbanites lived in factory-owned apartment buildings.

E)Houses were often mixed in with factories.

47.The most obvious change in rural life during the Industrial Revolution was

A)electrical power.

B)the appearance of new roads, canals, and railroads.

C)an increase in leisure time.

D)a population shift to rural areas.

E)the increase of political power of rural residents at the expense of industrial centers.

48.Factory work represented a radical difference from traditional rural work because

A)women worked outside the home.

B)children worked at simple tasks in factories.

C)husbands worked separately from wives.

D)the family did not work together as a unit.

E)All of these

49.Industrial work had an enormous effect on the family because

A)it provided a steady income for families.

B)work was now removed from the home and family members were separated all day.

C)children were happier in factories than on farms.

D)factory work was safer than farm work.

E)the move to the city made families happier and more stable.

50.Women typically earned

A)as much as men.

B)one-third to one-half as much as men.

C)10 percent of what men made.

D)twice as much as men.

E)nothing, as their service was “tenure” service to the owner.

51.Single women and married women both did factory work but for different reasons:

A)Married women worked if their husbands were unable to support their families.

B)Married women worked if their husbands worked in a dangerous job.

C)Married women worked to put their children through school.

D)Single women worked to make friends and be social.

E)Single women worked for excitement and fun.

52.When child labor laws began to pass in England,

A)children were required to be paid minimum wage.

B)children were required to go to school for a minimum of four years before they could work.

C)factories were subject to regular inspection for health and safety codes.

D)factory owners simply replaced child workers with Irish immigrants, who were cheaper.

E)factory owners refused to hire children or women.

53.In the United States, many factory owners opened their factories with a commitment to decent wages and housing

A)but soon converted to machine-driven looms.

B)but soon rejected female workers in favor of child laborers.

C)but eventually lowered wages and imposed longer hours.

D)and continued to improve the lot of workers.

E)but did none of these.

54.The cotton boom enriched planters as well as manufacturers and

A)led to the decline of American slavery.

B)encouraged the growth of a domestic textile industry in India.

C)made many sharecroppers rich.

D)created a high demand for mulch.

E)created a high demand for slaves.

55.“Business cycles” meant that

A)workers would save their money, invest, and improve their status by owning their own business as entrepreneurs.

B)the rich industrialists would buy all phases of production, from manufacturing to sales.

C)the process of piecemeal work was replaced by the division of labor started by Wedgwood.

D)workers’ incomes and employment fluctuated wildly with the rise and fall in demand for commercial products.

E)workers’ livelihoods were protected by a “social safety net”.

56.The early Industrial Revolution’s real beneficiaries were the

A)the working class.

B)the serfs.

C)wealthy merchants.

D)the landowning gentry.

E)the middle class.

57.With industrialization, the role of middle-class women became management of the home, children, and servants. This was known as

A)the “factory at home.”

B)the “female world of home.”

C)“home, sweet home.”

D)“children, kitchen, and church.”

E)the “cult of domesticity.”

58.In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith proposes that the government should

A)not interfere in business.

B)carefully regulate business.

C)leave business alone, except for enacting protective tariffs.

D)protect workers.

E)carefully allocate resources to ensure their best possible use.

59.Thomas Malthus's explanation of workers' misfortunes was that

A)the population was outgrowing the food supply.

B)workers were immoral and destined to fail.

C)the weak would perish and the strong would survive.

D)workers needed to work harder and longer hours.

E)the government was uncaring.

60.Friedrich List, the German economist, argued that

A)England was unfairly oppressing religious minorities into serfdom.

B)Germany could only effectively compete with Britain by erecting tariffs against British imports.

C)capitalism was doomed to fail in the wake of violent revolution between the haves and have-nots.

D)laissez-faire economics could not work in continental Europe because of nationalist interests.

E)Adam Smith was wrong, and mercantilism was the correct and best economic model.

61.To address the misery of the poor, French socialists proposed that workers form communities under the protection of business leaders; their views were known as






62.Charles Fourier and other opponents of capitalism advocated

A)anarchy in the United Kingdom.

B)a return to manorialism.

C)the wisdom of the mercantile system.

D)a theocracy of Protestant ministers.

E)utopian socialism.

63.Which of the following was not one of the ways in which workers resisted harsh treatment?

A)Changing their jobs frequently

B)Frequently assassinating unpopular factory owners

C)Doing poor-quality work

D)Rioting and going on strike

E)Being absent on Mondays

64.The Factory Act of 1833

A)prohibited textile mills from employing workers under the age of nine.

B)increased wages for all workers of Great Britain and Scotland.

C)granted women equal pay for equal work.

D)created separate guilds for male and female workers.

E)enacted safety laws.

65.As a result of industrialization, the relationship between western Europe and the non-Western world

A)improved through increased communications.

B)worsened through the savagery of the slave trade.

C)remained the same.

D)became based on Western dominance.

E)became dominated by the non-Western world through their monopoly of raw materials.

66.How did industrialization change China's relationship with the West?

A)China's industrialization put it on an equal footing with the West.

B)Industrialization caused Chinese and Western workers to unite.

C)European steam-powered gunboats humiliated China's military.

D)European nations “shared the wealth” with China.

E)Europe demanded massive Chinese immigration for factory work.

67.Why did Britain discourage the efforts of Egypt to industrialize?

A)Britain didn't want Egypt to become powerful and interfere with Britain's empire.

B)To preserve Egypt's historical and cultural heritage

C)Egypt had become allied with Russia.

D)To prevent the spread of Islamic learning

E)Because many British citizens were trying to immigrate to Egypt

68.Britain's main strategy to eliminate competition in trade was to

A)flood the market with cheap goods and drive competitors out of business.

B)start a war, which Britain could win because of its superior navy.

C)suppress all unionist activity that might cause an interruption of productivity.

D)send all the Chartist reformers to Australia.

E)send in saboteurs to destroy other countries' factories.

Use the following to answer questions 69-71:

Geography Questions

69.Using Map 22.1, examine the locations of industrial development, population growth, railroads, and coal deposits. Explain why the Industrial Revolution began in England. What gave England a “head start”?


70.Using Map 22.1, explain the process of urbanization in England and how this correlates with the growth of industrialization. How did urbanization affect transportation development?


71.Examine Map 22.2, and analyze the interconnection between railroads and the growth of trade. Why was there comparatively little industrialization in southern France, Switzerland, Italy, or the Austrian Empire?


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