Chapter 21 Focus Questions:
Essay question: List the three most significant immediate consequences of the Civil War. Justify your selection and indicate which one consequence you think was the most important and why.
**** Make sure you know the chronological order of all the major battles *****
Objective Questions:
1)At the beginning of the Civil War, President Lincoln favored what kind of military action?
2)What did Lincoln hope the Union would capture after a victory at Bull Run?
3)How was the South’s victory at the First Bull Run harmful to its cause and helpful to the northern cause?
4)After assuming command, General McClellan made the mistake of consistently believing what about the enemy?
5)What was the Anaconda (Union War Strategy) plan and when did they come up with it? (3)
6)What is total war and when did we start waging it – after what battle?
7)Why didn’t Britain offer greater protest against the Union naval blockade of the Confederate coastline?
8)What was the most serious Confederate threat to the Union blockade and what happened to it?
9)After defeating McClellan at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Robert E. Lee decided to do what?
10)What was on of Lee’s key objectives in doing the answer to #9?
11)Why would a Confederate victory at Antietam probably win them their independence?
12)How was McClellan able to stop Lee’s advance on Maryland in the Battle of Antietam?
13)What happened to McClellan after the Battle of Antietam?
14)What impact did the Battle of Antietam have on Britain and France?
15)What did the North’s victory at Antietam allow President Lincoln to issue?
16)What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Union?
17)Who did the Emancipation proclamation actually free?
18)What legally abolished slavery in the US?
19)Southern slaves ran away to Union Camps at a rate of ______in ______.
20)How did runaway slaves impact Northern soldiers – what did they become convinced of?
21)What does it mean by saying an “abolition war” – why was that said?
22)How did abolitionists feel about the Emancipation?
23)How did the Emancipation Proclamation impact African-American participation in the Civil War?
24)Identify the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
25)Describe the contributions made by African-Americans in fighting for freedom and preserving the Union.
26)Aside from ending slavery, why did blacks enlist in the Union army?
27)When did the Confederacy enlist slaves into their army?
28)Slaves hindered the Confederacy’s war efforts in what ways (3)?
29)Why did Lee invade Pennsylvania in the summer of 1863?
30)How was the Battle of Gettysburg significant in the war’s outcome?
31)What were the two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil?
32)Why was the Union victory at Vicksburg significant (3)?
33)Who came up with total warfare and what was the consequence of total warfare?
34)What group in the North was most dangerous to the Union cause?
35)Who was Clement Vallandigham?
36)In the election of 1864, the Union party was founded which was a combination of what two groups?
37)Who were the candidates of the Union (Republican) party and the Democratic party in the 1864 election campaign?
38)Why did Lincoln choose Andrew Johnson as his running mate, and why did Lincoln’s re-election appear unlikely?
39)The capture of what two cities was probably critical to Lincoln’s reelection in 1864?
40)What was General Grant’s basic strategy in the Civil War?
41)During the Civil War, Grant lost one man for every ______, and Lee lost one man for every ______.
42)Where did Lee surrender to Grant and what were Grant’s terms?
43)How was Lincoln’s assassination by John Wilkes Booth a catastrophe for the South?