Writing Research Papers Dr. Nick Wang
Chapter-3 Finding and Filtering Internet Sources
Like the library, the Internet plays a role of a major source of research data. It avoids the barrier of distance, but provides the instant access to millions of computer files relating to almost any field. The key to researching through the World Wide Web is to gather credible information that is appropriate for academic projects.
* The Internet Address — Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(A) 1. Discuss the following terms:
(A) 2. Discuss the components of the following Internet address
http://www. Georgetown.edu/library_catalogus.html
* Search Engines
http://home.about.com/index.htm http://www.altavista.com
http://www.clearinghouse.net http://asljeeves.com
http://dogpile.com http://www.google.com
http://mamma.com http://www.yahoo.com
* Conducting a Keyword Search --- keyword search help the researcher to find the title, description, or text of an Internet site. Remember that, searcher engines usually place the most relevant sites first.
(A) Identifying three websites for the “International Space Station”
* Writing Bibliography Notes and Entries--- designing each of the following information
(A) Erin Kimura / “Japanese American Internet Memorial” / Accessed on May 22, 2003 / http://www.scu...... memorial.html
Answer: Kimura, Erin. “Japanese American Internet Memorial.” 22 May 2003 <http://www.scu...... memorial.html>.
“Walt Whitman Collection.”/ Library of Congress Special Collection / May 5, 1998 / accessed July 27, 2003 / http://lcweb.loc...... /261.html
Answer: “Walt Whitman Collection.” Library of Congress Special Collection. 5 May 1998. 27 July 2003 < http://lcweb.loc...... /261.html>.
* Writing Bibliography Entries
(A) write three bibliography notes for the following topic:
Identity theft
* Locating Internet Resources
(A) DIRECTION: Use a search engine to conduct a keyword search for each of the following topic. Be sure to give the entire URL address for each site
1. Website for an article in Discover magazine
2. Website for a university program on child psychology
3. Website on tattooing as a contemporary art form
4. Website for a law journal
5. Resource page for women’s studies
6. Website for a newspaper in California
* Bibliography Entries
(A) DIRECTION: Create bibliography entries for each of the following sources.
1. Write a bibliography entry or keyboard a computer entry for the following Internet site:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Education Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative. “Illinois Early Learning Project.” Copyright date 2002-2003. Accessed 10 February 2004. URL: http://www. illioisearlylearning.org
Answer: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Education Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative. “Illinois Early Learning Project.” 2002-2003. 10 Feb 2004 <http://www. illioisearlylearning.org>.
2. Write or keyboard an entry for this online journal article:
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, by Lynanne McGuire, and others. “Delusions and Delusional Reasoning.” Volume 110, May 2001, pages 259-266. URL: http://www.apa.org...... htm#6
Answer: McGuire, Lynanne, et al. “Delusions and Delusional Reasoning.” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 110 (2001): 259-266. 23 June 2001 <http://www.apa.org...... htm#6>.
3. Write or keyboard an entry for the following online magazine article:
Slate Magazine. “Level Playing Field.” by Richard L. Hasen. January 28, 2004. Accessed 14 February 2004. URL: http://slate.msn.com
Answer: Hasen, Richard L. “Level Playing Field.” Slate Magazine. 28 Jan. 2004. 14 Feb. 2004 <http://slate.msn.com>.
4. Write or keyboard and entry for the following online newspaper article:
May 14, 2001. Accessed on 13 July 2003. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Supreme Court Bars Medical Marijuana.” URL:<http:www.accessatlanta.com...... html
Answer: “Supreme Court Bars Medical Marijuana.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 14 May 2001. 3 July 2001 <http:www.accessatlanta.com...... html>.
Unit Test for Chapter 3
DIRECTION: Match the following terms to the definitions below:
A. “edu” & “org” site F. meta-search engines
B. robot-driven search engines G. World Wide Web
C. Internet H. Keyword Search
D. E-mail messages I. educational search engines
E. subject directory J. subject directory search engines
1. ____B____ A set of search engines that respond to a keyboard by electronically scanning millions of Web pages.
2. ____E____ These directories are hierarchical; that is. They move the researcher methodically to narrower topics.
3. ____G____ The global Internet service that connects the multitude of computers and Internet files.
4. ____H____ Using words that you would like to find in the title, description, or text of an Internet site.
5. ____A____ These Internet sites are domains that are developed by an educational institution or a professional organization.
6. ____J_____ A search engine that is human-compiled and indexed to guide the researcher to general areas that are then subdivided into specific categories.
7. ____C_____ A worldwide computer network that consists of millions of computers and computer files that form a huge library of source materials.
8. _____D____ These messages should be treated as “mail,” not as scholarly articles.
9. _____F____ A search engine that simultaneously queries about ten of the major search engines.
10. ____I____ These search engines provide subject indexes to the various disciplines and subtopics in areas such as history, literature, biochemistry, and so on.
Activity = (A)