Chapter 19: Broadband Radiative Fluxes, Forcings, and Heating Rates
Sally McFarlane, Jim Mather, Eli Mlawer
- Introduction – why are fluxes/heating rates important? Why ARM?
- Earth’s energy budget; characterize radiative forcing at surface/TOA/atmosphere [and resulting impacts on cloud-scale and large-scale circulations]
- “What are the large-scale radiative fluxes associated with observed cloud structures?” [1996 science plan]
- Test characterization of cloud/aerosol/atmosphere/surface properties in the vertical column
- Test radiation models
- ARM provided unprecedented, detailed measurements of all needed quantities
- Clear sky broadband flux closure
- Clear sky fluxes must be known to assess cloud forcing
- Early studies (Kato, Halthore, etc.) showed issues
- Improvements in nighttime offsets, aerosol, surface albedo closure (Michalsky)
- [This chapter will give overview and will link to BB radiometry, aerosol, and spectral chapter chapters as needed]
- ARESE experiments
- ARM’s role in “resolving” anomalous absorption issue
- Development of BBHRP framework & impact on other ARM products
- BBHRP concept as testbed for cloud retrieval development
- BBHRP cases used for CIRC [reference to RT model chapter]
- Other 1D flux/radiative forcing/heating rate activities
- SGP – Mace; Dong; others?
- Charlock - CAGEX/CAVE activities? [ARM-funded?; relevant enough for inclusion?]
- TWP – Mather; McFarlane; Fu; Comstock (Nauru paper)
- NSA – Shupe/Turner; Lubin/Vogelmann; Dong
- Niamey (Slingo, Miller & Powell papers [both > 2009, ])
- COPS (Ebell [2011 paper])
- CLOWD Pt Reyes activities? [not published]
- Observational estimates of cloud radiative forcing [Long et al. methods]
- 3D fluxes/heating rates
- Improved techniques/understanding of 3D radiative transfer [Marshak & NASA group]
- Estimates of 3D effects from ARM data [Veron, Ellingson, others]; impact of unresolved 3D effects in model simulations [Barker, Gautier group, Vogelmann, Cole]
- ARM’s role in I3RC
- Brief mention of 3D monograph
- A look to the future
- Spectral with new SAS [reference to spectral chapter]
- Revisit 3D with new radars
- Future of BBHRP testbed with RIPBE/ACRED, etc.
- Assuming aerosol fluxes/heating rates will be covered elsewhere
- Can papers that are published > 2009 but refer to pre-2009 field experiments be included? [e.g., COPS, Niamey]
Preliminary (Incomplete) Reference List
Clear-sky closure
Anomalous Absorption & ARESE
Uncertainties in modeled and measured clear-sky surface shortwave irradiances
Author(s): Kato, S; Ackerman, TP; Clothiaux, EE; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 102 Issue: D22 Pages: 25881-25898 DOI: 10.1029/97JD01841 Abstract Number: A1998-05-9260-180 Published: NOV 27 1997
Ackerman, TP, DM Flynn, and RT Marchand, 2003: “Quantifying the magnitude of anomalous solar
absorption,” J. Geophys. Res., 108: doi: 10.1029/2002JD002674.
Valero F, A Bucholtz, B Bush, S Pope, W Collins, P Flatau, A Strawa, and W Gore. 1997. "The Atmospheric Radiation Measurements Enhanced Shortwave Experiment (ARESE): Experimental and Data Details." J. Geophys. Res., 102, 29929.
Marshak, A, A Davis, W Wiscombe, and R Cahalan, 1997: “Inhomogeneity Effects on Cloud Shortwave Absorption: Two-aircraft Simulations,” J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16619–16637.
Marshak, A, WJ Wiscombe, AB Davis, L Oreopoulos, and RF Cahalan, 1999: “On the Removal of the Effect of Horizontal Fluxes in Two-Aircraft Measurements of Cloud Absorption,” Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 125, 2153–2170.
The vertical structure of cloud occurrence and radiative forcing at the SGP ARM site as revealed by 8 years of continuous data
Author(s): Mace, Gerald G.; Benson, Sally
Source: JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Pages: 2591-2610 DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1987.1 Published: JUN 2008
Cloud radiative forcing at the atmospheric radiation measurement program climate research facility: 1. Technique, validation, and comparison to satellite-derived diagnostic quantities
Author(s): Mace, GG; Benson, S; Sonntag, KL; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 111 Issue: D11 Article Number: D11S90 DOI: 10.1029/2005JD005921 Published: JUN 7 2006
Cloud radiative forcing at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Climate Research Facility: 2. Vertical redistribution of radiant energy by clouds
Author(s): Mace, GG; Benson, S; Kato, S
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 111 Issue: D11 Article Number: D11S91 DOI: 10.1029/2005JD005922 Published: JUN 7 2006
A climatology of midlatitude continental clouds from the ARM SGP central facility. Part II: Cloud fraction and surface radiative forcing
Author(s): Dong, XQ; Xi, BK; Minnis, P
Source: JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Volume: 19 Issue: 9 Pages: 1765-1783 DOI: 10.1175/JCLI3710.1 Published: MAY 1 2006
Effect of clouds on the calculated vertical distribution of shortwave absorption in the tropics
Author(s): McFarlane, Sally A.; Mather, James H.; Ackerman, Thomas P.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 113 Issue: D18 Article Number: D18203 DOI: 10.1029/2008JD009791 Published: SEP 23 2008
Analysis of tropical radiative heating profiles: A comparison of models and observations
Author(s): McFarlane, Sally A.; Mather, James H.; Ackerman, Thomas P.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 112 Issue: D14 Article Number: D14218 DOI: 10.1029/2006JD008290 Published: JUL 31 2007
Cloud properties and associated radiative heating rates in the tropical western Pacific
Author(s): Mather, James H.; McFarlane, Sally A.; Miller, Mark A.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 112 Issue: D5 Article Number: D05201 DOI: 10.1029/2006JD007555 Published: MAR 1 2007
Impact of clouds on radiative heating rates in the tropical lower stratosphere
Author(s): Fueglistaler, S.; Fu, Q.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 111 Issue: D23 Article Number: D23202 DOI: 10.1029/2006JD007273 Published: DEC 5 2006
Ground-based lidar and radar remote sensing of tropical cirrus clouds at Nauru Island: Cloud statistics and radiative impacts
Author(s): Comstock, JM; Ackerman, TP; Mace, GG
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 107 Issue: D23 Article Number: 4714 DOI: 10.1029/2002JD002203 Abstract Number: A2004-09-9385-039; B2004-04-7710B-060 Published: DEC 12 2002
Radiative impacts of anvil cloud during the maritime continent thunderstorm experiment
Author(s): Jensen, MP; Ackerman, TP; Sekelsky, SM
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Pages: 473-487 DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2002)041<0473:RIOACD>2.0.CO;2 Abstract Number: A2002-22-9260-123 Published: MAY 2002
McFarlane, S.A. and K.F. Evans, 2004: Clouds and shortwave fluxes at Nauru. Part II: Shortwave flux closure. J. Atmos. Sci., 61, 2602-2615.
Cloud classes and radiative heating profiles at the Manus and Nauru Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sites
Author(s): Mather, James H.; McFarlane, Sally A.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 114 Article Number: D19204 DOI: 10.1029/2009JD011703 Published: OCT 7 2009
Jakob C, G Tselioudis, and T Hume. 2005. "The Radiative, Cloud, and Thermodynamic Properties of the Major Tropical Western Pacific Cloud Regimes." Journal of Climate, 18, 1203-1215.
Dong X and GG Mace. 2003. "Arctic stratus cloud properties and radiative forcing at the ARM NSA site." J. Climate, 16, 445-461.
Shupe MD and JM Intrieri. 2004. "Cloud radiative forcing of the arctic surface: the influence of cloud properties, surface albedo, and solar zenith angle." Journal of Climate, 17, 616-628.
Surface shortwave aerosol radiative forcing during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility deployment in Niamey, Niger
Author(s): McFarlane, S. A.; Kassianov, E. I.; Barnard, J.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 114 Article Number: D00E06 DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010491 Published: MAR 18 2009
Title: Overview of observations from the RADAGAST experiment in Niamey, Niger: 2. Radiative fluxes and divergences
Author(s): Slingo, A.; White, H. E.; Bharmal, N. A.; et al.
Source: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES Volume: 114 Article Number: D00E04 DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010497 Published: FEB 25 2009
Miller MA and A Slingo. 2007. "The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Mobile Facility (AMF) and Its First International Deployment: Measuring Radiative Flux Divergence in West Africa." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 1229-1244.
Barker HW, GL Stephens, and Q Fu. 1999. "The Sensitivity of Domain-averaged Solar Fluxes to Assumptions about Cloud Geometry." Q. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc., 125, 2127.
Barker, HW, and 31 others, 2003: “Assessing 1D Atmospheric Solar Radiative Transfer Models:
Interpretation and Handling of Unresolved Clouds,” J. Climate, 16, 2676–2699.
Cole J, HW Barker, W O'Hirok, EE Clothiaux, MF Khairoutdinov, and DA Randall. 2005. "Atmospheric Radiative Transfer through Global Arrays of 2D Clouds." Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L19817.
Han, D, and RG Ellingson, 2000: “An experimental technique for testing the validity of cumulus cloud
parameterizations for longwave radiation calculations,” J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 1147–1159.
Hinkelman LM, KF Evans, EE Clothiaux, TP Ackerman, and PW Stackhouse. 2007. "The effect of cumulus cloud field anisotropy on domain-averaged solar fluxes and atmospheric heating rates." Journal of Atmospheric Science, 64, 3499-3520.
Kassianov EI, YL Kogan, and GA Titov. 1999. "Solar radiative transfer in three-dimensional stratocumulus clouds: the effect of vertical inhomogeneity." Atmospheric Oceanic Optics, 12, .
Lane DE, K Goris, and RC Somerville. 2002. "Radiative Transfer through Broken Clouds: Observations and Model Validation." J. Climate, 15, 2921-2933.
McComiskey A, P Ricchiazzi, and C Gautier. 2006. "Assessment of a three-dimensional model for atmospheric radiative transfer over heterogenous land cover." Geophysical Research Letters, 33, .
O'Hirok W and C Gautier. 1998. "A Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Model to Investigate the Solar Radiation Within a Cloudy Atmosphere Part II: Spectral Effects." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55(19), 3065-3076.
O�Hirok W and C Gautier. 1998. "A Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Model to Investigate the Solar Radiation within a Cloudy Atmosphere. Part I: Spatial Effects." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55, 2162-2179.
Pincus R, C Hannay, and KF Evans. 2005. "The accuracy of determining three-dimensional radiative transfer effects in cumulus clouds using ground-based profiling instruments." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 62, 2284-2293.
Ricchiazzi P, A Payton, and C Gautier. 2002. "A test of three-dimensional radiative transfer simulation using the radiance signatures and contrasts at a high latitude coastal site." J. Geophys. Res., 107, doi:10.1029/2001JD001166.
Vogelmann AM, V Ramanathan, and IA Podgorny. 2001. "Scale Dependence of Solar Heating Rates in Convective Cloud Systems with Implications to General Circulation Models." J. Climate, 14, 1738-1752.
Shi L. 1994. "Cloud Radiative Forcing on Surface Shortwave Fluxes: A Study Based on Cloud Lidar and Radar Exploratory Test." J. Geophys Res, 99, 25909-25919.
Xu K-M and DA Randall. 1995. "Impact of Interactive Radiative Transfer on the Macroscopic Behavior of Explicitly Simulated Cumulus Ensembles. Part 1: Radiation Parameterization and Sensitivity Tests." J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 785-799.
Xu K-M and DA Randall. 1995. "Impact of Interactive Radiative Transfer on the Macroscopic Behavior of Explicitly Simulated Cumulus Ensembles. Part 2: Mechanisms for Cloud-Radiation Interactions." J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 800-817.