Chapter 13 Symbolism
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children”
- What does the spider woman symbolize?
- The old man performs miracles in the untraditional sense: for example, he is responsible for the blind man growing three new teeth. What does this symbolize?
- In the end, the angel is able to fly away. What does his departure symbolize?
Jhumpa Lahiri, “This Blessed House”
- Why does Twinkle collect the Christian symbols even though she is not Christian?
- What does a housewarming traditionally signify in American culture? Why is it important for Sanjeev that the housewarming goes well?
- Why does Sanjeev decide not to argue with Twinkle about the statue?
Shirley Jackson, “The Lottery”
- Why do the villagers keep using the black box?
- Why has the salute been allowed to fall out of the lottery ceremony?
- Mr. Adams notes that in the north village people are thinking of giving up the lottery. How does this discussion draw on tropes about conflicts between generations? Once it is revealed what the lottery is for, how is our perception of this discussion altered?
Jimmy Santiago Baca, “Green Chile,” Peter Meinke, “Sunday at the Apple Market”
These two poems use food as symbols. In what ways do the poets draw on tropes about food? How do they complicate common symbolic meanings associated with food?
Matthew Arnold, ‘DoverBeach,” e.e. cummings [anyone lived in a pretty how town], Seamus Heaney, “Valediction,” William Butler Yeats, “The Wild Swans at colle’
These poets use the natural world as symbols for emotions. Compare and contrast their techniques and themes.
Emily Dickinson, [The Soul selects her own Society--], Seamus Heaney, “Valediction,” Sharon Olds, “The Possessive,” Alice Walker, “Women,” Walt Whitman, “There Was a Child Went Forth,” and William Carlos Willams, “At the Ball Game”
These poets both challenge and support conventional symbolic meanings associated with types of people, or aspects of humanity. Note their similarities and differences as you compare these poems.
Arthur Miller, “Death of a Salesman”
- What does the Chevvy symbolize?
- An unspoken character in the play is the “American Dream.” Consider how the American Dream is contemplated and expressed through each character.
- How is The Woman also a symbol? What does she symbolize for Willy? For Biff?